POST: Create a Profile
Create a profile.
HTTP Request and
Request URL
POST http://<Conductor IP address>/profiles
Call Header
Accept: Set to application/xml
Content-Type: Set to application/xml
When POSTing xml for a profile originally created with an earlier version of Conductor Live, set content-type to application/vnd.elemental+xml;version=n.n.n, where n.n.n is the number of the Conductor Live version used to create the profile. For example, if the profile was created with Conductor Live version 3.2.1, use:
content-type: application/vnd.elemental+xml;version=3.2.1
For more information on using profiles created with earlier software versions, see Versioning, Header Content for User Authentication.
If you are implementing user authentication, you must also include three authorization headers as described on Header Content for User Authentication.
Request Body
The request body contains XML content. For more information, see XML Structure of a Profile.
The response repeats back the data that you posted with the addition of:
id: The newly assigned ID for the group.
The response is identical to the response to a GET Profile. See below for an example.
The response to a valid request presents the new profile
element with all the information from the new profile.
In this example, the input type is “network_input,” and the URI of that input has been set to a channel parameter “input network location,” and the default value is udp:// For information on channel parameters, see the section on setting up channels in the Conductor Live User Guide. For information on how these parameters are set in a channel, see POST: Create a Channel.
POST ------------------------------------------ Content-type:application/vnd.elemental+xml;version=3.2.1 Accept:application/xml ------------------------------------------ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <profile> <id>9</id> <name>Profile X</name> <permalink>profile_x</permalink> <description/>
<parameters> <parameter> <name>input network location</name> <default>udp://</default> </parameter> </parameters>
<input> <network_input><uri>{{input network location}}</uri>
</network_input> <name>input_1</name> . . . </input> . . . </profile>
Creating a Profile for a Channel Used by an MPTS
For important information on the requirements for creating a profile that will be used to create a channel that will become an SPTS in an MPTS output, see Setting up MPTS outputs in the AWS Elemental Conductor Live User Guide.