Enable logging of AWS SDK for Rust code - AWS SDK for Rust

Enable logging of AWS SDK for Rust code

The AWS SDK for Rust uses the tracing framework for logging.

  1. In a command prompt for your project directory, add the tracing-subscriber crate as a dependency:

    $ cargo add tracing-subscriber --features tracing-subscriber/env-filter

    This adds the crate to the [dependencies] section of your Cargo.toml file.

  2. Initialize the subscriber. Usually this is done early in the main function before calling any SDK for Rust operation:

    use aws_config::BehaviorVersion; type BoxError = Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync>; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), BoxError> { tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); // Initialize the subscriber. let config = aws_config::defaults(BehaviorVersion::latest()) .load() .await; let s3 = aws_sdk_s3::Client::new(&config); let _resp = s3.list_buckets() .send() .await?; Ok(()) }
  3. Turn on logging using RUST_LOG environment variable. To enable the display of logging information, in a command prompt, set the RUST_LOG environment variable to the level you want to log at. The following example sets logging to the debug level:

    $ RUST_LOG=debug

    If you're using VSCode, the terminal window often defaults to PowerShell. Verify the type of prompt you are using.

    C:\> set RUST_LOG=debug
    PS C:\> $ENV:RUST_LOG="debug"
  4. Run the program:

    $ cargo run

    You should see additional output in the console or terminal window.

For more information see filtering events with environment variables from the tracing-subscriber documentation.

Interpret the log output

Once you have turned on logging by following the steps in the previous section, additional log information will be printed to standard out by default.

If you're using the default log output format (called "full" by the tracing module), the information that you see in the log output looks similar to this:

2024-06-25T16:10:12.367482Z DEBUG invoke{service=s3 operation=ListBuckets sdk_invocation_id=3434933}:try_op:try_attempt:lazy_load_identity: aws_smithy_runtime::client::identity::cache::lazy: identity cache miss occurred; added new identity (took 480.892ms) new_expiration=2024-06-25T23:07:59Z valid_for=25066.632521s partition=IdentityCachePartition(7) 2024-06-25T16:10:12.367602Z DEBUG invoke{service=s3 operation=ListBuckets sdk_invocation_id=3434933}:try_op:try_attempt: aws_smithy_runtime::client::identity::cache::lazy: loaded identity 2024-06-25T16:10:12.367643Z TRACE invoke{service=s3 operation=ListBuckets sdk_invocation_id=3434933}:try_op:try_attempt: aws_smithy_runtime::client::orchestrator::auth: resolved identity identity=Identity { data: Credentials {... }, expiration: Some(SystemTime { tv_sec: 1719356879, tv_nsec: 0 }) } 2024-06-25T16:10:12.367695Z TRACE invoke{service=s3 operation=ListBuckets sdk_invocation_id=3434933}:try_op:try_attempt: aws_smithy_runtime::client::orchestrator::auth: signing request

Each entry includes the following:

  • The log entry's timestamp.

  • The log level of the entry. This is a word such as INFO, DEBUG, or TRACE.

  • The nested set of spans from which the log entry was generated, separated by colons (":"). This helps you identify the source of the log entry.

  • The Rust module path containing the code that generated the log entry.

  • The log message text.

The tracing module's standard output formats use ANSI escape codes to colorize the output. Keep these escape sequences in mind when filtering or searching the output.


The sdk_invocation_id that appears within the nested set of spans is a unique ID generated client side by the SDK to help correlate log messages. It is unrelated to the request ID found in the response from an AWS service.

Fine-tune your logging levels

If you use a crate that supports an environment filtering, such as tracing_subscriber, you can control the verbosity of logs by module.

You can turn on the same logging level for every module. The following sets the logging level to trace for every module:

$ RUST_LOG=trace cargo run

You can turn on trace-level logging for a specific module. In the following example, only logs coming from aws_smithy_runtime will come in at trace level.

$ RUST_LOG=aws_smithy_runtime=trace

You can specify a different log level for multiple modules by separating them with commas. The following example sets the aws_config module to trace level logging, and the aws_smithy_runtime module to debug level logging.

$ RUST_LOG=aws_config=trace,aws_smithy_runtime=debug cargo run

The following table describes some of the modules that you can use to filter log messages:

Prefix Description


Request and response wire logging


Credentials loading


Request signing and canonical requests

One way to figure out which modules you need to include in your log output is to first log everything, then find the crate name in the log output for the information you need. Then you can set the environment variable accordingly and run your program again.