
UpdateSolNetworkInstanceCommandInput Interface


nsInstanceId Requiredstring | undefined

ID of the network instance.

updateType RequiredUpdateSolNetworkType | undefined

The type of update.

  • Use the MODIFY_VNF_INFORMATION update type, to update a specific network function configuration, in the network instance.

  • Use the UPDATE_NS update type, to update the network instance to a new network service descriptor.

modifyVnfInfoData UpdateSolNetworkModify | undefined

Identifies the network function information parameters and/or the configurable properties of the network function to be modified.

Include this property only if the update type is MODIFY_VNF_INFORMATION.

tags Record<string, string> | undefined

A tag is a label that you assign to an Amazon Web Services resource. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. When you use this API, the tags are only applied to the network operation that is created. These tags are not applied to the network instance. Use tags to search and filter your resources or track your Amazon Web Services costs.

updateNs UpdateSolNetworkServiceData | undefined

Identifies the network service descriptor and the configurable properties of the descriptor, to be used for the update.

Include this property only if the update type is UPDATE_NS.

Full Signature

export interface UpdateSolNetworkInstanceCommandInput extends UpdateSolNetworkInstanceInput