cdk migrate - AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) v2

This is the AWS CDK v2 Developer Guide. The older CDK v1 entered maintenance on June 1, 2022 and ended support on June 1, 2023.

cdk migrate

Migrate deployed AWS resources, AWS CloudFormation stacks, and CloudFormation templates into a new AWS CDK project.

This command creates a new CDK app that includes a single stack that is named with the value you provide using --stack-name. You can configure the migration source using --from-scan, --from-stack, or --from-path.

For more information on using cdk migrate, see Migrate existing resources and AWS CloudFormation templates to the AWS CDK.


The cdk migrate command is experimental and may have breaking changes in the future.


$ cdk migrate <options>


For a list of global options that work with all CDK CLI commands, see Global options.

Required options

--stack-name STRING

The name of the AWS CloudFormation stack that will be created within the CDK app after migrating.

Required: Yes

Conditional options

--from-path PATH

The path to the AWS CloudFormation template to migrate. Provide this option to specify a local template.

Required: Conditional. Required if migrating from a local AWS CloudFormation template.

--from-scan STRING

When migrating deployed resources from an AWS environment, use this option to specify whether a new scan should be started or if the AWS CDK CLI should use the last successful scan.

Required: Conditional. Required when migrating from deployed AWS resources.

Accepted values: most-recent, new

--from-stack BOOLEAN

Provide this option to migrate from a deployed AWS CloudFormation stack. Use --stack-name to specify the name of the deployed AWS CloudFormation stack.

Required: Conditional. Required if migrating from a deployed AWS CloudFormation stack.

Optional options

--account STRING

The account to retrieve the AWS CloudFormation stack template from.

Required: No

Default: The AWS CDK CLI obtains account information from default sources.

--compress BOOLEAN

Provide this option to compress the generated CDK project into a ZIP file.

Required: No

--filter ARRAY

Use when migrating deployed resources from an AWS account and AWS Region. This option specifies a filter to determine which deployed resources to migrate.

This option accepts an array of key-value pairs, where key represents the filter type and value represents the value to filter.

The following are accepted keys:

  • resource-identifier – An identifier for the resource. Value can be the resource logical or physical ID. For example, resource-identifier="ClusterName".

  • resource-type-prefix – The AWS CloudFormation resource type prefix. For example, specify resource-type-prefix="AWS::DynamoDB::" to filter all Amazon DynamoDB resources.

  • tag-key – The key of a resource tag. For example, tag-key="myTagKey".

  • tag-value – The value of a resource tag. For example, tag-value="myTagValue".

Provide multiple key-value pairs for AND conditional logic. The following example filters for any DynamoDB resource that is tagged with myTagKey as the tag key: --filter resource-type-prefix="AWS::DynamoDB::", tag-key="myTagKey".

Provide the --filter option multiple times in a single command for OR conditional logic. The following example filters for any resource that is a DynamoDB resource or is tagged with myTagKey as the tag key: --filter resource-type-prefix="AWS::DynamoDB::" --filter tag-key="myTagKey".

Required: No

--help, -h BOOLEAN

Show command reference information for the cdk migrate command.

--language STRING

The programming language to use for the CDK project created during migration.

Required: No

Valid values: typescript, python, java, csharp, go.

Default: typescript

--output-path PATH

The output path for the migrated CDK project.

Required: No

Default: By default, the AWS CDK CLI will use your current working directory.

--region STRING

The AWS Region to retrieve the AWS CloudFormation stack template from.

Required: No

Default: The AWS CDK CLI obtains AWS Region information from default sources.


Simple example of migrating from a CloudFormation stack

Migrate from a deployed CloudFormation stack in a specific AWS environment using --from-stack. Provide --stack-name to name your new CDK stack. The following is an example that migrates myCloudFormationStack to a new CDK app that is using TypeScript:

$ cdk migrate --language typescript --from-stack --stack-name 'myCloudFormationStack'

Simple example of migrating from a local CloudFormation template

Migrate from a local JSON or YAML CloudFormation template using --from-path. Provide --stack-name to name your new CDK stack. The following is an example that creates a new CDK app in TypeScript that includes a myCloudFormationStack stack from a local template.json file:

$ cdk migrate --stack-name "myCloudFormationStack" --language typescript --from-path "./template.json"

Simple example of migrating from deployed AWS resources

Migrate deployed AWS resources from a specific AWS environment that are not associated with a CloudFormation stack using --from-scan. The CDK CLI utilizes the IaC generator service to scan for resources and generate a template. Then, the CDK CLI references the template to create the new CDK app. The following is an example that creates a new CDK app in TypeScript with a new myCloudFormationStack stack containing migrated AWS resources:

$ cdk migrate --language typescript --from-scan --stack-name "myCloudFormationStack"