cdk rollback - AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) v2

This is the AWS CDK v2 Developer Guide. The older CDK v1 entered maintenance on June 1, 2022 and ended support on June 1, 2023.

cdk rollback

Use the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) Command Line Interface (CLI) cdk rollback command to rollback a failed or paused stack from an AWS CloudFormation deployment to its last stable state.


To use this command, you must have v23 of the bootstrap template deployed to your environment. For more information, see Bootstrap template version history.

When you deploy using cdk deploy, the CDK CLI will rollback a failed deployment by default. If you specify --no-rollback with cdk deploy, you can then use the cdk rollback command to manually rollback a failed deployment. This will initiate a rollback to the last stable state of your stack.


$ cdk rollback <arguments> <options>


CDK stack ID

The construct ID of the CDK stack from your app to rollback.

Type: String

Required: No


For a list of global options that work with all CDK CLI commands, see Global options.


Rollback all stacks in your CDK app.

Default value: false

--force, -f BOOLEAN

When you use cdk rollback, some resources may fail to rollback. Provide this option to force the rollback of all resources. This is the same behavior as providing the --orphan option for each resource in your stack.

Default value: false

--help, -h BOOLEAN

Show command reference information for the cdk rollback command.

--orphan LogicalId

When you use cdk rollback, some resources may fail to rollback. When this happens, you can try to force the rollback of a resource by using this option and providing the logical ID of the resource that failed to rollback.

This option can be provided multiple times in a single command The following is an example:

$ cdk rollback MyStack --orphan MyLambdaFunction --orphan MyLambdaFunction2

To force the rollback of all resources, use the --force option instead.

--toolkit-stack-name STRING

The name of the existing CDK Toolkit stack that the environment is bootstrapped with.

By default, cdk bootstrap deploys a stack named CDKToolkit into the specified AWS environment. Use this option to provide a different name for your bootstrap stack.

The CDK CLI uses this value to verify your bootstrap stack version.

--validate-bootstrap-version BOOLEAN

Specify whether to validate the bootstrap stack version. Provide --validate-bootstrap-version=false or --no-validate-bootsrap-version to turn off this behavior.

Default value: true