
Creates a new form for an Amplify app.

Example Syntax

Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.

import { AmplifyUIBuilderClient, CreateFormCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-amplifyuibuilder"; // ES Modules import
// const { AmplifyUIBuilderClient, CreateFormCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-amplifyuibuilder"); // CommonJS import
const client = new AmplifyUIBuilderClient(config);
const input = { // CreateFormRequest
  appId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
  environmentName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
  clientToken: "STRING_VALUE",
  formToCreate: { // CreateFormData
    name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
    dataType: { // FormDataTypeConfig
      dataSourceType: "STRING_VALUE", // required
      dataTypeName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
    formActionType: "create" || "update", // required
    fields: { // FieldsMap // required
      "<keys>": { // FieldConfig
        label: "STRING_VALUE",
        position: { // FieldPosition Union: only one key present
          fixed: "first",
          rightOf: "STRING_VALUE",
          below: "STRING_VALUE",
        excluded: true || false,
        inputType: { // FieldInputConfig
          type: "STRING_VALUE", // required
          required: true || false,
          readOnly: true || false,
          placeholder: "STRING_VALUE",
          defaultValue: "STRING_VALUE",
          descriptiveText: "STRING_VALUE",
          defaultChecked: true || false,
          defaultCountryCode: "STRING_VALUE",
          valueMappings: { // ValueMappings
            values: [ // ValueMappingList // required
              { // ValueMapping
                displayValue: { // FormInputValueProperty
                  value: "STRING_VALUE",
                  bindingProperties: { // FormInputValuePropertyBindingProperties
                    property: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                    field: "STRING_VALUE",
                  concat: [ // FormInputValuePropertyList
                      value: "STRING_VALUE",
                      bindingProperties: {
                        property: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                        field: "STRING_VALUE",
                      concat: [
                value: "<FormInputValueProperty>", // required
            bindingProperties: { // FormInputBindingProperties
              "<keys>": { // FormInputBindingPropertiesValue
                type: "STRING_VALUE",
                bindingProperties: { // FormInputBindingPropertiesValueProperties
                  model: "STRING_VALUE",
          name: "STRING_VALUE",
          minValue: Number("float"),
          maxValue: Number("float"),
          step: Number("float"),
          value: "STRING_VALUE",
          isArray: true || false,
          fileUploaderConfig: { // FileUploaderFieldConfig
            accessLevel: "public" || "protected" || "private", // required
            acceptedFileTypes: [ // StrValues // required
            showThumbnails: true || false,
            isResumable: true || false,
            maxFileCount: Number("int"),
            maxSize: Number("int"),
        validations: [ // ValidationsList
          { // FieldValidationConfiguration
            type: "STRING_VALUE", // required
            strValues: [
            numValues: [ // NumValues
            validationMessage: "STRING_VALUE",
    style: { // FormStyle
      horizontalGap: { // FormStyleConfig Union: only one key present
        tokenReference: "STRING_VALUE",
        value: "STRING_VALUE",
      verticalGap: {//  Union: only one key present
        tokenReference: "STRING_VALUE",
        value: "STRING_VALUE",
      outerPadding: {//  Union: only one key present
        tokenReference: "STRING_VALUE",
        value: "STRING_VALUE",
    sectionalElements: { // SectionalElementMap // required
      "<keys>": { // SectionalElement
        type: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        position: {//  Union: only one key present
          fixed: "first",
          rightOf: "STRING_VALUE",
          below: "STRING_VALUE",
        text: "STRING_VALUE",
        level: Number("int"),
        orientation: "STRING_VALUE",
        excluded: true || false,
    schemaVersion: "STRING_VALUE", // required
    cta: { // FormCTA
      position: "top" || "bottom" || "top_and_bottom",
      clear: { // FormButton
        excluded: true || false,
        children: "STRING_VALUE",
        position: {//  Union: only one key present
          fixed: "first",
          rightOf: "STRING_VALUE",
          below: "STRING_VALUE",
      cancel: {
        excluded: true || false,
        children: "STRING_VALUE",
        position: {//  Union: only one key present
          fixed: "first",
          rightOf: "STRING_VALUE",
          below: "STRING_VALUE",
      submit: {
        excluded: true || false,
        children: "STRING_VALUE",
        position: {//  Union: only one key present
          fixed: "first",
          rightOf: "STRING_VALUE",
          below: "STRING_VALUE",
    tags: { // Tags
      "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
    labelDecorator: "STRING_VALUE",
const command = new CreateFormCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // CreateFormResponse
//   entity: { // Form
//     appId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//     environmentName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//     id: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//     name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//     formActionType: "create" || "update", // required
//     style: { // FormStyle
//       horizontalGap: { // FormStyleConfig Union: only one key present
//         tokenReference: "STRING_VALUE",
//         value: "STRING_VALUE",
//       },
//       verticalGap: {//  Union: only one key present
//         tokenReference: "STRING_VALUE",
//         value: "STRING_VALUE",
//       },
//       outerPadding: {//  Union: only one key present
//         tokenReference: "STRING_VALUE",
//         value: "STRING_VALUE",
//       },
//     },
//     dataType: { // FormDataTypeConfig
//       dataSourceType: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//       dataTypeName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//     },
//     fields: { // FieldsMap // required
//       "<keys>": { // FieldConfig
//         label: "STRING_VALUE",
//         position: { // FieldPosition Union: only one key present
//           fixed: "first",
//           rightOf: "STRING_VALUE",
//           below: "STRING_VALUE",
//         },
//         excluded: true || false,
//         inputType: { // FieldInputConfig
//           type: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//           required: true || false,
//           readOnly: true || false,
//           placeholder: "STRING_VALUE",
//           defaultValue: "STRING_VALUE",
//           descriptiveText: "STRING_VALUE",
//           defaultChecked: true || false,
//           defaultCountryCode: "STRING_VALUE",
//           valueMappings: { // ValueMappings
//             values: [ // ValueMappingList // required
//               { // ValueMapping
//                 displayValue: { // FormInputValueProperty
//                   value: "STRING_VALUE",
//                   bindingProperties: { // FormInputValuePropertyBindingProperties
//                     property: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//                     field: "STRING_VALUE",
//                   },
//                   concat: [ // FormInputValuePropertyList
//                     {
//                       value: "STRING_VALUE",
//                       bindingProperties: {
//                         property: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//                         field: "STRING_VALUE",
//                       },
//                       concat: [
//                         "<FormInputValueProperty>",
//                       ],
//                     },
//                   ],
//                 },
//                 value: "<FormInputValueProperty>", // required
//               },
//             ],
//             bindingProperties: { // FormInputBindingProperties
//               "<keys>": { // FormInputBindingPropertiesValue
//                 type: "STRING_VALUE",
//                 bindingProperties: { // FormInputBindingPropertiesValueProperties
//                   model: "STRING_VALUE",
//                 },
//               },
//             },
//           },
//           name: "STRING_VALUE",
//           minValue: Number("float"),
//           maxValue: Number("float"),
//           step: Number("float"),
//           value: "STRING_VALUE",
//           isArray: true || false,
//           fileUploaderConfig: { // FileUploaderFieldConfig
//             accessLevel: "public" || "protected" || "private", // required
//             acceptedFileTypes: [ // StrValues // required
//               "STRING_VALUE",
//             ],
//             showThumbnails: true || false,
//             isResumable: true || false,
//             maxFileCount: Number("int"),
//             maxSize: Number("int"),
//           },
//         },
//         validations: [ // ValidationsList
//           { // FieldValidationConfiguration
//             type: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//             strValues: [
//               "STRING_VALUE",
//             ],
//             numValues: [ // NumValues
//               Number("int"),
//             ],
//             validationMessage: "STRING_VALUE",
//           },
//         ],
//       },
//     },
//     sectionalElements: { // SectionalElementMap // required
//       "<keys>": { // SectionalElement
//         type: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//         position: {//  Union: only one key present
//           fixed: "first",
//           rightOf: "STRING_VALUE",
//           below: "STRING_VALUE",
//         },
//         text: "STRING_VALUE",
//         level: Number("int"),
//         orientation: "STRING_VALUE",
//         excluded: true || false,
//       },
//     },
//     schemaVersion: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//     tags: { // Tags
//       "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
//     },
//     cta: { // FormCTA
//       position: "top" || "bottom" || "top_and_bottom",
//       clear: { // FormButton
//         excluded: true || false,
//         children: "STRING_VALUE",
//         position: {//  Union: only one key present
//           fixed: "first",
//           rightOf: "STRING_VALUE",
//           below: "STRING_VALUE",
//         },
//       },
//       cancel: {
//         excluded: true || false,
//         children: "STRING_VALUE",
//         position: {//  Union: only one key present
//           fixed: "first",
//           rightOf: "STRING_VALUE",
//           below: "STRING_VALUE",
//         },
//       },
//       submit: {
//         excluded: true || false,
//         children: "STRING_VALUE",
//         position: {//  Union: only one key present
//           fixed: "first",
//           rightOf: "STRING_VALUE",
//           below: "STRING_VALUE",
//         },
//       },
//     },
//     labelDecorator: "STRING_VALUE",
//   },
// };

CreateFormCommand Input

See CreateFormCommandInput for more details

string | undefined

The unique ID of the Amplify app to associate with the form.

string | undefined

The name of the backend environment that is a part of the Amplify app.

CreateFormData | undefined

Represents the configuration of the form to create.

string | undefined

The unique client token.

CreateFormCommand Output

See CreateFormCommandOutput for details

Metadata pertaining to this request.
Form | undefined

Describes the configuration of the new form.



An internal error has occurred. Please retry your request.


An invalid or out-of-range value was supplied for the input parameter.


The resource specified in the request conflicts with an existing resource.


You exceeded your service quota. Service quotas, also referred to as limits, are the maximum number of service resources or operations for your Amazon Web Services account.

Base exception class for all service exceptions from AmplifyUIBuilder service.