
Enables specific types of firewall analysis on a specific firewall you define.

Example Syntax

Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.

import { NetworkFirewallClient, UpdateFirewallAnalysisSettingsCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-network-firewall"; // ES Modules import
// const { NetworkFirewallClient, UpdateFirewallAnalysisSettingsCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-network-firewall"); // CommonJS import
const client = new NetworkFirewallClient(config);
const input = { // UpdateFirewallAnalysisSettingsRequest
  EnabledAnalysisTypes: [ // EnabledAnalysisTypes
    "TLS_SNI" || "HTTP_HOST",
  FirewallArn: "STRING_VALUE",
  FirewallName: "STRING_VALUE",
  UpdateToken: "STRING_VALUE",
const command = new UpdateFirewallAnalysisSettingsCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // UpdateFirewallAnalysisSettingsResponse
//   EnabledAnalysisTypes: [ // EnabledAnalysisTypes
//     "TLS_SNI" || "HTTP_HOST",
//   ],
//   FirewallArn: "STRING_VALUE",
//   FirewallName: "STRING_VALUE",
//   UpdateToken: "STRING_VALUE",
// };

UpdateFirewallAnalysisSettingsCommand Input

EnabledAnalysisType[] | undefined

An optional setting indicating the specific traffic analysis types to enable on the firewall.

string | undefined

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the firewall.

You must specify the ARN or the name, and you can specify both.

string | undefined

The descriptive name of the firewall. You can't change the name of a firewall after you create it.

You must specify the ARN or the name, and you can specify both.

string | undefined

An optional token that you can use for optimistic locking. Network Firewall returns a token to your requests that access the firewall. The token marks the state of the firewall resource at the time of the request.

To make an unconditional change to the firewall, omit the token in your update request. Without the token, Network Firewall performs your updates regardless of whether the firewall has changed since you last retrieved it.

To make a conditional change to the firewall, provide the token in your update request. Network Firewall uses the token to ensure that the firewall hasn't changed since you last retrieved it. If it has changed, the operation fails with an InvalidTokenException. If this happens, retrieve the firewall again to get a current copy of it with a new token. Reapply your changes as needed, then try the operation again using the new token.

UpdateFirewallAnalysisSettingsCommand Output

Metadata pertaining to this request.
EnabledAnalysisType[] | undefined

An optional setting indicating the specific traffic analysis types to enable on the firewall.

string | undefined

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the firewall.

You must specify the ARN or the name, and you can specify both.

string | undefined

The descriptive name of the firewall. You can't change the name of a firewall after you create it.

You must specify the ARN or the name, and you can specify both.

string | undefined

An optional token that you can use for optimistic locking. Network Firewall returns a token to your requests that access the firewall. The token marks the state of the firewall resource at the time of the request.

To make an unconditional change to the firewall, omit the token in your update request. Without the token, Network Firewall performs your updates regardless of whether the firewall has changed since you last retrieved it.

To make a conditional change to the firewall, provide the token in your update request. Network Firewall uses the token to ensure that the firewall hasn't changed since you last retrieved it. If it has changed, the operation fails with an InvalidTokenException. If this happens, retrieve the firewall again to get a current copy of it with a new token. Reapply your changes as needed, then try the operation again using the new token.



Your request is valid, but Network Firewall couldn't perform the operation because of a system problem. Retry your request.


The operation failed because of a problem with your request. Examples include:

  • You specified an unsupported parameter name or value.

  • You tried to update a property with a value that isn't among the available types.

  • Your request references an ARN that is malformed, or corresponds to a resource that isn't valid in the context of the request.


Unable to locate a resource using the parameters that you provided.


Unable to process the request due to throttling limitations.

Base exception class for all service exceptions from NetworkFirewall service.