This documentation is for Version 1 of the AWS CLI only. For documentation related to Version 2 of the AWS CLI, see the Version 2 User Guide.
The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the AWS Command Line Interface with Auto Scaling.
Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.
Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.
The following code example shows how to use attach-instances
To attach an instance to an Auto Scaling group
This example attaches the specified instance to the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling attach-instances \ --instance-ids
\ --auto-scaling-group-namemy-asg
This command produces no output.
For API details, see AttachInstances
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use attach-load-balancer-target-groups
To attach a target group to an Auto Scaling group
This example attaches the specified target group to the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling attach-load-balancer-target-groups \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --target-group-arnsarn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:123456789012:targetgroup/my-targets/73e2d6bc24d8a067
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Elastic Load Balancing and Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroups
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use attach-load-balancers
To attach a Classic Load Balancer to an Auto Scaling group
This example attaches the specified Classic Load Balancer to the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling attach-load-balancers \ --load-balancer-names
\ --auto-scaling-group-namemy-asg
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Elastic Load Balancing and Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see AttachLoadBalancers
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use cancel-instance-refresh
To cancel an instance refresh
The following
example cancels an in-progress instance refresh for the specified Auto Scaling autoscaling cancel-instance-refresh \ --auto-scaling-group-name
{ "InstanceRefreshId": "08b91cf7-8fa6-48af-b6a6-d227f40f1b9b" }
For more information, see Cancel an instance refresh in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see CancelInstanceRefresh
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use complete-lifecycle-action
To complete the lifecycle action
This example notifies Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling that the specified lifecycle action is complete so that it can finish launching or terminating the instance.
aws autoscaling complete-lifecycle-action \ --lifecycle-hook-name
\ --auto-scaling-group-namemy-asg
\ --lifecycle-action-resultCONTINUE
\ --lifecycle-action-tokenbcd2f1b8-9a78-44d3-8a7a-4dd07d7cf635
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see CompleteLifecycleAction
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use create-auto-scaling-group
Example 1: To create an Auto Scaling group
The following
example creates an Auto Scaling group in subnets in multiple Availability Zones within a Region. The instances launch with the default version of the specified launch template. Note that defaults are used for most other settings, such as the termination policies and health check autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --launch-templateLaunchTemplateId=lt-1234567890abcde12
\ --min-size1
\ --max-size5
\ --vpc-zone-identifier"subnet-5ea0c127,subnet-6194ea3b,subnet-c934b782"
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Auto Scaling groups in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 2: To attach an Application Load Balancer, Network Load Balancer, or Gateway Load Balancer
This example specifies the ARN of a target group for a load balancer that supports the expected traffic. The health check type specifies
so that when Elastic Load Balancing reports an instance as unhealthy, the Auto Scaling group replaces it. The command also defines a health check grace period of600
seconds. The grace period helps prevent premature termination of newly launched autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --launch-templateLaunchTemplateId=lt-1234567890abcde12
\ --target-group-arnsarn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:123456789012:targetgroup/my-targets/943f017f100becff
\ --health-check-typeELB
\ --health-check-grace-period600
\ --min-size1
\ --max-size5
\ --vpc-zone-identifier"subnet-5ea0c127,subnet-6194ea3b,subnet-c934b782"
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Elastic Load Balancing and Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 3: To specify a placement group and use the latest version of the launch template
This example launches instances into a placement group within a single Availability Zone. This can be useful for low-latency groups with HPC workloads. This example also specifies the minimum size, maximum size, and desired capacity of the group.
aws autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --launch-template LaunchTemplateId=lt-1
67890abcde12,Version='$Latest' \ --min-size 1 \ --max-size 5 \ --desired-capacity3
\ --placement-groupmy-placement-group
\ --vpc-zone-identifier"subnet-6194ea3b"
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Placement groups in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
Example 4: To specify a single instance Auto Scaling group and use a specific version of the launch template
This example creates an Auto Scaling group with minimum and maximum capacity set to
to enforce that one instance will be running. The command also specifies v1 of a launch template in which the ID of an existing ENI is specified. When you use a launch template that specifies an existing ENI for eth0, you must specify an Availability Zone for the Auto Scaling group that matches the network interface, without also specifying a subnet ID in the autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --launch-template LaunchTemplateName=my-template-for-auto-scaling,Version='1
' \ --min-size1
\ --max-size 1 \ --availability-zonesus-west-2a
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Auto Scaling groups in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 5: To specify a different termination policy
This example creates an Auto Scaling group using a launch configuration and sets the termination policy to terminate the oldest instances first. The command also applies a tag to the group and its instances, with a key of
and a value ofWebServer
.aws autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --launch-configuration-namemy-lc
\ --min-size1
\ --max-size5
\ --termination-policies"OldestInstance"
\ --tags"ResourceId=my-asg,ResourceType=auto-scaling-group,Key=Role,Value=WebServer,PropagateAtLaunch=true"
\ --vpc-zone-identifier"subnet-5ea0c127,subnet-6194ea3b,subnet-c934b782"
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Working with Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling termination policies in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 6: To specify a launch lifecycle hook
This example creates an Auto Scaling group with a lifecycle hook that supports a custom action at instance launch.
aws autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group \ --cli-input-json
Contents of
file:{ "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "LaunchTemplate": { "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-1234567890abcde12" }, "LifecycleHookSpecificationList": [{ "LifecycleHookName": "my-launch-hook", "LifecycleTransition": "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCHING", "NotificationTargetARN": "arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:123456789012:my-sqs-queue", "RoleARN": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-notification-role", "NotificationMetadata": "SQS message metadata", "HeartbeatTimeout": 4800, "DefaultResult": "ABANDON" }], "MinSize": 1, "MaxSize": 5, "VPCZoneIdentifier": "subnet-5ea0c127,subnet-6194ea3b,subnet-c934b782", "Tags": [{ "ResourceType": "auto-scaling-group", "ResourceId": "my-asg", "PropagateAtLaunch": true, "Value": "test", "Key": "environment" }] }
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 7: To specify a termination lifecycle hook
This example creates an Auto Scaling group with a lifecycle hook that supports a custom action at instance termination.
aws autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group \ --cli-input-json
Contents of
:{ "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "LaunchTemplate": { "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-1234567890abcde12" }, "LifecycleHookSpecificationList": [{ "LifecycleHookName": "my-termination-hook", "LifecycleTransition": "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING", "HeartbeatTimeout": 120, "DefaultResult": "CONTINUE" }], "MinSize": 1, "MaxSize": 5, "TargetGroupARNs": [ "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:123456789012:targetgroup/my-targets/73e2d6bc24d8a067" ], "VPCZoneIdentifier": "subnet-5ea0c127,subnet-6194ea3b,subnet-c934b782" }
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 8: To specify a custom termination policy
This example creates an Auto Scaling group that specifies a custom Lambda function termination policy that tells Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling which instances are safe to terminate on scale in.
aws autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --launch-templateLaunchTemplateName=my-template-for-auto-scaling
\ --min-size1
\ --max-size5
\ --termination-policies"arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:HelloFunction:prod"
\ --vpc-zone-identifier"subnet-5ea0c127,subnet-6194ea3b,subnet-c934b782"
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Creating a custom termination policy with Lambda in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see CreateAutoScalingGroup
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use create-launch-configuration
Example 1: To create a launch configuration
This example creates a simple launch configuration.
aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name
\ --image-idami-04d5cc9b88example
\ --instance-typem5.large
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Creating a launch configuration in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 2: To create a launch configuration with a security group, key pair, and bootrapping script
This example creates a launch configuration with a security group, a key pair, and a bootrapping script contained in the user data.
aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name
\ --image-idami-04d5cc9b88example
\ --instance-typem5.large
\ --security-groupssg-eb2af88example
\ --key-namemy-key-pair
\ --user-datafile://myuserdata.txt
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Creating a launch configuration in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 3: To create a launch configuration with an IAM role
This example creates a launch configuration with the instance profile name of an IAM role.
aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name
\ --image-idami-04d5cc9b88example
\ --instance-typem5.large
\ --iam-instance-profilemy-autoscaling-role
This command produces no output.
For more information, see IAM role for applications that run on Amazon EC2 instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 4: To create a launch configuration with detailed monitoring enabled
This example creates a launch configuration with EC2 detailed monitoring enabled, which sends EC2 metrics to CloudWatch in 1-minute periods.
aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name
\ --image-idami-04d5cc9b88example
\ --instance-typem5.large
\ --instance-monitoringEnabled=true
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Configuring monitoring for Auto Scaling instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 5: To create a launch configuration that launches Spot Instances
This example creates a launch configuration that uses Spot Instances as the only purchase option.
aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name
\ --image-idami-04d5cc9b88example
\ --instance-typem5.large
\ --spot-price"0.50"
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Requesting Spot Instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 6: To create a launch configuration using an EC2 instance
This example creates a launch configuration based on the attributes of an existing instance. It overrides the placement tenancy and whether a public IP address is set by including the
and--no-associate-public-ip-address autoscaling create-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name
\ --instance-idi-0123a456700123456
\ --instance-typem5.large
\ --no-associate-public-ip-address \ --placement-tenancydedicated
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Creating a launch configuration using an EC2 instance in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 7: To create a launch configuration with a block device mapping for an Amazon EBS volume
This example creates a launch configuration with a block device mapping for an Amazon EBS
volume with the device name/dev/sdh
and a volume size of autoscaling create-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name
\ --image-idami-04d5cc9b88example
\ --instance-typem5.large
\ --block-device-mappings '[{"DeviceName":"/dev/sdh","Ebs":{"VolumeSize":20,"VolumeType":"gp3"}}]
'This command produces no output.
For more information, see EBS in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
For information about the syntax for quoting JSON-formatted parameter values, see Using quotation marks with strings in the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
Example 8: To create a launch configuration with a block device mapping for an instance store volume
This example creates a launch configuration with
as an instance store volume with the device name/dev/sdc
.aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name
\ --image-idami-04d5cc9b88example
\ --instance-typem5.large
\ --block-device-mappings '[{"DeviceName":"/dev/sdc","VirtualName":"ephemeral1"}]
'This command produces no output.
For more information, see BlockDeviceMapping in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
For information about the syntax for quoting JSON-formatted parameter values, see Using quotation marks with strings in the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
Example 9: To create a launch configuration and suppress a block device from attaching at launch time
This example creates a launch configuration that suppresses a block device specified by the block device mapping of the AMI (for example,
).aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name
\ --image-idami-04d5cc9b88example
\ --instance-typem5.large
\ --block-device-mappings '[{"DeviceName":"/dev/sdf","NoDevice":""}]
'This command produces no output.
For more information, see BlockDeviceMapping in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling API Reference.
For information about the syntax for quoting JSON-formatted parameter values, see Using quotation marks with strings in the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
For API details, see CreateLaunchConfiguration
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use create-or-update-tags
To create or update tags for an Auto Scaling group
This example adds two tags to the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling create-or-update-tags \ --tags
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Tagging Auto Scaling groups and instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see CreateOrUpdateTags
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use delete-auto-scaling-group
Example 1: To delete the specified Auto Scaling group
This example deletes the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling delete-auto-scaling-group \ --auto-scaling-group-name
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Deleting your Auto Scaling infrastructure in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 2: To force delete the specified Auto Scaling group
To delete the Auto Scaling group without waiting for the instances in the group to terminate, use the
--force-delete autoscaling delete-auto-scaling-group \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --force-deleteThis command produces no output.
For more information, see Deleting your Auto Scaling infrastructure in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DeleteAutoScalingGroup
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use delete-launch-configuration
To delete a launch configuration
This example deletes the specified launch configuration.
aws autoscaling delete-launch-configuration \ --launch-configuration-name
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Deleting your Auto Scaling infrastructure in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DeleteLaunchConfiguration
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use delete-lifecycle-hook
To delete a lifecycle hook
This example deletes the specified lifecycle hook.
aws autoscaling delete-lifecycle-hook \ --lifecycle-hook-name
\ --auto-scaling-group-namemy-asg
This command produces no output.
For API details, see DeleteLifecycleHook
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use delete-notification-configuration
To delete an Auto Scaling notification
This example deletes the specified notification from the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling delete-notification-configuration \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --topic-arnarn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:my-sns-topic
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Delete the notification configuration in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DeleteNotificationConfiguration
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use delete-policy
To delete a scaling policy
This example deletes the specified scaling policy.
aws autoscaling delete-policy \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --policy-namealb1000-target-tracking-scaling-policy
This command produces no output.
For API details, see DeletePolicy
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use delete-scheduled-action
To delete a scheduled action from an Auto Scaling group
This example deletes the specified scheduled action from the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling delete-scheduled-action \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --scheduled-action-namemy-scheduled-action
This command produces no output.
For API details, see DeleteScheduledAction
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use delete-tags
To delete a tag from an Auto Scaling group
This example deletes the specified tag from the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling delete-tags \ --tags
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Tagging Auto Scaling groups and instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DeleteTags
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use delete-warm-pool
Example 1: To delete a warm pool
The following example deletes the warm pool for the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling delete-warm-pool \ --auto-scaling-group-name
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Warm pools for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 2: To force delete a warm pool
To delete the warm pool without waiting for its instances to terminate, use the
--force-delete autoscaling delete-warm-pool \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --force-deleteThis command produces no output.
For more information, see Warm pools for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DeleteWarmPool
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-account-limits
To describe your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling account limits
This example describes the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling limits for your AWS account.
aws autoscaling describe-account-limits
{ "NumberOfLaunchConfigurations": 5, "MaxNumberOfLaunchConfigurations": 100, "NumberOfAutoScalingGroups": 3, "MaxNumberOfAutoScalingGroups": 20 }
For more information, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling service quotas in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DescribeAccountLimits
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-adjustment-types
To describe the available scaling adjustment types
This example describes the available adjustment types.
aws autoscaling describe-adjustment-types
{ "AdjustmentTypes": [ { "AdjustmentType": "ChangeInCapacity" }, { "AdjustmentType": "ExactCapacity" }, { "AdjustmentType": "PercentChangeInCapacity" } ] }
For more information, see Scaling adjustment types in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DescribeAdjustmentTypes
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-auto-scaling-groups
Example 1: To describe the specified Auto Scaling group
This example describes the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups \ --auto-scaling-group-names
{ "AutoScalingGroups": [ { "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "AutoScalingGroupARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:123456789012:autoScalingGroup:930d940e-891e-4781-a11a-7b0acd480f03:autoScalingGroupName/my-asg", "LaunchTemplate": { "LaunchTemplateName": "my-launch-template", "Version": "1", "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-1234567890abcde12" }, "MinSize": 0, "MaxSize": 1, "DesiredCapacity": 1, "DefaultCooldown": 300, "AvailabilityZones": [ "us-west-2a", "us-west-2b", "us-west-2c" ], "LoadBalancerNames": [], "TargetGroupARNs": [], "HealthCheckType": "EC2", "HealthCheckGracePeriod": 0, "Instances": [ { "InstanceId": "i-06905f55584de02da", "InstanceType": "t2.micro", "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "HealthStatus": "Healthy", "LifecycleState": "InService", "ProtectedFromScaleIn": false, "LaunchTemplate": { "LaunchTemplateName": "my-launch-template", "Version": "1", "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-1234567890abcde12" } } ], "CreatedTime": "2023-10-28T02:39:22.152Z", "SuspendedProcesses": [], "VPCZoneIdentifier": "subnet-5ea0c127,subnet-6194ea3b,subnet-c934b782", "EnabledMetrics": [], "Tags": [], "TerminationPolicies": [ "Default" ], "NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn": false, "ServiceLinkedRoleARN":"arn", "TrafficSources": [] } ] }
Example 2: To describe the first 100 specified Auto Scaling group
This example describes the specified Auto Scaling groups. It allows you to specify up to 100 group names.
aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups \ --max-items
\ --auto-scaling-group-names"group1"
See example 1 for sample output.
Example 3: To describe an Auto Scaling group in the specified region
This example describes the Auto Scaling groups in the specified region, up to a maximum of 75 groups.
aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups \ --max-items
\ --regionus-east-1
See example 1 for sample output.
Example 4: To describe the specified number of Auto Scaling group
To return a specific number of Auto Scaling groups, use the
--max-items autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups \ --max-items
See example 1 for sample output.
If the output includes a
field, there are more groups. To get the additional groups, use the value of this field with the--starting-token
option in a subsequent call as autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups \ --starting-token
See example 1 for sample output.
Example 5: To describe Auto Scaling groups that use launch configurations
This example uses the
option to describe Auto Scaling groups that use launch autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups \ --query '
[ { "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "AutoScalingGroupARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:123456789012:autoScalingGroup:930d940e-891e-4781-a11a-7b0acd480f03:autoScalingGroupName/my-asg", "LaunchConfigurationName": "my-lc", "MinSize": 0, "MaxSize": 1, "DesiredCapacity": 1, "DefaultCooldown": 300, "AvailabilityZones": [ "us-west-2a", "us-west-2b", "us-west-2c" ], "LoadBalancerNames": [], "TargetGroupARNs": [], "HealthCheckType": "EC2", "HealthCheckGracePeriod": 0, "Instances": [ { "InstanceId": "i-088c57934a6449037", "InstanceType": "t2.micro", "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c", "HealthStatus": "Healthy", "LifecycleState": "InService", "LaunchConfigurationName": "my-lc", "ProtectedFromScaleIn": false } ], "CreatedTime": "2023-10-28T02:39:22.152Z", "SuspendedProcesses": [], "VPCZoneIdentifier": "subnet-5ea0c127,subnet-6194ea3b,subnet-c934b782", "EnabledMetrics": [], "Tags": [], "TerminationPolicies": [ "Default" ], "NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn": false, "ServiceLinkedRoleARN":"arn", "TrafficSources": [] } ]
For more information, see Filter AWS CLI output in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
For API details, see DescribeAutoScalingGroups
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-auto-scaling-instances
Example 1: To describe one or more instances
This example describes the specified instance.
aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-instances \ --instance-ids
{ "AutoScalingInstances": [ { "InstanceId": "i-06905f55584de02da", "InstanceType": "t2.micro", "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b", "LifecycleState": "InService", "HealthStatus": "HEALTHY", "ProtectedFromScaleIn": false, "LaunchTemplate": { "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-1234567890abcde12", "LaunchTemplateName": "my-launch-template", "Version": "1" } } ] }
Example 2: To describe one or more instances
This example uses the
option to specify how many instances to return with this autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-instances \ --max-items
If the output includes a
field, there are more instances. To get the additional instances, use the value of this field with the--starting-token
option in a subsequent call as autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-instances \ --starting-token
See example 1 for sample output.
Example 3: To describe instances that use launch configurations
This example uses the
option to describe instances that use launch autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-instances \ --query '
[ { "InstanceId": "i-088c57934a6449037", "InstanceType": "t2.micro", "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c", "LifecycleState": "InService", "HealthStatus": "HEALTHY", "LaunchConfigurationName": "my-lc", "ProtectedFromScaleIn": false } ]
For more information, see Filter AWS CLI output in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
For API details, see DescribeAutoScalingInstances
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-auto-scaling-notification-types
To describe the available notification types
This example describes the available notification types.
aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-notification-types
{ "AutoScalingNotificationTypes": [ "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCH", "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCH_ERROR", "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATE", "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATE_ERROR", "autoscaling:TEST_NOTIFICATION" ] }
For more information, see Getting Amazon SNS notifications when your Auto Scaling group scales in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DescribeAutoScalingNotificationTypes
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-instance-refreshes
To describe instance refreshes
The following
example returns a description of all instance refresh requests for the specified Auto Scaling group, including the status message and (if available) the status autoscaling describe-instance-refreshes \ --auto-scaling-group-name
{ "InstanceRefreshes": [ { "InstanceRefreshId": "08b91cf7-8fa6-48af-b6a6-d227f40f1b9b", "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "Status": "InProgress", "StatusReason": "Waiting for instances to warm up before continuing. For example: 0e69cc3f05f825f4f is warming up.", "EndTime": "2023-03-23T16:42:55Z", "PercentageComplete": 0, "InstancesToUpdate": 0, "Preferences": { "MinHealthyPercentage": 100, "InstanceWarmup": 300, "CheckpointPercentages": [ 50 ], "CheckpointDelay": 3600, "SkipMatching": false, "AutoRollback": true, "ScaleInProtectedInstances": "Ignore", "StandbyInstances": "Ignore" } }, { "InstanceRefreshId": "dd7728d0-5bc4-4575-96a3-1b2c52bf8bb1", "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "Status": "Successful", "EndTime": "2022-06-02T16:53:37Z", "PercentageComplete": 100, "InstancesToUpdate": 0, "Preferences": { "MinHealthyPercentage": 90, "InstanceWarmup": 300, "SkipMatching": true, "AutoRollback": true, "ScaleInProtectedInstances": "Ignore", "StandbyInstances": "Ignore" } } ] }
For more information, see Check the status of an instance refresh in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DescribeInstanceRefreshes
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-launch-configurations
Example 1: To describe the specified launch configuration
This example describes the specified launch configuration.
aws autoscaling describe-launch-configurations \ --launch-configuration-names
{ "LaunchConfigurations": [ { "LaunchConfigurationName": "my-launch-config", "LaunchConfigurationARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:123456789012:launchConfiguration:98d3b196-4cf9-4e88-8ca1-8547c24ced8b:launchConfigurationName/my-launch-config", "ImageId": "ami-0528a5175983e7f28", "KeyName": "my-key-pair-uswest2", "SecurityGroups": [ "sg-05eaec502fcdadc2e" ], "ClassicLinkVPCSecurityGroups": [], "UserData": "", "InstanceType": "t2.micro", "KernelId": "", "RamdiskId": "", "BlockDeviceMappings": [ { "DeviceName": "/dev/xvda", "Ebs": { "SnapshotId": "snap-06c1606ba5ca274b1", "VolumeSize": 8, "VolumeType": "gp2", "DeleteOnTermination": true, "Encrypted": false } } ], "InstanceMonitoring": { "Enabled": true }, "CreatedTime": "2020-10-28T02:39:22.321Z", "EbsOptimized": false, "AssociatePublicIpAddress": true, "MetadataOptions": { "HttpTokens": "required", "HttpPutResponseHopLimit": 1, "HttpEndpoint": "disabled" } } ] }
Example 2: To describe a specified number of launch configurations
To return a specific number of launch configurations, use the
--max-items autoscaling describe-launch-configurations \ --max-items
If the output includes a
field, there are more launch configurations. To get the additional launch configurations, use the value of this field with the--starting-token
option in a subsequent call as autoscaling describe-launch-configurations \ --starting-token
For API details, see DescribeLaunchConfigurations
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-lifecycle-hook-types
To describe the available lifecycle hook types
This example describes the available lifecycle hook types.
aws autoscaling describe-lifecycle-hook-types
{ "LifecycleHookTypes": [ "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCHING", "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING" ] }
For API details, see DescribeLifecycleHookTypes
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-lifecycle-hooks
To describe your lifecycle hooks
This example describes the lifecycle hooks for the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling describe-lifecycle-hooks \ --auto-scaling-group-name
{ "LifecycleHooks": [ { "GlobalTimeout": 3000, "HeartbeatTimeout": 30, "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "LifecycleHookName": "my-launch-hook", "DefaultResult": "ABANDON", "LifecycleTransition": "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCHING" }, { "GlobalTimeout": 6000, "HeartbeatTimeout": 60, "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "LifecycleHookName": "my-termination-hook", "DefaultResult": "CONTINUE", "LifecycleTransition": "autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATING" } ] }
For API details, see DescribeLifecycleHooks
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-load-balancer-target-groups
To describe the load balancer target groups for an Auto Scaling group
This example describes the load balancer target groups attached to the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling describe-load-balancer-target-groups \ --auto-scaling-group-name
{ "LoadBalancerTargetGroups": [ { "LoadBalancerTargetGroupARN": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:123456789012:targetgroup/my-targets/73e2d6bc24d8a067", "State": "Added" } ] }
For API details, see DescribeLoadBalancerTargetGroups
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-load-balancers
To describe the Classic Load Balancers for an Auto Scaling group
This example describes the Classic Load Balancers for the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling describe-load-balancers \ --auto-scaling-group-name
{ "LoadBalancers": [ { "State": "Added", "LoadBalancerName": "my-load-balancer" } ] }
For API details, see DescribeLoadBalancers
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-metric-collection-types
To describe the available metric collection types
This example describes the available metric collection types.
aws autoscaling describe-metric-collection-types
{ "Metrics": [ { "Metric": "GroupMinSize" }, { "Metric": "GroupMaxSize" }, { "Metric": "GroupDesiredCapacity" }, { "Metric": "GroupInServiceInstances" }, { "Metric": "GroupInServiceCapacity" }, { "Metric": "GroupPendingInstances" }, { "Metric": "GroupPendingCapacity" }, { "Metric": "GroupTerminatingInstances" }, { "Metric": "GroupTerminatingCapacity" }, { "Metric": "GroupStandbyInstances" }, { "Metric": "GroupStandbyCapacity" }, { "Metric": "GroupTotalInstances" }, { "Metric": "GroupTotalCapacity" } ], "Granularities": [ { "Granularity": "1Minute" } ] }
For more information, see Auto Scaling group metrics in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DescribeMetricCollectionTypes
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-notification-configurations
Example 1: To describe the notification configurations of a specified group
This example describes the notification configurations for the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling describe-notification-configurations \ --auto-scaling-group-name
{ "NotificationConfigurations": [ { "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "NotificationType": "autoscaling:TEST_NOTIFICATION", "TopicARN": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:my-sns-topic-2" }, { "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "NotificationType": "autoscaling:TEST_NOTIFICATION", "TopicARN": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:my-sns-topic" } ] }
For more information, see Getting Amazon SNS notifications when your Auto Scaling group scales in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 1: To describe a specified number of notification configurations
To return a specific number of notification configurations, use the
max-items autoscaling describe-notification-configurations \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --max-items1
{ "NotificationConfigurations": [ { "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "NotificationType": "autoscaling:TEST_NOTIFICATION", "TopicARN": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:my-sns-topic-2" }, { "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "NotificationType": "autoscaling:TEST_NOTIFICATION", "TopicARN": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:my-sns-topic" } ] }
If the output includes a
field, there are more notification configurations. To get the additional notification configurations, use the value of this field with thestarting-token
parameter in a subsequent call as autoscaling describe-notification-configurations \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --starting-tokenZ3M3LMPEXAMPLE
For more information, see Getting Amazon SNS notifications when your Auto Scaling group scales in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DescribeNotificationConfigurations
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-policies
Example 1: To describe the scaling policies of a specified group
This example describes the scaling policies for the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling describe-policies \ --auto-scaling-group-name
{ "ScalingPolicies": [ { "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "PolicyName": "alb1000-target-tracking-scaling-policy", "PolicyARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:123456789012:scalingPolicy:3065d9c8-9969-4bec-bb6a-3fbe5550fde6:autoScalingGroupName/my-asg:policyName/alb1000-target-tracking-scaling-policy", "PolicyType": "TargetTrackingScaling", "StepAdjustments": [], "Alarms": [ { "AlarmName": "TargetTracking-my-asg-AlarmHigh-924887a9-12d7-4e01-8686-6f844d13a196", "AlarmARN": "arn:aws:cloudwatch:us-west-2:123456789012:alarm:TargetTracking-my-asg-AlarmHigh-924887a9-12d7-4e01-8686-6f844d13a196" }, { "AlarmName": "TargetTracking-my-asg-AlarmLow-f96f899d-b8e7-4d09-a010-c1aaa35da296", "AlarmARN": "arn:aws:cloudwatch:us-west-2:123456789012:alarm:TargetTracking-my-asg-AlarmLow-f96f899d-b8e7-4d09-a010-c1aaa35da296" } ], "TargetTrackingConfiguration": { "PredefinedMetricSpecification": { "PredefinedMetricType": "ALBRequestCountPerTarget", "ResourceLabel": "app/my-alb/778d41231b141a0f/targetgroup/my-alb-target-group/943f017f100becff" }, "TargetValue": 1000.0, "DisableScaleIn": false }, "Enabled": true }, { "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "PolicyName": "cpu40-target-tracking-scaling-policy", "PolicyARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:123456789012:scalingPolicy:5fd26f71-39d4-4690-82a9-b8515c45cdde:autoScalingGroupName/my-asg:policyName/cpu40-target-tracking-scaling-policy", "PolicyType": "TargetTrackingScaling", "StepAdjustments": [], "Alarms": [ { "AlarmName": "TargetTracking-my-asg-AlarmHigh-139f9789-37b9-42ad-bea5-b5b147d7f473", "AlarmARN": "arn:aws:cloudwatch:us-west-2:123456789012:alarm:TargetTracking-my-asg-AlarmHigh-139f9789-37b9-42ad-bea5-b5b147d7f473" }, { "AlarmName": "TargetTracking-my-asg-AlarmLow-bd681c67-fc18-4c56-8468-fb8e413009c9", "AlarmARN": "arn:aws:cloudwatch:us-west-2:123456789012:alarm:TargetTracking-my-asg-AlarmLow-bd681c67-fc18-4c56-8468-fb8e413009c9" } ], "TargetTrackingConfiguration": { "PredefinedMetricSpecification": { "PredefinedMetricType": "ASGAverageCPUUtilization" }, "TargetValue": 40.0, "DisableScaleIn": false }, "Enabled": true } ] }
For more information, see Dynamic scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 2: To describe the scaling policies of a specified name
To return specific scaling policies, use the
--policy-names autoscaling describe-policies \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --policy-namescpu40-target-tracking-scaling-policy
See example 1 for sample output.
For more information, see Dynamic scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 3: To describe a number of scaling policies
To return a specific number of policies, use the
--max-items autoscaling describe-policies \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --max-items1
See example 1 for sample output.
If the output includes a
field, use the value of this field with the--starting-token
option in a subsequent call to get the additional autoscaling describe-policies --auto-scaling-group-name
For more information, see Dynamic scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DescribePolicies
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-scaling-activities
Example 1: To describe scaling activities for the specified group
This example describes the scaling activities for the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling describe-scaling-activities \ --auto-scaling-group-name
{ "Activities": [ { "ActivityId": "f9f2d65b-f1f2-43e7-b46d-d86756459699", "Description": "Launching a new EC2 instance: i-0d44425630326060f", "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "Cause": "At 2020-10-30T19:35:51Z a user request update of AutoScalingGroup constraints to min: 0, max: 16, desired: 16 changing the desired capacity from 0 to 16. At 2020-10-30T19:36:07Z an instance was started in response to a difference between desired and actual capacity, increasing the capacity from 0 to 16.", "StartTime": "2020-10-30T19:36:09.766Z", "EndTime": "2020-10-30T19:36:41Z", "StatusCode": "Successful", "Progress": 100, "Details": "{\"Subnet ID\":\"subnet-5ea0c127\",\"Availability Zone\":\"us-west-2b\"}" } ] }
For more information, see Verify a scaling activity for an Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 2: To describe the scaling activities for a deleted group
To describe scaling activities after the Auto Scaling group has been deleted, add the
--include-deleted-groups autoscaling describe-scaling-activities \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --include-deleted-groupsOutput:
{ "Activities": [ { "ActivityId": "e1f5de0e-f93e-1417-34ac-092a76fba220", "Description": "Launching a new EC2 instance. Status Reason: Your Spot request price of 0.001 is lower than the minimum required Spot request fulfillment price of 0.0031. Launching EC2 instance failed.", "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "Cause": "At 2021-01-13T20:47:24Z a user request update of AutoScalingGroup constraints to min: 1, max: 5, desired: 3 changing the desired capacity from 0 to 3. At 2021-01-13T20:47:27Z an instance was started in response to a difference between desired and actual capacity, increasing the capacity from 0 to 3.", "StartTime": "2021-01-13T20:47:30.094Z", "EndTime": "2021-01-13T20:47:30Z", "StatusCode": "Failed", "StatusMessage": "Your Spot request price of 0.001 is lower than the minimum required Spot request fulfillment price of 0.0031. Launching EC2 instance failed.", "Progress": 100, "Details": "{\"Subnet ID\":\"subnet-5ea0c127\",\"Availability Zone\":\"us-west-2b\"}", "AutoScalingGroupState": "Deleted", "AutoScalingGroupARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:123456789012:autoScalingGroup:283179a2-f3ce-423d-93f6-66bb518232f7:autoScalingGroupName/my-asg" } ] }
For more information, see Troubleshoot Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 3: To describe a specified number of scaling activities
To return a specific number of activities, use the
--max-items autoscaling describe-scaling-activities \ --max-items
{ "Activities": [ { "ActivityId": "f9f2d65b-f1f2-43e7-b46d-d86756459699", "Description": "Launching a new EC2 instance: i-0d44425630326060f", "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "Cause": "At 2020-10-30T19:35:51Z a user request update of AutoScalingGroup constraints to min: 0, max: 16, desired: 16 changing the desired capacity from 0 to 16. At 2020-10-30T19:36:07Z an instance was started in response to a difference between desired and actual capacity, increasing the capacity from 0 to 16.", "StartTime": "2020-10-30T19:36:09.766Z", "EndTime": "2020-10-30T19:36:41Z", "StatusCode": "Successful", "Progress": 100, "Details": "{\"Subnet ID\":\"subnet-5ea0c127\",\"Availability Zone\":\"us-west-2b\"}" } ] }
If the output includes a
field, there are more activities. To get the additional activities, use the value of this field with the--starting-token
option in a subsequent call as autoscaling describe-scaling-activities \ --starting-token
For more information, see Verify a scaling activity for an Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DescribeScalingActivities
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-scaling-process-types
To describe the available process types
This example describes the available process types.
aws autoscaling describe-scaling-process-types
{ "Processes": [ { "ProcessName": "AZRebalance" }, { "ProcessName": "AddToLoadBalancer" }, { "ProcessName": "AlarmNotification" }, { "ProcessName": "HealthCheck" }, { "ProcessName": "InstanceRefresh" }, { "ProcessName": "Launch" }, { "ProcessName": "ReplaceUnhealthy" }, { "ProcessName": "ScheduledActions" }, { "ProcessName": "Terminate" } ] }
For more information, see Suspending and resuming scaling processes in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DescribeScalingProcessTypes
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-scheduled-actions
Example 1: To describe all scheduled actions
This example describes all your scheduled actions.
aws autoscaling describe-scheduled-actions
{ "ScheduledUpdateGroupActions": [ { "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "ScheduledActionName": "my-recurring-action", "Recurrence": "30 0 1 1,6,12 *", "ScheduledActionARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:123456789012:scheduledUpdateGroupAction:8e86b655-b2e6-4410-8f29-b4f094d6871c:autoScalingGroupName/my-asg:scheduledActionName/my-recurring-action", "StartTime": "2023-12-01T04:00:00Z", "Time": "2023-12-01T04:00:00Z", "MinSize": 1, "MaxSize": 6, "DesiredCapacity": 4, "TimeZone": "America/New_York" } ] }
For more information, see Scheduled scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 2: To describe scheduled actions for the specified group
To describe the scheduled actions for a specific Auto Scaling group, use the
--auto-scaling-group-name autoscaling describe-scheduled-actions \ --auto-scaling-group-name
{ "ScheduledUpdateGroupActions": [ { "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "ScheduledActionName": "my-recurring-action", "Recurrence": "30 0 1 1,6,12 *", "ScheduledActionARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:123456789012:scheduledUpdateGroupAction:8e86b655-b2e6-4410-8f29-b4f094d6871c:autoScalingGroupName/my-asg:scheduledActionName/my-recurring-action", "StartTime": "2023-12-01T04:00:00Z", "Time": "2023-12-01T04:00:00Z", "MinSize": 1, "MaxSize": 6, "DesiredCapacity": 4, "TimeZone": "America/New_York" } ] }
For more information, see Scheduled scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 3: To describe the specified scheduled action
To describe a specific scheduled action, use the
--scheduled-action-names autoscaling describe-scheduled-actions \ --scheduled-action-names
{ "ScheduledUpdateGroupActions": [ { "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "ScheduledActionName": "my-recurring-action", "Recurrence": "30 0 1 1,6,12 *", "ScheduledActionARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:123456789012:scheduledUpdateGroupAction:8e86b655-b2e6-4410-8f29-b4f094d6871c:autoScalingGroupName/my-asg:scheduledActionName/my-recurring-action", "StartTime": "2023-12-01T04:00:00Z", "Time": "2023-12-01T04:00:00Z", "MinSize": 1, "MaxSize": 6, "DesiredCapacity": 4, "TimeZone": "America/New_York" } ] }
For more information, see Scheduled scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 4: To describe scheduled actions with a specified start time
To describe the scheduled actions that start at a specific time, use the
--start-time autoscaling describe-scheduled-actions \ --start-time
{ "ScheduledUpdateGroupActions": [ { "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "ScheduledActionName": "my-recurring-action", "Recurrence": "30 0 1 1,6,12 *", "ScheduledActionARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:123456789012:scheduledUpdateGroupAction:8e86b655-b2e6-4410-8f29-b4f094d6871c:autoScalingGroupName/my-asg:scheduledActionName/my-recurring-action", "StartTime": "2023-12-01T04:00:00Z", "Time": "2023-12-01T04:00:00Z", "MinSize": 1, "MaxSize": 6, "DesiredCapacity": 4, "TimeZone": "America/New_York" } ] }
For more information, see Scheduled scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 5: To describe scheduled actions that end at a specified time
To describe the scheduled actions that end at a specific time, use the
--end-time autoscaling describe-scheduled-actions \ --end-time
{ "ScheduledUpdateGroupActions": [ { "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "ScheduledActionName": "my-recurring-action", "Recurrence": "30 0 1 1,6,12 *", "ScheduledActionARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:123456789012:scheduledUpdateGroupAction:8e86b655-b2e6-4410-8f29-b4f094d6871c:autoScalingGroupName/my-asg:scheduledActionName/my-recurring-action", "StartTime": "2023-12-01T04:00:00Z", "Time": "2023-12-01T04:00:00Z", "MinSize": 1, "MaxSize": 6, "DesiredCapacity": 4, "TimeZone": "America/New_York" } ] }
For more information, see Scheduled scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 6: To describe a specified number of scheduled actions
To return a specific number of scheduled actions, use the
--max-items autoscaling describe-scheduled-actions \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --max-items1
{ "ScheduledUpdateGroupActions": [ { "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "ScheduledActionName": "my-recurring-action", "Recurrence": "30 0 1 1,6,12 *", "ScheduledActionARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:123456789012:scheduledUpdateGroupAction:8e86b655-b2e6-4410-8f29-b4f094d6871c:autoScalingGroupName/my-asg:scheduledActionName/my-recurring-action", "StartTime": "2023-12-01T04:00:00Z", "Time": "2023-12-01T04:00:00Z", "MinSize": 1, "MaxSize": 6, "DesiredCapacity": 4, "TimeZone": "America/New_York" } ] }
If the output includes a
field, there are more scheduled actions. To get the additional scheduled actions, use the value of this field with the--starting-token
option in a subsequent call as autoscaling describe-scheduled-actions \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --starting-tokenZ3M3LMPEXAMPLE
For more information, see Scheduled scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DescribeScheduledActions
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-tags
To describe all tags
This example describes all your tags.
aws autoscaling describe-tags
{ "Tags": [ { "ResourceType": "auto-scaling-group", "ResourceId": "my-asg", "PropagateAtLaunch": true, "Value": "Research", "Key": "Dept" }, { "ResourceType": "auto-scaling-group", "ResourceId": "my-asg", "PropagateAtLaunch": true, "Value": "WebServer", "Key": "Role" } ] }
For more information, see Tagging Auto Scaling groups and instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 2: To describe tags for a specified group
To describe tags for a specific Auto Scaling group, use the
--filters autoscaling describe-tags --filters
For more information, see Tagging Auto Scaling groups and instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 3: To describe the specified number of tags
To return a specific number of tags, use the
--max-items autoscaling describe-tags \ --max-items
If the output includes a
field, there are more tags. To get the additional tags, use the value of this field with the--starting-token
option in a subsequent call as autoscaling describe-tags \ --filters
\ --starting-tokenZ3M3LMPEXAMPLE
For more information, see Tagging Auto Scaling groups and instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DescribeTags
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-termination-policy-types
To describe available termination policy types
This example describes the available termination policy types.
aws autoscaling describe-termination-policy-types
{ "TerminationPolicyTypes": [ "AllocationStrategy", "ClosestToNextInstanceHour", "Default", "NewestInstance", "OldestInstance", "OldestLaunchConfiguration", "OldestLaunchTemplate" ] }
For more information, see Controlling which Auto Scaling instances terminate during scale in in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DescribeTerminationPolicyTypes
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use describe-warm-pool
To describe a warm pool
This example describes the warm pool for the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling describe-warm-pool \ --auto-scaling-group-name
{ "WarmPoolConfiguration": { "MinSize": 2, "PoolState": "Stopped" }, "Instances": [ { "InstanceId": "i-070a5bbc7e7f40dc5", "InstanceType": "t2.micro", "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c", "LifecycleState": "Warmed:Pending", "HealthStatus": "Healthy", "LaunchTemplate": { "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-00a731f6e9fa48610", "LaunchTemplateName": "my-template-for-auto-scaling", "Version": "6" } }, { "InstanceId": "i-0b52f061814d3bd2d", "InstanceType": "t2.micro", "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b", "LifecycleState": "Warmed:Pending", "HealthStatus": "Healthy", "LaunchTemplate": { "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-00a731f6e9fa48610", "LaunchTemplateName": "my-template-for-auto-scaling", "Version": "6" } } ] }
For more information, see Warm pools for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DescribeWarmPool
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use detach-instances
To detach an instance from an Auto Scaling group
This example detaches the specified instance from the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling detach-instances \ --instance-ids
\ --auto-scaling-group-namemy-asg
\ --should-decrement-desired-capacityOutput:
{ "Activities": [ { "ActivityId": "5091cb52-547a-47ce-a236-c9ccbc2cb2c9", "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "Description": "Detaching EC2 instance: i-030017cfa84b20135", "Cause": "At 2020-10-31T17:35:04Z instance i-030017cfa84b20135 was detached in response to a user request, shrinking the capacity from 2 to 1.", "StartTime": "2020-04-12T15:02:16.179Z", "StatusCode": "InProgress", "Progress": 50, "Details": "{\"Subnet ID\":\"subnet-6194ea3b\",\"Availability Zone\":\"us-west-2c\"}" } ] }
For API details, see DetachInstances
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use detach-load-balancer-target-groups
To detach a load balancer target group from an Auto Scaling group
This example detaches the specified load balancer target group from the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling detach-load-balancer-target-groups \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --target-group-arnsarn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:123456789012:targetgroup/my-targets/73e2d6bc24d8a067
This command produces no output
For more information, see Attaching a load balancer to your Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroups
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use detach-load-balancers
To detach a Classic Load Balancer from an Auto Scaling group
This example detaches the specified Classic Load Balancer from the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling detach-load-balancers \ --load-balancer-names
\ --auto-scaling-group-namemy-asg
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Attaching a load balancer to your Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DetachLoadBalancers
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use disable-metrics-collection
To disable metrics collection for an Auto Scaling group
This example disables collection of the
metric for the specified Auto Scaling autoscaling disable-metrics-collection \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --metricsGroupDesiredCapacity
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Monitoring CloudWatch metrics for your Auto Scaling groups and instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see DisableMetricsCollection
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use enable-metrics-collection
Example 1: To enable metrics collection for an Auto Scaling group
This example enables data collection for the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling enable-metrics-collection \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --granularity"1Minute"
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Monitoring CloudWatch metrics for your Auto Scaling groups and instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 2: To collect data for the specified metric for an Auto Scaling group
To collect data for a specific metric, use the
--metrics autoscaling enable-metrics-collection \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --metricsGroupDesiredCapacity
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Monitoring CloudWatch metrics for your Auto Scaling groups and instances in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see EnableMetricsCollection
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use enter-standby
To move instances into standby mode
This example puts the specified instance into standby mode. This is useful for updating or troubleshooting an instance that is currently in service.
aws autoscaling enter-standby \ --instance-ids
\ --auto-scaling-group-namemy-asg
\ --should-decrement-desired-capacityOutput:
{ "Activities": [ { "ActivityId": "ffa056b4-6ed3-41ba-ae7c-249dfae6eba1", "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "Description": "Moving EC2 instance to Standby: i-061c63c5eb45f0416", "Cause": "At 2020-10-31T20:31:00Z instance i-061c63c5eb45f0416 was moved to standby in response to a user request, shrinking the capacity from 1 to 0.", "StartTime": "2020-10-31T20:31:00.949Z", "StatusCode": "InProgress", "Progress": 50, "Details": "{\"Subnet ID\":\"subnet-6194ea3b\",\"Availability Zone\":\"us-west-2c\"}" } ] }
For more information, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling instance lifecycle in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see EnterStandby
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use execute-policy
To execute a scaling policy
This example executes the scaling policy named
for the specified Auto Scaling autoscaling execute-policy \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --policy-namemy-step-scale-out-policy
\ --metric-value95
\ --breach-threshold80
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Step and simple scaling policies in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see ExecutePolicy
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use exit-standby
To move instances out of standby mode
This example moves the specified instance out of standby mode.
aws autoscaling exit-standby \ --instance-ids
\ --auto-scaling-group-namemy-asg
{ "Activities": [ { "ActivityId": "142928e1-a2dc-453a-9b24-b85ad6735928", "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "Description": "Moving EC2 instance out of Standby: i-061c63c5eb45f0416", "Cause": "At 2020-10-31T20:32:50Z instance i-061c63c5eb45f0416 was moved out of standby in response to a user request, increasing the capacity from 0 to 1.", "StartTime": "2020-10-31T20:32:50.222Z", "StatusCode": "PreInService", "Progress": 30, "Details": "{\"Subnet ID\":\"subnet-6194ea3b\",\"Availability Zone\":\"us-west-2c\"}" } ] }
For more information, see Temporarily removing instances from your Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see ExitStandby
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use put-lifecycle-hook
Example 1: To create a lifecycle hook
This example creates a lifecycle hook that will invoke on any newly launched instances, with a timeout of 4800 seconds. This is useful for keeping the instances in a wait state until the user data scripts have finished, or for invoking an AWS Lambda function using EventBridge.
aws autoscaling put-lifecycle-hook \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --lifecycle-hook-namemy-launch-hook
\ --lifecycle-transitionautoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCHING
\ --heartbeat-timeout4800
This command produces no output. If a lifecycle hook with the same name already exists, it will be overwritten by the new lifecycle hook.
For more information, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 2: To send an Amazon SNS email message to notify you of instance state transitions
This example creates a lifecycle hook with the Amazon SNS topic and IAM role to use to receive notification at instance launch.
aws autoscaling put-lifecycle-hook \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --lifecycle-hook-namemy-launch-hook
\ --lifecycle-transitionautoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCHING
\ --notification-target-arnarn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:my-sns-topic
\ --role-arnarn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-auto-scaling-role
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 3: To publish a message to an Amazon SQS queue
This example creates a lifecycle hook that publishes a message with metadata to the specified Amazon SQS queue.
aws autoscaling put-lifecycle-hook \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --lifecycle-hook-namemy-launch-hook
\ --lifecycle-transitionautoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCHING
\ --notification-target-arnarn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:123456789012:my-sqs-queue
\ --role-arnarn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-notification-role
\ --notification-metadata"SQS message metadata"
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see PutLifecycleHook
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use put-notification-configuration
To add a notification
This example adds the specified notification to the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling put-notification-configuration \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --topic-arnarn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:my-sns-topic
\ --notification-typeautoscaling:TEST_NOTIFICATION
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Getting Amazon SNS notifications when your Auto Scaling group scales in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see PutNotificationConfiguration
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use put-scaling-policy
To add a target tracking scaling policy to an Auto Scaling group
The following
example applies a target tracking scaling policy to the specified Auto Scaling group. The output contains the ARNs and names of the two CloudWatch alarms created on your behalf. If a scaling policy with the same name already exists, it will be overwritten by the new scaling autoscaling put-scaling-policy --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --policy-namealb1000-target-tracking-scaling-policy
\ --policy-typeTargetTrackingScaling
\ --target-tracking-configurationfile://config.json
Contents of
:{ "TargetValue": 1000.0, "PredefinedMetricSpecification": { "PredefinedMetricType": "ALBRequestCountPerTarget", "ResourceLabel": "app/my-alb/778d41231b141a0f/targetgroup/my-alb-target-group/943f017f100becff" } }
{ "PolicyARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:region:account-id:scalingPolicy:228f02c2-c665-4bfd-aaac-8b04080bea3c:autoScalingGroupName/my-asg:policyName/alb1000-target-tracking-scaling-policy", "Alarms": [ { "AlarmARN": "arn:aws:cloudwatch:region:account-id:alarm:TargetTracking-my-asg-AlarmHigh-fc0e4183-23ac-497e-9992-691c9980c38e", "AlarmName": "TargetTracking-my-asg-AlarmHigh-fc0e4183-23ac-497e-9992-691c9980c38e" }, { "AlarmARN": "arn:aws:cloudwatch:region:account-id:alarm:TargetTracking-my-asg-AlarmLow-61a39305-ed0c-47af-bd9e-471a352ee1a2", "AlarmName": "TargetTracking-my-asg-AlarmLow-61a39305-ed0c-47af-bd9e-471a352ee1a2" } ] }
For more examples, see Example scaling policies for the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see PutScalingPolicy
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use put-scheduled-update-group-action
Example 1: To add a scheduled action to an Auto Scaling group
This example adds the specified scheduled action to the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling put-scheduled-update-group-action \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --scheduled-action-namemy-scheduled-action
\ --start-time"2023-05-12T08:00:00Z"
\ --min-size2
\ --max-size6
\ --desired-capacity4
This command produces no output. If a scheduled action with the same name already exists, it will be overwritten by the new scheduled action.
For more examples, see Scheduled scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 2: To specify a recurring schedule
This example creates a scheduled action to scale on a recurring schedule that is scheduled to execute at 00:30 hours on the first of January, June, and December every year.
aws autoscaling put-scheduled-update-group-action \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --scheduled-action-namemy-recurring-action
\ --recurrence"30 0 1 1,6,12 *"
\ --min-size2
\ --max-size6
\ --desired-capacity4
This command produces no output. If a scheduled action with the same name already exists, it will be overwritten by the new scheduled action.
For more examples, see Scheduled scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see PutScheduledUpdateGroupAction
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use put-warm-pool
To create a warm pool
The following example creates a warm pool for the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling put-warm-pool \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --min-size2
This command produces no output. If a warm pool already exists, it will be updated.
For more information, see Warm pools for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see PutWarmPool
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use record-lifecycle-action-heartbeat
To record a lifecycle action heartbeat
This example records a lifecycle action heartbeat to keep the instance in a pending state.
aws autoscaling record-lifecycle-action-heartbeat \ --lifecycle-hook-name
\ --auto-scaling-group-namemy-asg
\ --lifecycle-action-tokenbcd2f1b8-9a78-44d3-8a7a-4dd07d7cf635
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling lifecycle hooks in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeat
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use resume-processes
To resume suspended processes
This example resumes the specified suspended scaling process for the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling resume-processes \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --scaling-processesAlarmNotification
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Suspending and resuming scaling processes in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see ResumeProcesses
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use rollback-instance-refresh
To roll back an instance refresh
The following
example rolls back an in-progress instance refresh for the specified Auto Scaling autoscaling rollback-instance-refresh \ --auto-scaling-group-name
{ "InstanceRefreshId": "08b91cf7-8fa6-48af-b6a6-d227f40f1b9b" }
For more information, see Undo changes with a rollback in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see RollbackInstanceRefresh
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use set-desired-capacity
To set the desired capacity for an Auto Scaling group
This example sets the desired capacity for the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling set-desired-capacity \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --desired-capacity2
\ --honor-cooldownThis command returns to the prompt if successful.
For API details, see SetDesiredCapacity
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use set-instance-health
To set the health status of an instance
This example sets the health status of the specified instance to
.aws autoscaling set-instance-health \ --instance-id
\ --health-statusUnhealthy
This command produces no output.
For API details, see SetInstanceHealth
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use set-instance-protection
Example 1: To enable the instance protection setting for an instance
This example enables instance protection for the specified instance.
aws autoscaling set-instance-protection \ --instance-ids
\ --auto-scaling-group-namemy-asg
--protected-from-scale-inThis command produces no output.
Example 2: To disable the instance protection setting for an instance
This example disables instance protection for the specified instance.
aws autoscaling set-instance-protection \ --instance-ids
\ --auto-scaling-group-namemy-asg
\ --no-protected-from-scale-inThis command produces no output.
For API details, see SetInstanceProtection
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use start-instance-refresh
Example 1: To start an instance refresh using command line parameters
The following
example starts an instance refresh using command line arguments. The optionalpreferences
parameter specifies anInstanceWarmup
seconds and aMinHealthyPercentage
of50 autoscaling start-instance-refresh \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --preferences '{"InstanceWarmup": 60, "MinHealthyPercentage": 50}
{ "InstanceRefreshId": "08b91cf7-8fa6-48af-b6a6-d227f40f1b9b" }
For more information, see Start an instance refresh in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 2: To start an instance refresh using a JSON file
The following
example starts an instance refresh using a JSON file. You can specify the Auto Scaling group and define your desired configuration and preferences in a JSON file, as shown in the following autoscaling start-instance-refresh \ --cli-input-json
Contents of
:{ "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "DesiredConfiguration": { "LaunchTemplate": { "LaunchTemplateId": "lt-068f72b729example", "Version": "$Default" } }, "Preferences": { "InstanceWarmup": 60, "MinHealthyPercentage": 50, "AutoRollback": true, "ScaleInProtectedInstances": Ignore, "StandbyInstances": Terminate } }
{ "InstanceRefreshId": "08b91cf7-8fa6-48af-b6a6-d227f40f1b9b" }
For more information, see Start an instance refresh in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see StartInstanceRefresh
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use suspend-processes
To suspend Auto Scaling processes
This example suspends the specified scaling process for the specified Auto Scaling group.
aws autoscaling suspend-processes \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --scaling-processesAlarmNotification
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Suspending and resuming scaling processes in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see SuspendProcesses
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use terminate-instance-in-auto-scaling-group
To terminate an instance in an Auto Scaling group
This example terminates the specified instance from the specified Auto Scaling group without updating the size of the group. Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling launches a replacement instance after the specified instance terminates.
aws autoscaling terminate-instance-in-auto-scaling-group \ --instance-id
\ --no-should-decrement-desired-capacityOutput:
{ "Activities": [ { "ActivityId": "8c35d601-793c-400c-fcd0-f64a27530df7", "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "Description": "Terminating EC2 instance: i-061c63c5eb45f0416", "Cause": "", "StartTime": "2020-10-31T20:34:25.680Z", "StatusCode": "InProgress", "Progress": 0, "Details": "{\"Subnet ID\":\"subnet-6194ea3b\",\"Availability Zone\":\"us-west-2c\"}" } ] }
For API details, see TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup
in AWS CLI Command Reference.
The following code example shows how to use update-auto-scaling-group
Example 1: To update the size limits of an Auto Scaling group
This example updates the specified Auto Scaling group with a minimum size of 2 and a maximum size of 10.
aws autoscaling update-auto-scaling-group \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --min-size2
\ --max-size10
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Setting capacity limits for your Auto Scaling group in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 2: To add Elastic Load Balancing health checks and specify which Availability Zones and subnets to use
This example updates the specified Auto Scaling group to add Elastic Load Balancing health checks. This command also updates the value of
with a list of subnet IDs in multiple Availability autoscaling update-auto-scaling-group \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --health-check-typeELB
\ --health-check-grace-period600
\ --vpc-zone-identifier"subnet-5ea0c127,subnet-6194ea3b,subnet-c934b782"
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Elastic Load Balancing and Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 3: To update the placement group and termination policy
This example updates the placement group and termination policy to use.
aws autoscaling update-auto-scaling-group \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --placement-groupmy-placement-group
\ --termination-policies"OldestInstance"
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Auto Scaling groups in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 4: To use the latest version of the launch template
This example updates the specified Auto Scaling group to use the latest version of the specified launch template.
aws autoscaling update-auto-scaling-group \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --launch-template LaunchTemplateId=lt-1234567890abcde12,Version='$Latest'This command produces no output.
For more information, see Launch templates in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 5: To use a specific version of the launch template
This example updates the specified Auto Scaling group to use a specific version of a launch template instead of the latest or default version.
aws autoscaling update-auto-scaling-group \ --auto-scaling-group-name
\ --launch-template LaunchTemplateName=my-template-for-auto-scaling,Version='2'This command produces no output.
For more information, see Launch templates in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 6: To define a mixed instances policy and enable capacity rebalancing
This example updates the specified Auto Scaling group to use a mixed instances policy and enables capacity rebalancing. This structure lets you specify groups with Spot and On-Demand capacities and use different launch templates for different architectures.
aws autoscaling update-auto-scaling-group \ --cli-input-json
Contents of
:{ "AutoScalingGroupName": "my-asg", "CapacityRebalance": true, "MixedInstancesPolicy": { "LaunchTemplate": { "LaunchTemplateSpecification": { "LaunchTemplateName": "my-launch-template-for-x86", "Version": "$Latest" }, "Overrides": [ { "InstanceType": "c6g.large", "LaunchTemplateSpecification": { "LaunchTemplateName": "my-launch-template-for-arm", "Version": "$Latest" } }, { "InstanceType": "c5.large" }, { "InstanceType": "c5a.large" } ] }, "InstancesDistribution": { "OnDemandPercentageAboveBaseCapacity": 50, "SpotAllocationStrategy": "capacity-optimized" } } }
This command produces no output.
For more information, see Auto Scaling groups with multiple instance types and purchase options in the Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling User Guide.
For API details, see UpdateAutoScalingGroup
in AWS CLI Command Reference.