
StartStreamTranscriptionCommandOutput Interface


Metadata pertaining to this request.
ContentIdentificationTypeContentIdentificationType | undefined

Shows whether content identification was enabled for your transcription.

ContentRedactionTypeContentRedactionType | undefined

Shows whether content redaction was enabled for your transcription.

EnableChannelIdentificationboolean | undefined

Shows whether channel identification was enabled for your transcription.

EnablePartialResultsStabilizationboolean | undefined

Shows whether partial results stabilization was enabled for your transcription.

IdentifyLanguageboolean | undefined

Shows whether automatic language identification was enabled for your transcription.

IdentifyMultipleLanguagesboolean | undefined

Shows whether automatic multi-language identification was enabled for your transcription.

LanguageCodeLanguageCode | undefined

Provides the language code that you specified in your request.

LanguageModelNamestring | undefined

Provides the name of the custom language model that you specified in your request.

LanguageOptionsstring | undefined

Provides the language codes that you specified in your request.

MediaEncodingMediaEncoding | undefined

Provides the media encoding you specified in your request.

MediaSampleRateHertznumber | undefined

Provides the sample rate that you specified in your request.

NumberOfChannelsnumber | undefined

Provides the number of channels that you specified in your request.

PartialResultsStabilityPartialResultsStability | undefined

Provides the stabilization level used for your transcription.

PiiEntityTypesstring | undefined

Lists the PII entity types you specified in your request.

PreferredLanguageLanguageCode | undefined

Provides the preferred language that you specified in your request.

RequestIdstring | undefined

Provides the identifier for your streaming request.

SessionIdstring | undefined

Provides the identifier for your transcription session.

ShowSpeakerLabelboolean | undefined

Shows whether speaker partitioning was enabled for your transcription.

TranscriptResultStreamAsyncIterable<TranscriptResultStream> | undefined

Provides detailed information about your streaming session.

VocabularyFilterMethodVocabularyFilterMethod | undefined

Provides the vocabulary filtering method used in your transcription.

VocabularyFilterNamestring | undefined

Provides the name of the custom vocabulary filter that you specified in your request.

VocabularyFilterNamesstring | undefined

Provides the names of the custom vocabulary filters that you specified in your request.

VocabularyNamestring | undefined

Provides the name of the custom vocabulary that you specified in your request.

VocabularyNamesstring | undefined

Provides the names of the custom vocabularies that you specified in your request.

Full Signature

export interface StartStreamTranscriptionCommandOutput extends StartStreamTranscriptionResponse, MetadataBearer