
CreateMobileDeviceAccessRuleCommandInput Interface


Effect RequiredMobileDeviceAccessRuleEffect | undefined

The effect of the rule when it matches. Allowed values are ALLOW or DENY.

Name Requiredstring | undefined

The rule name.

OrganizationId Requiredstring | undefined

The WorkMail organization under which the rule will be created.

ClientToken string | undefined

The idempotency token for the client request.

Description string | undefined

The rule description.

DeviceModels string[] | undefined

Device models that the rule will match.

DeviceOperatingSystems string[] | undefined

Device operating systems that the rule will match.

DeviceTypes string[] | undefined

Device types that the rule will match.

DeviceUserAgents string[] | undefined

Device user agents that the rule will match.

NotDeviceModels string[] | undefined

Device models that the rule will not match. All other device models will match.

NotDeviceOperatingSystems string[] | undefined

Device operating systems that the rule will not match. All other device operating systems will match.

NotDeviceTypes string[] | undefined

Device types that the rule will not match. All other device types will match.

NotDeviceUserAgents string[] | undefined

Device user agents that the rule will not match. All other device user agents will match.

Full Signature

export interface CreateMobileDeviceAccessRuleCommandInput extends CreateMobileDeviceAccessRuleRequest