Content of Responses
Responses consist of a header and a body.
The header always contains two elements:
Content-Type: Set to application/xml.
Accept: Set to application/xml. For PUSH and POST requests only
The body consists of XML content. The body contains:
Unsuccessful request: a description of the error.
Successful POST or PUT request: the ID of the entity that was created or changed and a summary.
Successful GET request: the requested content.
Successful DELETE request: present but empty.
Success Response
If a request is valid, Conductor Live returns the appropriate response:
For a POST, PUT or DELETE: A 200 OK response. The body may be empty or may contain XML content.
For a GET: A 200 OK response with XML content in the body.
Error Response
If a request is not valid (for example, the request or the body are badly formatted), Conductor Live returns the appropriate HTTP response, typically an error in the 4xx or 5xx range.
If the URL of the request is invalid (for example, the IP address is wrong), then Conductor Live returns a 404 response.
If the request is valid (Conductor Live understands it), but the request cannot be fulfilled for some reason, then Conductor Live returns a 422 error.