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Returns information about one or more merge conflicts in the attempted merge of two commit specifiers using the squash or three-way merge strategy. If the merge option for the attempted merge is specified as FAST_FORWARD_MERGE, an exception is thrown.
Example Syntax
Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.
import { CodeCommitClient, DescribeMergeConflictsCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-codecommit"; // ES Modules import
// const { CodeCommitClient, DescribeMergeConflictsCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-codecommit"); // CommonJS import
const client = new CodeCommitClient(config);
const input = { // DescribeMergeConflictsInput
repositoryName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
destinationCommitSpecifier: "STRING_VALUE", // required
sourceCommitSpecifier: "STRING_VALUE", // required
mergeOption: "FAST_FORWARD_MERGE" || "SQUASH_MERGE" || "THREE_WAY_MERGE", // required
maxMergeHunks: Number("int"),
filePath: "STRING_VALUE", // required
conflictDetailLevel: "FILE_LEVEL" || "LINE_LEVEL",
conflictResolutionStrategy: "NONE" || "ACCEPT_SOURCE" || "ACCEPT_DESTINATION" || "AUTOMERGE",
nextToken: "STRING_VALUE",
const command = new DescribeMergeConflictsCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // DescribeMergeConflictsOutput
// conflictMetadata: { // ConflictMetadata
// filePath: "STRING_VALUE",
// fileSizes: { // FileSizes
// source: Number("long"),
// destination: Number("long"),
// base: Number("long"),
// },
// fileModes: { // FileModes
// source: "EXECUTABLE" || "NORMAL" || "SYMLINK",
// destination: "EXECUTABLE" || "NORMAL" || "SYMLINK",
// base: "EXECUTABLE" || "NORMAL" || "SYMLINK",
// },
// objectTypes: { // ObjectTypes
// source: "FILE" || "DIRECTORY" || "GIT_LINK" || "SYMBOLIC_LINK",
// destination: "FILE" || "DIRECTORY" || "GIT_LINK" || "SYMBOLIC_LINK",
// base: "FILE" || "DIRECTORY" || "GIT_LINK" || "SYMBOLIC_LINK",
// },
// numberOfConflicts: Number("int"),
// isBinaryFile: { // IsBinaryFile
// source: true || false,
// destination: true || false,
// base: true || false,
// },
// contentConflict: true || false,
// fileModeConflict: true || false,
// objectTypeConflict: true || false,
// mergeOperations: { // MergeOperations
// source: "A" || "M" || "D",
// destination: "A" || "M" || "D",
// },
// },
// mergeHunks: [ // MergeHunks // required
// { // MergeHunk
// isConflict: true || false,
// source: { // MergeHunkDetail
// startLine: Number("int"),
// endLine: Number("int"),
// hunkContent: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// destination: {
// startLine: Number("int"),
// endLine: Number("int"),
// hunkContent: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// base: {
// startLine: Number("int"),
// endLine: Number("int"),
// hunkContent: "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// },
// ],
// nextToken: "STRING_VALUE",
// destinationCommitId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// sourceCommitId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// baseCommitId: "STRING_VALUE",
// };
DescribeMergeConflictsCommand Input
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
destinationCommitSpecifier Required | string | undefined | The branch, tag, HEAD, or other fully qualified reference used to identify a commit (for example, a branch name or a full commit ID). |
filePath Required | string | undefined | The path of the target files used to describe the conflicts. |
mergeOption Required | MergeOptionTypeEnum | undefined | The merge option or strategy you want to use to merge the code. |
repositoryName Required | string | undefined | The name of the repository where you want to get information about a merge conflict. |
sourceCommitSpecifier Required | string | undefined | The branch, tag, HEAD, or other fully qualified reference used to identify a commit (for example, a branch name or a full commit ID). |
conflictDetailLevel | ConflictDetailLevelTypeEnum | undefined | The level of conflict detail to use. If unspecified, the default FILE_LEVEL is used, which returns a not-mergeable result if the same file has differences in both branches. If LINE_LEVEL is specified, a conflict is considered not mergeable if the same file in both branches has differences on the same line. |
conflictResolutionStrategy | ConflictResolutionStrategyTypeEnum | undefined | Specifies which branch to use when resolving conflicts, or whether to attempt automatically merging two versions of a file. The default is NONE, which requires any conflicts to be resolved manually before the merge operation is successful. |
maxMergeHunks | number | undefined | The maximum number of merge hunks to include in the output. |
nextToken | string | undefined | An enumeration token that, when provided in a request, returns the next batch of the results. |
DescribeMergeConflictsCommand Output
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
$metadata Required | ResponseMetadata | Metadata pertaining to this request. |
conflictMetadata Required | ConflictMetadata | undefined | Contains metadata about the conflicts found in the merge. |
destinationCommitId Required | string | undefined | The commit ID of the destination commit specifier that was used in the merge evaluation. |
mergeHunks Required | MergeHunk[] | undefined | A list of merge hunks of the differences between the files or lines. |
sourceCommitId Required | string | undefined | The commit ID of the source commit specifier that was used in the merge evaluation. |
baseCommitId | string | undefined | The commit ID of the merge base. |
nextToken | string | undefined | An enumeration token that can be used in a request to return the next batch of the results. |
Name | Fault | Details |
Name | Fault | Details |
CommitDoesNotExistException | client | The specified commit does not exist or no commit was specified, and the specified repository has no default branch. |
CommitRequiredException | client | A commit was not specified. |
EncryptionIntegrityChecksFailedException | server | An encryption integrity check failed. |
EncryptionKeyAccessDeniedException | client | An encryption key could not be accessed. |
EncryptionKeyDisabledException | client | The encryption key is disabled. |
EncryptionKeyNotFoundException | client | No encryption key was found. |
EncryptionKeyUnavailableException | client | The encryption key is not available. |
FileDoesNotExistException | client | The specified file does not exist. Verify that you have used the correct file name, full path, and extension. |
InvalidCommitException | client | The specified commit is not valid. |
InvalidConflictDetailLevelException | client | The specified conflict detail level is not valid. |
InvalidConflictResolutionStrategyException | client | The specified conflict resolution strategy is not valid. |
InvalidContinuationTokenException | client | The specified continuation token is not valid. |
InvalidMaxMergeHunksException | client | The specified value for the number of merge hunks to return is not valid. |
InvalidMergeOptionException | client | The specified merge option is not valid for this operation. Not all merge strategies are supported for all operations. |
InvalidPathException | client | The specified path is not valid. |
InvalidRepositoryNameException | client | A specified repository name is not valid. This exception occurs only when a specified repository name is not valid. Other exceptions occur when a required repository parameter is missing, or when a specified repository does not exist. |
MaximumFileContentToLoadExceededException | client | The number of files to load exceeds the allowed limit. |
MaximumItemsToCompareExceededException | client | The number of items to compare between the source or destination branches and the merge base has exceeded the maximum allowed. |
MergeOptionRequiredException | client | A merge option or stategy is required, and none was provided. |
PathRequiredException | client | The folderPath for a location cannot be null. |
RepositoryDoesNotExistException | client | The specified repository does not exist. |
RepositoryNameRequiredException | client | A repository name is required, but was not specified. |
TipsDivergenceExceededException | client | The divergence between the tips of the provided commit specifiers is too great to determine whether there might be any merge conflicts. Locally compare the specifiers using |
CodeCommitServiceException | Base exception class for all service exceptions from CodeCommit service. |