
ResourceInUseException Class

When the input StreamARN or ChannelARN in CLOUD_STORAGE_MODE is already mapped to a different Kinesis Video Stream resource, or if the provided input StreamARN or ChannelARN is not in Active status, try one of the following :

  1. The DescribeMediaStorageConfiguration API to determine what the stream given channel is mapped to.

  2. The DescribeMappedResourceConfiguration API to determine the channel that the given stream is mapped to.

  3. The DescribeStream or DescribeSignalingChannel API to determine the status of the resource.


$fault Required"client"
$metadata RequiredResponseMetadata
$response RequiredHttpResponse
$retryable RequiredRetryableTrait
(constructor) Requiredconstructor(options: ServiceExceptionOptions)
Constructs a new instance of the ServiceException class
Message Requiredstring | undefined
[Symbol.hasInstance] Requiredstatic Symbol.hasInstance: boolean
Custom instanceof check to support the operator for ServiceException base class
isInstance Requiredstatic isInstance(value: unknown): value is ServiceException
Checks if a value is an instance of ServiceException (duck typed)
name Required"ResourceInUseException"

Full Signature

export declare class ResourceInUseException extends KinesisVideoServiceException