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LimitExceededException Class
Your client has exceeded one of the Amazon Transcribe limits. This is typically the audio length limit. Break your audio stream into smaller chunks and try your request again.
Name | Type | Details |
$fault | "client" | |
$metadata | ResponseMetadata | |
$response | HttpResponse | |
$retryable | RetryableTrait | |
(constructor) | constructor(options: ServiceExceptionOptions) | Constructs a new instance of the ServiceException class |
Message | string | undefined | |
[Symbol.hasInstance] | static Symbol.hasInstance: boolean | Custom instanceof check to support the operator for ServiceException base class |
isInstance | static isInstance(value: unknown): value is ServiceException | Checks if a value is an instance of ServiceException (duck typed) |
name | "LimitExceededException" |
Full Signature
export declare class LimitExceededException extends TranscribeStreamingServiceException