
CreateIntegrationCommandOutput Interface


$metadata RequiredResponseMetadata
Metadata pertaining to this request.
CreateTime RequiredDate | undefined

The time when the integration was created, in UTC.

IntegrationArn Requiredstring | undefined

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the created integration.

IntegrationName Requiredstring | undefined

A unique name for an integration in Glue.

SourceArn Requiredstring | undefined

The ARN of the source resource for the integration.

Status RequiredIntegrationStatus | undefined

The status of the integration being created.

The possible statuses are:

  • CREATING: The integration is being created.

  • ACTIVE: The integration creation succeeds.

  • MODIFYING: The integration is being modified.

  • FAILED: The integration creation fails.

  • DELETING: The integration is deleted.

  • SYNCING: The integration is synchronizing.

  • NEEDS_ATTENTION: The integration needs attention, such as synchronization.

TargetArn Requiredstring | undefined

The ARN of the target resource for the integration.

AdditionalEncryptionContext Record<string, string> | undefined

An optional set of non-secret key–value pairs that contains additional contextual information for encryption.

DataFilter string | undefined

Selects source tables for the integration using Maxwell filter syntax.

Description string | undefined

A description of the integration.

Errors IntegrationError[] | undefined

A list of errors associated with the integration creation.

KmsKeyId string | undefined

The ARN of a KMS key used for encrypting the channel.

Tags Tag[] | undefined

Metadata assigned to the resource consisting of a list of key-value pairs.

Full Signature

export interface CreateIntegrationCommandOutput extends CreateIntegrationResponse, MetadataBearer