Partial index - Amazon DocumentDB

Partial index

A partial index indexes documents in a collection that meets a specified filter criterion. The partial index feature is supported in Amazon DocumentDB 5.0 instance-based clusters.

Create a partial index

To create a partial index, use the createIndex() method with the partialFilterExpression option. For example, the following operation creates a unique compound index in the orders collection that indexes documents having an OrderID and having the isDelivered field as true:

db.orders.createIndex( {"category": 1, "CustomerId": 1, "OrderId": 1}, {"unique": true, "partialFilterExpression": {"$and": [ {"OrderId": {"$exists": true}}, {"isDelivered": {"$eq": false}} ]} } )

Supported operators

  • $eq

  • $exists

  • $and (only at top-level)

  • $gt/$gte/$lt/$lte (index scan is only used when the filter, predicated in the query, matches the partial filter expression exactly) (See Limitations)

Query using a partial index

The following query patterns are possible using partial indexes:

  • The query predicate exactly matches the partial index filter expression:

    db.orders.find({"$and": [ {"OrderId": {"$exists": true}}, {"isDelivered": {"$eq": false}} ]}).explain()
  • The query filter’s expected result is a logical subset of the partial filter:

    db.orders.find({"$and": [ {"OrderId": {"$exists": true}}, {"isDelivered": {"$eq": false}}, {"OrderAmount": {"$eq": "5"}} ]}).explain()
  • A sub-predicate of the query can be used in conjunction with other indexes:

    db.orders.createIndex({"anotherIndex":1}) db.orders.find({ "$or": [ {"$and": [ {"OrderId": {"$exists": true}}, {"isDelivered": {"$eq": false}} ]}, {"anotherIndex": {"$eq": 5}} ] }).explain()

A query planner may opt to use a collection scan rather than an index scan if it is efficient to do so. This is typically seen for very small collections or queries that would return a large portion of a collection.

Partial index functionalities

List partial indexes

List partial indexes with partialFilterExpression using the getIndex operation. For example, the getIndex operation issued in lists partial indexes with key, name, and partialfilterExpressions fields:


This example returns the following output:

[ { "v" : 4, "key" : { "_id" : 1 }, "name" : "_id_", "ns" : "ecommerceApp.orders" }, { "v" : 4, "unique" : true, "key" : { "category" : 1, "" : 1, "CustomerId" : 1, "OrderId" : 1 }, "name" : "category_1_CustID_1_OrderId_1", "ns" : "ecommerceApp.orders", "partialFilterExpression" : { "$and" : [ {"OrderId": {"$exists": true}}, {"isDelivered": {"$eq": false}} ] } } ]

Multiple partial filter expression on same key:order

Different partial indexes can be created for the same field combinations (key:order). These indexes must have a different name.

db.orders.createIndex( {"OrderId":1}, { name:"firstPartialIndex", partialFilterExpression:{"OrderId":{"$exists": true}} } )
db.orders.createIndex( {"OrderId":1}, { name:"secondPartialIndex", partialFilterExpression:{"OrderId":{"$gt": 1000}} } )

Run getIndexes operation to list all indexes in the collection:


These examples returns the following output:

[ { "v" : 4, "key" : { "_id" : 1 }, "name" : "_id_", "ns" : "ecommerceApp.orders" }, { "v" : 4, "key" : { "OrderId" : 1 }, "name" : "firstPartialIndex", "ns" : "ecommerceApp.orders", "partialFilterExpression" : {"OrderId":{"$exists": true}} }, { "v" : 4, "key" : { "OrderId" : 1 }, "name" : "secondPartialIndex", "ns" : "ecommerceApp.orders", "partialFilterExpression" : {"OrderId":{"$gt": 1000}} } ]

Index names must be different and must be deleted by name only.

Indexes with partial and TTL properties

You can also create indexes having partial and TTL properties by specifying both partialFilterExpression and expireAfterSeconds options during index creation. This allows you to provide more control over which documents are now removed from a collection.

For example, you may have a TTL index that identifies documents to be deleted after a certain time period. You can now provide extra conditions on when to delete documents using the partial index option:

db.orders.createIndex( { "OrderTimestamp": 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 3600 , partialFilterExpression: { "isDelivered": { $eq: true } } } )

This example returns the following output:

{ "createdCollectionAutomatically" : false, "numIndexesBefore" : 1, "numIndexesAfter" : 2, "ok" : 1, "operationTime" : Timestamp(1234567890, 1) }

Run the getIndexes operation to list indexes present in the collection:

db.orders.getIndexes() [ { "v" : 4, "key" : { "_id" : 1 }, "name" : "_id_", "ns" : "test.orders" }

This example returns the following output:

[ { "v": 4, "key": { "_id": 1 }, "name": "_id_", "ns": "ecommerceApp.orders" }, { "v": 4, "key": { "OrderTimestamp": 1 }, "name": "OrderTimestamp_1", "ns": "ecommerceApp.orders", "partialFilterExpression": { "isDelivered": { "$eq": true } }, "expireAfterSeconds": 3600 } ]

Partial index limitations

The following limitations apply to the partial index feature:

  • Inequality queries in Amazon DocumentDB will only use a partial index when the query filter predicate exactly matches the partialFilterExpression and is of the same datatype.


    Even $hint cannot be used to force IXSCAN for the above case.

    In the following example, the partialFilterExpression is only applied to field1 but not field2:

    db.orders.createIndex( {"OrderAmount": 1}, {"partialFilterExpression": { OrderAmount : {"$gt" : 5}}} ) db.orders.find({OrderAmount : {"$gt" : 5}}) // Will use partial index db.orders.find({OrderAmount : {"$gt" : 6}}) // Will not use partial index db.orders.find({OrderAmount : {"$gt" : Decimal128(5.00)}}) // Will not use partial index
  • A partialFilterExpression with array operators are not supported. The following operation will generate an error:

    db.orders.createIndex( {"CustomerId":1}, {'partialFilterExpression': {'OrderId': {'$eq': [1000, 1001, 1002]}}} )
  • The following operators are not supported in partialFilterExpression field:

    • $all (array operator)

    • $mod (array operator)

    • $or

    • $xor

    • $not

    • $nor

  • The data type of the filter expression and the filter should be the same.