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Lists the backend environments for an Amplify app.
This API is available only to Amplify Gen 1 applications where the backend is created using Amplify Studio or the Amplify command line interface (CLI). This API isn’t available to Amplify Gen 2 applications. When you deploy an application with Amplify Gen 2, you provision the app's backend infrastructure using Typescript code.
Example Syntax
Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.
import { AmplifyClient, ListBackendEnvironmentsCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-amplify"; // ES Modules import
// const { AmplifyClient, ListBackendEnvironmentsCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-amplify"); // CommonJS import
const client = new AmplifyClient(config);
const input = { // ListBackendEnvironmentsRequest
appId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
environmentName: "STRING_VALUE",
nextToken: "STRING_VALUE",
maxResults: Number("int"),
const command = new ListBackendEnvironmentsCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // ListBackendEnvironmentsResult
// backendEnvironments: [ // BackendEnvironments // required
// { // BackendEnvironment
// backendEnvironmentArn: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// environmentName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// stackName: "STRING_VALUE",
// deploymentArtifacts: "STRING_VALUE",
// createTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"), // required
// updateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"), // required
// },
// ],
// nextToken: "STRING_VALUE",
// };
ListBackendEnvironmentsCommand Input
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
appId Required | string | undefined | The unique ID for an Amplify app. |
environmentName | string | undefined | The name of the backend environment |
maxResults | number | undefined | The maximum number of records to list in a single response. |
nextToken | string | undefined | A pagination token. Set to null to start listing backend environments from the start. If a non-null pagination token is returned in a result, pass its value in here to list more backend environments. |
ListBackendEnvironmentsCommand Output
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
$metadata Required | ResponseMetadata | Metadata pertaining to this request. |
backendEnvironments Required | BackendEnvironment[] | undefined | The list of backend environments for an Amplify app. |
nextToken | string | undefined | A pagination token. If a non-null pagination token is returned in a result, pass its value in another request to retrieve more entries. |
Name | Fault | Details |
Name | Fault | Details |
BadRequestException | client | A request contains unexpected data. |
InternalFailureException | server | The service failed to perform an operation due to an internal issue. |
UnauthorizedException | client | An operation failed due to a lack of access. |
AmplifyServiceException | Base exception class for all service exceptions from Amplify service. |