
DescribeGameSessionDetailsCommandInput Interface


AliasId string | undefined

A unique identifier for the alias associated with the fleet to retrieve all game sessions for. You can use either the alias ID or ARN value.

FleetId string | undefined

A unique identifier for the fleet to retrieve all game sessions active on the fleet. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.

GameSessionId string | undefined

A unique identifier for the game session to retrieve.

Limit number | undefined

The maximum number of results to return. Use this parameter with NextToken to get results as a set of sequential pages.

Location string | undefined

A fleet location to get game session details for. You can specify a fleet's home Region or a remote location. Use the Amazon Web Services Region code format, such as us-west-2.

NextToken string | undefined

A token that indicates the start of the next sequential page of results. Use the token that is returned with a previous call to this operation. To start at the beginning of the result set, do not specify a value.

StatusFilter string | undefined

Game session status to filter results on. Possible game session statuses include ACTIVE, TERMINATED, ACTIVATING and TERMINATING (the last two are transitory).

Full Signature

export interface DescribeGameSessionDetailsCommandInput extends DescribeGameSessionDetailsInput