
Destination Interface

An object that describes the recipients for an email.

Amazon SES does not support the SMTPUTF8 extension, as described in RFC6531 . For this reason, the local part of a destination email address (the part of the email address that precedes the sign) may only contain 7-bit ASCII characters . If the domain part of an address (the part after the sign) contains non-ASCII characters, they must be encoded using Punycode, as described in RFC3492 .


BccAddresses string[] | undefined

An array that contains the email addresses of the "BCC" (blind carbon copy) recipients for the email.

CcAddresses string[] | undefined

An array that contains the email addresses of the "CC" (carbon copy) recipients for the email.

ToAddresses string[] | undefined

An array that contains the email addresses of the "To" recipients for the email.

Full Signature

export interface Destination