Using the AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery Console - AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Using the AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery Console

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery is AWS Region-specific. Make sure that you select the correct Region from the Select a Region menu when using AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery, just like you would with other AWS Region-specific services such as Amazon EC2.

Select a Region dropdown menu in the AWS console header.

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery is divided into several primary pages. Each page contains additional tabs and actions. The default view for the AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery Console is the Source servers page. This page automatically opens every time you open AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery.

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery console showing source servers list with recovery statuses.

You can navigate to other AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery pages through the left-hand AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery navigation menu.

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery navigation menu with options for source servers and recovery.

Each Elastic Disaster Recovery page will open in the right-hand main view. Here, you can interact with the various tabs, actions, and settings on the page.

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery interface showing recovery instances with status and details.

Source servers page

The Source Servers page lists all of the source servers you added to AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery and allows you to interact with your servers and perform a variety of actions. Learn more about the Source servers page.

Source servers list showing recovery readiness status and data replication progress for multiple servers.

You can control your source servers within the EAWS Elastic Disaster Recovery Console through the Actions and Initiate recovery job menus.

Actions and Replication dropdown menus with Initiate recovery job button in AWS console interface.

You can review the progress of all commands through the Recovery job history tab. Learn more about recovery job history.

Recovery job history table showing job details such as ID, type, status, and start time.
Source servers table showing three servers in initial sync state with pending recovery status.

The commands within the Actions and Initiate recovery job menus influence the specific source servers you have selected. You can select a single source server or multiple source servers for any command by checking the box to the left of the server name.

You can use the Filter source servers... box to filter servers based on a variety of parameters.

Search box for filtering source servers and dropdown menu for recovery readiness selection.

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery color codes the state of each source server. Use the Alerts column to easily determine the state of your server.

  • A server that is ready to launch Drill or Recovery instances will show the green checkmark and will state Ready.

    Green checkmark icon indicating a server is ready for Drill or Recovery instances.

    A server that is ready to launch Drill or Recovery instances, but is experiencing a non-critical issue such as lag will show the blue warning sign and will state Ready and will display the lag duration to the right. You may need to take action to fix the lag.

    Blue warning icon with "Ready" status and "lag 2 hr" indication.

    A server that is still undergoing initial sync will show a gray circle with three dots and will state Initial sync.

    Gray circle with three dots indicating a server undergoing initial synchronization.

    A server that is disconnected will show the gray warning sign and will state Disconnected.

    Gray warning icon with "Disconnected" text indicating server status.

    A server that is not ready due to a significant error, such as a stall, will show a red X and will state Not ready. The Not Ready state is only shown for servers that are not replicating and do not have any previously created Points in Time. Action must be taken in order to fix the issue.

    Red X icon with "Not ready" text indicating a server error state requiring action.

When various commands are initiated, AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery will display information messages at the top of the Source servers page. AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery color codes these messages for clarity.

A green message means that a command was completed successfully.


Green notification banner indicating successful creation of Recovery job 23.

A red message means that a command was not completed successfully.


Error message indicating failure to retrieve source servers, with prompt to try again later.

Each message shows details and links to supplemental information.

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery allows you to interact with and manage each server. Choose the server hostname to be redirected to the server details view.

Server hostname row showing "Ready" status and "Healthy" data replication status.

The Server details view tab shows specific details for an individual server. From here, you can see an overview of the server's recovery state, as well as various technical details, manage tags, manage disks, edit the server's replication settings, and edit the server's launch settings through the various tabs. Learn more about the Server Details view.

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery server details showing recovery status and last recovery information.

Certain Elastic Disaster Recovery commands, such as Edit replication settings, allow you to interact with multiple source servers at once. When multiple source servers are selected by checking the box to the left of the server name and the Replication > Edit replication settings option is chosen, AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery will indicate which servers are being edited.

Edit Replication Settings page showing 4 selected servers with not_ready status and various stages.

In order for setting changes you have made in the AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery Console to take effect, be sure to click Save at the bottom of each Settings page.