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DescribeUserResponse Interface
Name | Type | Details |
City | string | undefined | City where the user is located. |
Company | string | undefined | Company of the user. |
Country | string | undefined | Country where the user is located. |
Department | string | undefined | Department of the user. |
DisabledDate | Date | undefined | The date and time at which the user was disabled for WorkMail usage, in UNIX epoch time format. |
DisplayName | string | undefined | The display name of the user. |
Email | string | undefined | The email of the user. |
EnabledDate | Date | undefined | The date and time at which the user was enabled for WorkMailusage, in UNIX epoch time format. |
FirstName | string | undefined | First name of the user. |
HiddenFromGlobalAddressList | boolean | undefined | If enabled, the user is hidden from the global address list. |
IdentityProviderIdentityStoreId | string | undefined | Identity Store ID from the IAM Identity Center. If this parameter is empty it will be updated automatically when the user logs in for the first time to the mailbox associated with WorkMail. |
IdentityProviderUserId | string | undefined | User ID from the IAM Identity Center. If this parameter is empty it will be updated automatically when the user logs in for the first time to the mailbox associated with WorkMail. |
Initials | string | undefined | Initials of the user. |
JobTitle | string | undefined | Job title of the user. |
LastName | string | undefined | Last name of the user. |
MailboxDeprovisionedDate | Date | undefined | The date when the mailbox was removed for the user. |
MailboxProvisionedDate | Date | undefined | The date when the mailbox was created for the user. |
Name | string | undefined | The name for the user. |
Office | string | undefined | Office where the user is located. |
State | EntityState | undefined | The state of a user: enabled (registered to WorkMail) or disabled (deregistered or never registered to WorkMail). |
Street | string | undefined | Street where the user is located. |
Telephone | string | undefined | User's contact number. |
UserId | string | undefined | The identifier for the described user. |
UserRole | UserRole | undefined | In certain cases, other entities are modeled as users. If interoperability is enabled, resources are imported into WorkMail as users. Because different WorkMail organizations rely on different directory types, administrators can distinguish between an unregistered user (account is disabled and has a user role) and the directory administrators. The values are USER, RESOURCE, SYSTEM_USER, and REMOTE_USER. |
ZipCode | string | undefined | Zip code of the user. |
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export interface DescribeUserResponse