
CreateProgramCommandOutput Interface

The output of CreateProgramCommand.


$metadata RequiredResponseMetadata
Metadata pertaining to this request.
AdBreaks AdBreak[] | undefined

The ad break configuration settings.

Arn string | undefined

The ARN to assign to the program.

AudienceMedia AudienceMedia[] | undefined

The list of AudienceMedia defined in program.

ChannelName string | undefined

The name to assign to the channel for this program.

ClipRange ClipRange | undefined

The clip range configuration settings.

CreationTime Date | undefined

The time the program was created.

DurationMillis number | undefined

The duration of the live program in milliseconds.

LiveSourceName string | undefined

The name of the LiveSource for this Program.

ProgramName string | undefined

The name to assign to this program.

ScheduledStartTime Date | undefined

The scheduled start time for this Program.

SourceLocationName string | undefined

The name to assign to the source location for this program.

VodSourceName string | undefined

The name that's used to refer to a VOD source.

Full Signature

export interface CreateProgramCommandOutput extends CreateProgramResponse, MetadataBearer