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BadRequestException Class
Your request didn't pass one or more validation tests. This can occur when the entity you're trying to delete doesn't exist or if it's in a non-terminal state (such as IN PROGRESS
). See the exception message field for more information.
Name | Type | Details |
$fault | "client" | |
$metadata | ResponseMetadata | |
$response | HttpResponse | |
$retryable | RetryableTrait | |
(constructor) | constructor(options: ServiceExceptionOptions) | Constructs a new instance of the ServiceException class |
Message | string | undefined | |
[Symbol.hasInstance] | static Symbol.hasInstance: boolean | Custom instanceof check to support the operator for ServiceException base class |
isInstance | static isInstance(value: unknown): value is ServiceException | Checks if a value is an instance of ServiceException (duck typed) |
name | "BadRequestException" |
Full Signature
export declare class BadRequestException extends TranscribeServiceException