Set up agent-to-agent transfers in Amazon Connect - Amazon Connect

Set up agent-to-agent transfers in Amazon Connect

We recommend using these instructions to set up agent-to-agent voice, chat, and task transfers. You use a Set working queue block to transfer the contact to the agent's queue. The Set working queue block supports an omnichannel experience, whereas the Transfer to agent (beta) block does not.

Step 1: Create the quick connect

Following are the instructions to add quick connects manually using the Amazon Connect admin website. To add quick connects programmatically, use the CreateQuickConnect API.

Create a quick connect
  1. On the navigation menu, choose Routing, Quick connects, Add a new destination.

  2. Enter a name for the connect. Choose the type, and then specify the destination (such as a phone number or the name of an agent), flow (if applicable), and description.


    A description is required when you create a quick connect. If you don't add one, you'll get an error when you try to save the quick connect.

  3. To add more quick connects, choose Add new.

  4. Choose Save.

  5. Go to the next procedure to enable your agents to see the quick connects in the Contact Control Panel (CCP).

Enable your agents to see the quick connects in the CCP when they transfer a contact
  1. After you create the quick connect, go to Routing, Queues and then choose the appropriate queue for the contact to be routed to.

  2. On the Edit queue page, in the Quick connect box, search for the quick connect you created.

  3. Select the quick connect and then choose Save.


Agents see all of the quick connects for the queues in their routing profile.

Step 2: Set up the "Transfer to agent" flow

In this step, you create a flow that's type Transfer to agent and use a Set working queue block to transfer the contact to the agent.

  1. On the navigation menu, choose Routing, Flows.

  2. Use the drop-down to choose Create transfer to agent flow.

  3. Type a name and a description for your flow.

  4. In the left navigation menu, expand Set, and then drag the Set working queue block to the canvas.

  5. Configure the Set working queue block as shown in the following image. Choose By agent, Set dynamically, Namespace = Agent, Value = User name.

    The properties page for the Set working queue block.
    1. Choose By agent.

    2. Choose Set dynamically.

    3. For Namespace, use the dropdown box to select Agent.

    4. For Value, use the dropdown box to select User name.

  6. Add a Transfer to queue block. You don't need to configure this block. The following image shows the Success branch of the Set working queue block connecting to the Transfer to queue block.

    The transfer to queue block on the flow designer.
  7. Save and publish this flow.

  8. To show your agents how to transfer chats to another agent, see Transfer a chat to an agent's queue with context in the CCP.

    To show your agents how to transfer tasks to another agent, see Transfer a task to another agent or queue in the Amazon Connect Contact Control Panel (CCP).