POST: Create a Channel
Create a new channel.
HTTP Request and
Request URL
POST http://<Conductor IP address>/channels
Call Header
Accept: Set to application/xml
Content-Type: Set to application/xml
If you are implementing user authentication, you must also include three authorization headers; see Header Content for User Authentication.
Request Body
The request body contains XML content consisting of one
element and some or all of the following
Element | Value | Description |
name | String | [Required] A name you assign which must be unique in the cluster. |
profle_id | Integer | [Required] The ID of the profile to associate with this channel. To obtain the ID of a specific profile, see GET List: Get a List of Profiles. |
node_id | Integer | [Optional] The ID of the node to associate with this channel. To obtain the ID of a specific node, see GET List: Get a List of Nodes in the Cluster. |
permalink_name | String | [Optional] A name for the permalink. A permalink provides a mechanism for referencing a channel in a PUT, GET, or DELETE. With a permalink, you can reference a channel immediately after creating it because you already know its value; you don’t have to first do a GET in order to get the automatically assigned ID. If you specify a value in this element, the permalink takes that name. If you leave this element empty, the value is set to be identical to the name element (converted to lower case and with spaces converted to underscores). |
channel_params | Array | [Optional] Required if the specified profile contains channel parameters, in which case you must provide values for each of these parameters. Each channel parameter is represented by a name-value pair. Note that the default value set at profile creation is only for profile validation purposes and is not present in the channel. See below for an example. |
The response repeats back the data that you posted with the addition of:
id: element containing the newly assigned ID for the channel.
status: the current status of the channel. See Channel Status Elements for a list of states.
The response is identical to the response to a GET Channel. See below for an example.
This request creates one channel with the name “Channel C”, associated with the profile that has the ID 3 and the node that that has the ID 10. The profile has a channel parameter called {{input network location}}, so the channel must provide a value for that parameter: udp://
For information on channel parameters, see Setting Up Channels in the AWS Elemental Conductor Live User Guide. For a list of channel parameters, see Supported Channel Parameters for Conductor Live in the AWS Elemental Conductor Live User Guide.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Channel C</name>
<channel_params type="array">
<name>input network location</name>
In this example, the channel is given the ID 2.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<channel href="/channels" product="AWS Elemental Conductor Live" version="3.3.0.nnnnn">
<name>Channel C</name>
<channel_params type="array">
<name>input network location</name>