
GetRunCommandOutput Interface

The output of GetRunCommand.


$metadata RequiredResponseMetadata
Metadata pertaining to this request.
accelerators Accelerators | undefined

The computational accelerator used to run the workflow.

arn string | undefined

The run's ARN.

cacheBehavior CacheBehavior | undefined

The run cache behavior for the run.

cacheId string | undefined

The run cache associated with the run.

creationTime Date | undefined

When the run was created.

definition string | undefined

The run's definition.

digest string | undefined

The run's digest.

engineVersion string | undefined

The workflow engine version.

failureReason string | undefined

The reason a run has failed.

id string | undefined

The run's ID.

logLevel RunLogLevel | undefined

The run's log level.

logLocation RunLogLocation | undefined

The location of the run log.

name string | undefined

The run's name.

outputUri string | undefined

The run's output URI.

parameters __DocumentType | undefined

The run's parameters.

priority number | undefined

The run's priority.

resourceDigests Record<string, string> | undefined

The run's resource digests.

retentionMode RunRetentionMode | undefined

The run's retention mode.

roleArn string | undefined

The run's service role ARN.

runGroupId string | undefined

The run's group ID.

runId string | undefined

The run's ID.

runOutputUri string | undefined

The destination for workflow outputs.

startTime Date | undefined

When the run started.

startedBy string | undefined

Who started the run.

status RunStatus | undefined

The run's status.

statusMessage string | undefined

The run's status message.

stopTime Date | undefined

The run's stop time.

storageCapacity number | undefined

The run's storage capacity in gibibytes. For dynamic storage, after the run has completed, this value is the maximum amount of storage used during the run.

storageType StorageType | undefined

The run's storage type.

tags Record<string, string> | undefined

The run's tags.

uuid string | undefined

The universally unique identifier for a run.

workflowId string | undefined

The run's workflow ID.

workflowOwnerId string | undefined

The ID of the workflow owner.

workflowType WorkflowType | undefined

The run's workflow type.

Full Signature

export interface GetRunCommandOutput extends GetRunResponse, MetadataBearer