
GetTemporaryGluePartitionCredentialsRequest Interface


Partition RequiredPartitionValueList | undefined

A list of partition values identifying a single partition.

TableArn Requiredstring | undefined

The ARN of the partitions' table.

AuditContext AuditContext | undefined

A structure representing context to access a resource (column names, query ID, etc).

DurationSeconds number | undefined

The time period, between 900 and 21,600 seconds, for the timeout of the temporary credentials.

Permissions Permission[] | undefined

Filters the request based on the user having been granted a list of specified permissions on the requested resource(s).

SupportedPermissionTypes PermissionType[] | undefined

A list of supported permission types for the partition. Valid values are COLUMN_PERMISSION and CELL_FILTER_PERMISSION.

Full Signature

export interface GetTemporaryGluePartitionCredentialsRequest