Route 53 domain registration examples using AWS CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Route 53 domain registration examples using AWS CLI

The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the AWS Command Line Interface with Route 53 domain registration.

Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.

Each example includes a link to the complete source code, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.



The following code example shows how to use check-domain-availability.


To determine whether you can register a domain name with Route 53

The following check-domain-availability command returns information about whether the domain name is available to be registered using Route 53.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains check-domain-availability \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name


{ "Availability": "UNAVAILABLE" }

Route 53 supports a large number of top-level domains (TLDs), such as .com and .jp, but we don't support all available TLDs. If you check the availability of a domain and Route 53 doesn't support the TLD, check-domain-availability returns the following message.

An error occurred (UnsupportedTLD) when calling the CheckDomainAvailability operation: <top-level domain> tld is not supported.

For a list of the TLDs that you can use when registering a domain with Route 53, see Domains That You Can Register with Amazon Route 53 in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide. For more information about registering domains with Amazon Route 53, see Registering a New Domain in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use check-domain-transferability.


To determine whether a domain can be transferred to Route 53

The following check-domain-transferability command returns information about whether you can transfer the domain name to Route 53.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains check-domain-transferability \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name


{ "Transferability": { "Transferable": "UNTRANSFERABLE" } }

For more information, see Transferring Registration for a Domain to Amazon Route 53 in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use delete-tags-for-domain.


To delete tags for a domain

The following delete-tags-for-domain command deletes three tags from the specified domain. Note that you specify only the tag key, not the tag value.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains delete-tags-for-domain \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name \ --tags-to-delete accounting-key hr-key engineering-key

This command produces no output.

To confirm that the tags were deleted, you can run list-tags-for-domain . For more information, see Tagging Amazon Route 53 Resources in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use disable-domain-auto-renew.


To disable automatic renewal of a domain

The following disable-domain-auto-renew command configures Route 53 to not automatically renew the domain before registration for the domain expires.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains disable-domain-auto-renew \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name

This command produces no output.

To confirm that the setting was changed, you can run get-domain-detail . If automatic renewal is disabled, the value of AutoRenew is False. For more information about automatic renewal, see Renewing Registration for a Domain < in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use disable-domain-transfer-lock.


To disable the transfer lock on a domain

The following disable-domain-transfer-lock command removes the transfer lock on the domain so that the domain can be transferred to another registrar. This command changes the clientTransferProhibited status.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains disable-domain-transfer-lock \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name


{ "OperationId": "3f28e0ac-126a-4113-9048-cc930example" }

To confirm that the transfer lock has been changed, you can run get-domain-detail . When the transfer lock is disabled, the value of StatusList does not include clientTransferProhibited.

For more information about the transfer process, see Transferring a Domain from Amazon Route 53 to Another Registrar in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use enable-domain-auto-renew.


To enable automatic renewal of a domain

The following enable-domain-auto-renew command configures Route 53 to automatically renew the domain before registration for the domain expires.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains enable-domain-auto-renew \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name

This command produces no output. To confirm that the setting was changed, you can run get-domain-detail . If automatic renewal is enabled, the value of AutoRenew is True.

For more information about automatic renewal, see Renewing Registration for a Domain < in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use enable-domain-transfer-lock.


To enable the transfer lock on a domain

The following enable-domain-transfer-lock command locks the specified domain so that it can't be transferred to another registrar. This command changes the clientTransferProhibited status.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains enable-domain-transfer-lock \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name


{ "OperationId": "3f28e0ac-126a-4113-9048-cc930example" }

To confirm that the transfer lock has been changed, you can run get-domain-detail . When the transfer lock is enabled, the value of StatusList includes clientTransferProhibited.

For more information about the transfer process, see Transferring a Domain from Amazon Route 53 to Another Registrar in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-contact-reachability-status.


To determine whether the registrant contact has responded to a confirmation email

The following get-contact-reachability-status command returns information about whether the registrant contact for the specified domain has responded to a confirmation email.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains get-contact-reachability-status \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name


{ "domainName": "", "status": "DONE" }

For more information, see Resending Authorization and Confirmation Emails in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use get-domain-detail.


To get detailed information about a specified domain

The following get-domain-detail command displays detailed information about the specified domain.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains get-domain-detail \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name


{ "DomainName": "", "Nameservers": [ { "Name": "", "GlueIps": [] }, { "Name": "", "GlueIps": [] }, { "Name": "", "GlueIps": [] }, { "Name": "", "GlueIps": [] } ], "AutoRenew": true, "AdminContact": { "FirstName": "Saanvi", "LastName": "Sarkar", "ContactType": "COMPANY", "OrganizationName": "Example", "AddressLine1": "123 Main Street", "City": "Anytown", "State": "WA", "CountryCode": "US", "ZipCode": "98101", "PhoneNumber": "+1.8005551212", "Email": "", "ExtraParams": [] }, "RegistrantContact": { "FirstName": "Alejandro", "LastName": "Rosalez", "ContactType": "COMPANY", "OrganizationName": "Example", "AddressLine1": "123 Main Street", "City": "Anytown", "State": "WA", "CountryCode": "US", "ZipCode": "98101", "PhoneNumber": "+1.8005551212", "Email": "", "ExtraParams": [] }, "TechContact": { "FirstName": "Wang", "LastName": "Xiulan", "ContactType": "COMPANY", "OrganizationName": "Example", "AddressLine1": "123 Main Street", "City": "Anytown", "State": "WA", "CountryCode": "US", "ZipCode": "98101", "PhoneNumber": "+1.8005551212", "Email": "", "ExtraParams": [] }, "AdminPrivacy": true, "RegistrantPrivacy": true, "TechPrivacy": true, "RegistrarName": "Amazon Registrar, Inc.", "WhoIsServer": "", "RegistrarUrl": "", "AbuseContactEmail": "", "AbuseContactPhone": "+1.2062661000", "CreationDate": 1444934889.601, "ExpirationDate": 1602787689.0, "StatusList": [ "clientTransferProhibited" ] }

The following code example shows how to use get-domain-suggestions.


To get a list of suggested domain names

The following get-domain-suggestions command displays a list of suggested domain names based on the domain name The response includes only domain names that are available. This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains get-domain-suggestions \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name \ --suggestion-count 10 \ --only-available


{ "SuggestionsList": [ { "DomainName": "", "Availability": "AVAILABLE" }, { "DomainName": "", "Availability": "AVAILABLE" }, { "DomainName": "", "Availability": "AVAILABLE" }, { "DomainName": "", "Availability": "AVAILABLE" }, { "DomainName": "", "Availability": "AVAILABLE" }, { "DomainName": "", "Availability": "AVAILABLE" }, { "DomainName": "", "Availability": "AVAILABLE" }, { "DomainName": "", "Availability": "AVAILABLE" }, { "DomainName": "", "Availability": "AVAILABLE" } ] }

The following code example shows how to use get-operation-detail.


To get the current status of an operation

Some domain registration operations operate asynchronously and return a response before they finish. These operations return an operation ID that you can use to get the current status. The following get-operation-detail command returns the status of the specified operation.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains get-operation-detail \ --region us-east-1 \ --operation-id edbd8d63-7fe7-4343-9bc5-54033example


{ "OperationId": "edbd8d63-7fe7-4343-9bc5-54033example", "Status": "SUCCESSFUL", "DomainName": "", "Type": "DOMAIN_LOCK", "SubmittedDate": 1573749367.864 }

The following code example shows how to use list-domains.


To list the domains that are registered with the current AWS account

The following list-domains command lists summary information about the domains that are registered with the current AWS account.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains list-domains --region us-east-1


{ "Domains": [ { "DomainName": "", "AutoRenew": true, "TransferLock": true, "Expiry": 1602712345.0 }, { "DomainName": "", "AutoRenew": true, "TransferLock": true, "Expiry": 1602723456.0 }, { "DomainName": "", "AutoRenew": true, "TransferLock": true, "Expiry": 1602734567.0 } ] }
  • For API details, see ListDomains in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use list-operations.


To list the status of operations that return an operation ID

Some domain registration operations run asynchronously and return a response before they finish. These operations return an operation ID that you can use to get the current status. The following list-operations command lists summary information, including the status, about the current domain-registration operations.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains list-operations --region us-east-1


{ "Operations": [ { "OperationId": "aab9822f-1da0-4bf3-8a15-fd4e0example", "Status": "SUCCESSFUL", "Type": "DOMAIN_LOCK", "SubmittedDate": 1455321739.986 }, { "OperationId": "c24379ed-76be-42f8-bdad-9379bexample", "Status": "SUCCESSFUL", "Type": "UPDATE_NAMESERVER", "SubmittedDate": 1468960475.109 }, { "OperationId": "f47e1297-ef9e-4c2b-ae1e-a5fcbexample", "Status": "SUCCESSFUL", "Type": "RENEW_DOMAIN", "SubmittedDate": 1473561835.943 }, { "OperationId": "75584f23-b15f-459e-aed7-dc6f5example", "Status": "SUCCESSFUL", "Type": "UPDATE_DOMAIN_CONTACT", "SubmittedDate": 1547501003.41 } ] }

The output includes all the operations that return an operation ID and that you have performed on all the domains that you have ever registered using the current AWS account. If you want to get only the operations that you submitted after a specified date, you can include the submitted-since parameter and specify a date in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The following command gets the status of all operations that were submitted after 12:00 am UTC on January 1, 2020.

aws route53domains list-operations \ --submitted-since 1577836800

The following code example shows how to use list-tags-for-domain.


To list tags for a domain

The following list-tags-for-domain command lists the tags that are currently associated with the specified domain.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains list-tags-for-domain \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name


{ "TagList": [ { "Key": "key1", "Value": "value1" }, { "Key": "key2", "Value": "value2" } ] }

For more information, see Tagging Amazon Route 53 Resources in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use register-domain.


To register a domain

The following register-domain command registers a domain, retrieving all parameter values from a JSON-formatted file.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains register-domain \ --region us-east-1 \ --cli-input-json file://register-domain.json

Contents of register-domain.json:

{ "DomainName": "", "DurationInYears": 1, "AutoRenew": true, "AdminContact": { "FirstName": "Martha", "LastName": "Rivera", "ContactType": "PERSON", "OrganizationName": "Example", "AddressLine1": "1 Main Street", "City": "Anytown", "State": "WA", "CountryCode": "US", "ZipCode": "98101", "PhoneNumber": "+1.8005551212", "Email": "" }, "RegistrantContact": { "FirstName": "Li", "LastName": "Juan", "ContactType": "PERSON", "OrganizationName": "Example", "AddressLine1": "1 Main Street", "City": "Anytown", "State": "WA", "CountryCode": "US", "ZipCode": "98101", "PhoneNumber": "+1.8005551212", "Email": "" }, "TechContact": { "FirstName": "Mateo", "LastName": "Jackson", "ContactType": "PERSON", "OrganizationName": "Example", "AddressLine1": "1 Main Street", "City": "Anytown", "State": "WA", "CountryCode": "US", "ZipCode": "98101", "PhoneNumber": "+1.8005551212", "Email": "" }, "PrivacyProtectAdminContact": true, "PrivacyProtectRegistrantContact": true, "PrivacyProtectTechContact": true }


{ "OperationId": "b114c44a-9330-47d1-a6e8-a0b11example" }

To confirm that the operation succeeded, you can run get-operation-detail. For more information, see get-operation-detail .

For more information, see Registering a New Domain in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

For information about which top-level domains (TLDs) require values for ExtraParams and what the valid values are, see ExtraParam in the Amazon Route 53 API Reference.

The following code example shows how to use renew-domain.


To renew a domain

The following renew-domain command renews the specified domain for five years. To get the value for current-expiry-year, use the get-domain-detail command, and convert the value of ExpirationDate from Unix format.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains renew-domain \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name \ --duration-in-years 5 \ --current-expiry-year 2020


{ "OperationId": "3f28e0ac-126a-4113-9048-cc930example" }

To confirm that the operation succeeded, you can run get-operation-detail. For more information, see get-operation-detail.

The registry for each top-level domain (TLD), such as .com or .org, controls the maximum number of years that you can renew a domain for. To get the maximum renewal period for your domain, see the "Registration and Renewal Period" section for your TLD in Domains That You Can Register with Amazon Route 53 in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

For more information, see Renewing Registration for a Domain in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

  • For API details, see RenewDomain in AWS CLI Command Reference.

The following code example shows how to use resend-contact-reachability-email.


To resend the confirmation email to the current email address for the registrant contact

The following resend-contact-reachability-email command resends the confirmation email to the current email address for the registrant contact for the domain.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains resend-contact-reachability-email \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name


{ "domainName": "", "emailAddress": "", "isAlreadyVerified": true }

If the value of isAlreadyVerified is true, as in this example, the registrant contact has already confirmed that the specified email address is reachable.

For more information, see Resending Authorization and Confirmation Emails in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use retrieve-domain-auth-code.


To get the authorization code for a domain so you can transfer the domain to another registrar

The following retrieve-domain-auth-code command gets the current authorization code for the domain. You give this value to another domain registrar when you want to transfer the domain to that registrar.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains retrieve-domain-auth-code \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name


{ "AuthCode": ")o!v3dJeXampLe" }

For more information, see Transferring a Domain from Amazon Route 53 to Another Registrar in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use transfer-domain.


To transfer a domain to Amazon Route 53

The following transfer-domain command transfers a domain to Route 53, with the parameters provided by the JSON-formatted file C:\temp\transfer-domain.json.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains transfer-domain \ --region us-east-1 \ --cli-input-json file://C:\temp\transfer-domain.json

Contents of transfer-domain.json:

{ "DomainName": "", "DurationInYears": 1, "Nameservers": [ { "Name": "" }, { "Name": "" }, { "Name": "" }, { "Name": "" } ], "AuthCode": ")o!v3dJeXampLe", "AutoRenew": true, "AdminContact": { "FirstName": "Martha", "LastName": "Rivera", "ContactType": "PERSON", "OrganizationName": "Example", "AddressLine1": "1 Main Street", "City": "Anytown", "State": "WA", "CountryCode": "US", "ZipCode": "98101", "PhoneNumber": "+1.8005551212", "Email": "" }, "RegistrantContact": { "FirstName": "Li", "LastName": "Juan", "ContactType": "PERSON", "OrganizationName": "Example", "AddressLine1": "1 Main Street", "City": "Anytown", "State": "WA", "CountryCode": "US", "ZipCode": "98101", "PhoneNumber": "+1.8005551212", "Email": "" }, "TechContact": { "FirstName": "Mateo", "LastName": "Jackson", "ContactType": "PERSON", "OrganizationName": "Example", "AddressLine1": "1 Main Street", "City": "Anytown", "State": "WA", "CountryCode": "US", "ZipCode": "98101", "PhoneNumber": "+1.8005551212", "Email": "" }, "PrivacyProtectAdminContact": true, "PrivacyProtectRegistrantContact": true, "PrivacyProtectTechContact": true }


{ "OperationId": "b114c44a-9330-47d1-a6e8-a0b11example" }

To confirm that the operation succeeded, you can run get-operation-detail. For more information, see get-operation-detail .

For more information, see Transferring Registration for a Domain to Amazon Route 53 in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-domain-contact-privacy.


To update the privacy settings for the contacts for a domain

The following update-domain-contact-privacy command turns off privacy protection for the administrative contact for the domain. This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region.

If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains update-domain-contact-privacy \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name \ --no-admin-privacy


{ "OperationId": "b3a219e9-d801-4244-b533-b7256example" }

To confirm that the operation succeeded, you can run get-operation-detail. For more information, see get-operation-detail .

For more information, see Enabling or Disabling Privacy Protection for Contact Information for a Domain in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-domain-contact.


To update the contact information for a domain

The following update-domain-contact command updates the contact information for a domain, getting the parameters from the JSON-formatted file C:\temp\update-domain-contact.json.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains update-domain-contact \ --region us-east-1 \ --cli-input-json file://C:\temp\update-domain-contact.json

Contents of update-domain-contact.json:

{ "AdminContact": { "AddressLine1": "101 Main Street", "AddressLine2": "Suite 1a", "City": "Seattle", "ContactType": "COMPANY", "CountryCode": "US", "Email": "", "FirstName": "Wang", "LastName": "Xiulan", "OrganizationName": "Example", "PhoneNumber": "+1.8005551212", "State": "WA", "ZipCode": "98101" }, "DomainName": "", "RegistrantContact": { "AddressLine1": "101 Main Street", "AddressLine2": "Suite 1a", "City": "Seattle", "ContactType": "COMPANY", "CountryCode": "US", "Email": "", "FirstName": "Wang", "LastName": "Xiulan", "OrganizationName": "Example", "PhoneNumber": "+1.8005551212", "State": "WA", "ZipCode": "98101" }, "TechContact": { "AddressLine1": "101 Main Street", "AddressLine2": "Suite 1a", "City": "Seattle", "ContactType": "COMPANY", "CountryCode": "US", "Email": "", "FirstName": "Wang", "LastName": "Xiulan", "OrganizationName": "Example", "PhoneNumber": "+1.8005551212", "State": "WA", "ZipCode": "98101" } }


{ "OperationId": "b3a219e9-d801-4244-b533-b7256example" }

To confirm that the operation succeeded, you can run get-domain-detail . For more information, see Updating Contact Information for a Domain in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-domain-nameservers.


To update the name servers for a domain

The following update-domain-nameservers command updates the name servers for a domain.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains update-domain-nameservers \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name \ --nameservers


{ "OperationId": "f1691ec4-0e7a-489e-82e0-b19d3example" }

To confirm that the operation succeeded, you can run get-domain-detail .

For more information, see Adding or Changing Name Servers and Glue Records for a Domain in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use update-tags-for-domain.


To add or update tags for a domain

The following update-tags-for-domain command adds or updates two keys and the corresponding values for the domain. To update the value for a key, just include the key and the new value. You can add or update tags in only one domain at a time.

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains update-tags-for-domain \ --region us-east-1 \ --domain-name \ --tags-to-update "Key=key1,Value=value1" "Key=key2,Value=value2"

This command produces no output. To confirm that the tags were added or updated, you can run list-tags-for-domain .

For more information, see Tagging Amazon Route 53 Resources in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.

The following code example shows how to use view-billing.


To get billing information for domain registration charges for the current AWS account

The following view-billing command returns all the domain-related billing records for the current account for the period from January 1, 2018 (1514764800 in Unix time) and midnight on December 31, 2019 (1577836800 in Unix time).

This command runs only in the us-east-1 Region. If your default region is set to us-east-1, you can omit the region parameter.

aws route53domains view-billing \ --region us-east-1 \ --start-time 1514764800 \ --end-time 1577836800


{ "BillingRecords": [ { "DomainName": "", "Operation": "RENEW_DOMAIN", "InvoiceId": "149962827", "BillDate": 1536618063.181, "Price": 12.0 }, { "DomainName": "", "Operation": "RENEW_DOMAIN", "InvoiceId": "290913289", "BillDate": 1568162630.884, "Price": 12.0 } ] }

For more information, see ViewBilling in the Amazon Route 53 API Reference.

  • For API details, see ViewBilling in AWS CLI Command Reference.