
CreateAIAgentCommandInput Interface

The input for CreateAIAgentCommand.


assistantId Requiredstring | undefined

The identifier of the Amazon Q in Connect assistant. Can be either the ID or the ARN. URLs cannot contain the ARN.

configuration RequiredAIAgentConfiguration | undefined

The configuration of the AI Agent.

name Requiredstring | undefined

The name of the AI Agent.

type RequiredAIAgentType | undefined

The type of the AI Agent.

visibilityStatus RequiredVisibilityStatus | undefined

The visibility status of the AI Agent.

clientToken string | undefined

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs ..

description string | undefined

The description of the AI Agent.

tags Record<string, string> | undefined

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.

Full Signature

export interface CreateAIAgentCommandInput extends CreateAIAgentRequest