
GetImportJobResponse Interface

An HTTP 200 response if the request succeeds, or an error message if the request fails.


CompletedTimestamp Date | undefined

The time stamp of when the import job was completed.

CreatedTimestamp Date | undefined

The time stamp of when the import job was created.

FailedRecordsCount number | undefined

The number of records that failed processing because of invalid input or other reasons.

FailureInfo FailureInfo | undefined

The failure details about an import job.

ImportDataSource ImportDataSource | undefined

The data source of the import job.

ImportDestination ImportDestination | undefined

The destination of the import job.

JobId string | undefined

A string that represents the import job ID.

JobStatus JobStatus | undefined

The status of the import job.

ProcessedRecordsCount number | undefined

The current number of records processed.

Full Signature

export interface GetImportJobResponse