
GetAccountResponse Interface

A list of details about the email-sending capabilities of your Amazon SES account in the current Amazon Web Services Region.


DedicatedIpAutoWarmupEnabled boolean | undefined

Indicates whether or not the automatic warm-up feature is enabled for dedicated IP addresses that are associated with your account.

Details AccountDetails | undefined

An object that defines your account details.

EnforcementStatus string | undefined

The reputation status of your Amazon SES account. The status can be one of the following:

  • HEALTHY – There are no reputation-related issues that currently impact your account.

  • PROBATION – We've identified potential issues with your Amazon SES account. We're placing your account under review while you work on correcting these issues.

  • SHUTDOWN – Your account's ability to send email is currently paused because of an issue with the email sent from your account. When you correct the issue, you can contact us and request that your account's ability to send email is resumed.

ProductionAccessEnabled boolean | undefined

Indicates whether or not your account has production access in the current Amazon Web Services Region.

If the value is false, then your account is in the sandbox. When your account is in the sandbox, you can only send email to verified identities.

If the value is true, then your account has production access. When your account has production access, you can send email to any address. The sending quota and maximum sending rate for your account vary based on your specific use case.

SendQuota SendQuota | undefined

An object that contains information about the per-day and per-second sending limits for your Amazon SES account in the current Amazon Web Services Region.

SendingEnabled boolean | undefined

Indicates whether or not email sending is enabled for your Amazon SES account in the current Amazon Web Services Region.

SuppressionAttributes SuppressionAttributes | undefined

An object that contains information about the email address suppression preferences for your account in the current Amazon Web Services Region.

VdmAttributes VdmAttributes | undefined

The VDM attributes that apply to your Amazon SES account.

Full Signature

export interface GetAccountResponse