
DataCellsFilter Interface

A structure that describes certain columns on certain rows.


DatabaseName Requiredstring | undefined

A database in the Glue Data Catalog.

Name Requiredstring | undefined

The name given by the user to the data filter cell.

TableCatalogId Requiredstring | undefined

The ID of the catalog to which the table belongs.

TableName Requiredstring | undefined

A table in the database.

ColumnNames string[] | undefined

A list of column names and/or nested column attributes. When specifying nested attributes, use a qualified dot (.) delimited format such as "address"."zip". Nested attributes within this list may not exceed a depth of 5.

ColumnWildcard ColumnWildcard | undefined

A wildcard with exclusions.

You must specify either a ColumnNames list or the ColumnWildCard.

RowFilter RowFilter | undefined

A PartiQL predicate.

VersionId string | undefined

The ID of the data cells filter version.

Full Signature

export interface DataCellsFilter