
Template Interface

An object that defines the email template to use for an email message, and the values to use for any message variables in that template. An email template is a type of message template that contains content that you want to reuse in email messages that you send. You can specifiy the email template by providing the name or ARN of an email template previously saved in your Amazon SES account or by providing the full template content.


Headers MessageHeader[] | undefined

The list of message headers that will be added to the email message.

TemplateArn string | undefined

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the template.

TemplateContent EmailTemplateContent | undefined

The content of the template.

Amazon SES supports only simple substitions when you send email using the SendEmail or SendBulkEmail operations and you provide the full template content in the request.

TemplateData string | undefined

An object that defines the values to use for message variables in the template. This object is a set of key-value pairs. Each key defines a message variable in the template. The corresponding value defines the value to use for that variable.

TemplateName string | undefined

The name of the template. You will refer to this name when you send email using the SendTemplatedEmail or SendBulkTemplatedEmail operations.

Full Signature

export interface Template