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Adds new columns to the table or updates one of the table's settings, for example capacity mode, auto scaling, encryption, point-in-time recovery, or ttl settings. Note that you can only update one specific table setting per update operation.
Example Syntax
Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.
import { KeyspacesClient, UpdateTableCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-keyspaces"; // ES Modules import
// const { KeyspacesClient, UpdateTableCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-keyspaces"); // CommonJS import
const client = new KeyspacesClient(config);
const input = { // UpdateTableRequest
keyspaceName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
tableName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
addColumns: [ // ColumnDefinitionList
{ // ColumnDefinition
name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
type: "STRING_VALUE", // required
capacitySpecification: { // CapacitySpecification
throughputMode: "STRING_VALUE", // required
readCapacityUnits: Number("long"),
writeCapacityUnits: Number("long"),
encryptionSpecification: { // EncryptionSpecification
type: "STRING_VALUE", // required
kmsKeyIdentifier: "STRING_VALUE",
pointInTimeRecovery: { // PointInTimeRecovery
status: "STRING_VALUE", // required
ttl: { // TimeToLive
status: "STRING_VALUE", // required
defaultTimeToLive: Number("int"),
clientSideTimestamps: { // ClientSideTimestamps
status: "STRING_VALUE", // required
autoScalingSpecification: { // AutoScalingSpecification
writeCapacityAutoScaling: { // AutoScalingSettings
autoScalingDisabled: true || false,
minimumUnits: Number("long"),
maximumUnits: Number("long"),
scalingPolicy: { // AutoScalingPolicy
targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration: { // TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration
disableScaleIn: true || false,
scaleInCooldown: Number("int"),
scaleOutCooldown: Number("int"),
targetValue: Number("double"), // required
readCapacityAutoScaling: {
autoScalingDisabled: true || false,
minimumUnits: Number("long"),
maximumUnits: Number("long"),
scalingPolicy: {
targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration: {
disableScaleIn: true || false,
scaleInCooldown: Number("int"),
scaleOutCooldown: Number("int"),
targetValue: Number("double"), // required
replicaSpecifications: [ // ReplicaSpecificationList
{ // ReplicaSpecification
region: "STRING_VALUE", // required
readCapacityUnits: Number("long"),
readCapacityAutoScaling: {
autoScalingDisabled: true || false,
minimumUnits: Number("long"),
maximumUnits: Number("long"),
scalingPolicy: {
targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration: {
disableScaleIn: true || false,
scaleInCooldown: Number("int"),
scaleOutCooldown: Number("int"),
targetValue: Number("double"), // required
const command = new UpdateTableCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // UpdateTableResponse
// resourceArn: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// };
UpdateTableCommand Input
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
keyspaceName Required | string | undefined | The name of the keyspace the specified table is stored in. |
tableName Required | string | undefined | The name of the table. |
addColumns | ColumnDefinition[] | undefined | For each column to be added to the specified table:
autoScalingSpecification | AutoScalingSpecification | undefined | The optional auto scaling settings to update for a table in provisioned capacity mode. Specifies if the service can manage throughput capacity of a provisioned table automatically on your behalf. Amazon Keyspaces auto scaling helps you provision throughput capacity for variable workloads efficiently by increasing and decreasing your table's read and write capacity automatically in response to application traffic. If auto scaling is already enabled for the table, you can use For more information, see Managing throughput capacity automatically with Amazon Keyspaces auto scaling in the Amazon Keyspaces Developer Guide. |
capacitySpecification | CapacitySpecification | undefined | Modifies the read/write throughput capacity mode for the table. The options are:
The default is For more information, see Read/write capacity modes in the Amazon Keyspaces Developer Guide. |
clientSideTimestamps | ClientSideTimestamps | undefined | Enables client-side timestamps for the table. By default, the setting is disabled. You can enable client-side timestamps with the following option:
Once client-side timestamps are enabled for a table, this setting cannot be disabled. |
defaultTimeToLive | number | undefined | The default Time to Live setting in seconds for the table. For more information, see Setting the default TTL value for a table in the Amazon Keyspaces Developer Guide. |
encryptionSpecification | EncryptionSpecification | undefined | Modifies the encryption settings of the table. You can choose one of the following KMS key (KMS key):
The default is For more information, see Encryption at rest in the Amazon Keyspaces Developer Guide. |
pointInTimeRecovery | PointInTimeRecovery | undefined | Modifies the
If it's not specified, the default is For more information, see Point-in-time recovery in the Amazon Keyspaces Developer Guide. |
replicaSpecifications | ReplicaSpecification[] | undefined | The Region specific settings of a multi-Regional table. |
ttl | TimeToLive | undefined | Modifies Time to Live custom settings for the table. The options are:
The default is For more information, see Expiring data by using Amazon Keyspaces Time to Live (TTL) in the Amazon Keyspaces Developer Guide. |
UpdateTableCommand Output
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
$metadata Required | ResponseMetadata | Metadata pertaining to this request. |
resourceArn Required | string | undefined | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the modified table. |
Name | Fault | Details |
Name | Fault | Details |
AccessDeniedException | client | You don't have sufficient access permissions to perform this action. |
ConflictException | client | Amazon Keyspaces couldn't complete the requested action. This error may occur if you try to perform an action and the same or a different action is already in progress, or if you try to create a resource that already exists. |
InternalServerException | server | Amazon Keyspaces was unable to fully process this request because of an internal server error. |
ResourceNotFoundException | client | The operation tried to access a keyspace, table, or type that doesn't exist. The resource might not be specified correctly, or its status might not be |
ServiceQuotaExceededException | client | The operation exceeded the service quota for this resource. For more information on service quotas, see Quotas in the Amazon Keyspaces Developer Guide. |
ValidationException | client | The operation failed due to an invalid or malformed request. |
KeyspacesServiceException | Base exception class for all service exceptions from Keyspaces service. |