
InvalidRoleException Class

The service role ARN was specified in an invalid format. Or, if an Auto Scaling group was specified, the specified service role does not grant the appropriate permissions to Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.


$fault Required"client"
$metadata RequiredResponseMetadata
$response RequiredHttpResponse
$retryable RequiredRetryableTrait
(constructor) Requiredconstructor(options: ServiceExceptionOptions)
Constructs a new instance of the ServiceException class
[Symbol.hasInstance] Requiredstatic Symbol.hasInstance: boolean
Custom instanceof check to support the operator for ServiceException base class
isInstance Requiredstatic isInstance(value: unknown): value is ServiceException
Checks if a value is an instance of ServiceException (duck typed)
name Required"InvalidRoleException"

Full Signature

export declare class InvalidRoleException extends CodeDeployServiceException