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AWS::SecretsManager::SecretTargetAttachment - AWS CloudFormation
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The AWS::SecretsManager::SecretTargetAttachment resource completes the final link between a Secrets Manager secret and the associated database by adding the database connection information to the secret JSON. If you want to turn on automatic rotation for a database credential secret, the secret must contain the database connection information. For more information, see JSON structure of Secrets Manager database credential secrets.

A single secret resource can only have one target attached to it.

When you remove a SecretTargetAttachment from a stack, Secrets Manager removes the database connection information from the secret with a PutSecretValue call.

For Amazon RDS master user credentials, see AWS::RDS::DBCluster MasterUserSecret.

For Amazon Redshift admin user credentials, see AWS::Redshift::Cluster.


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "Type" : "AWS::SecretsManager::SecretTargetAttachment", "Properties" : { "SecretId" : String, "TargetId" : String, "TargetType" : String } }


Type: AWS::SecretsManager::SecretTargetAttachment Properties: SecretId: String TargetId: String TargetType: String



The ARN or name of the secret. To reference a secret also created in this template, use the see Ref function with the secret's logical ID. This field is unique for each target attachment definition.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Update requires: Replacement


The ID of the database or cluster.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption


A string that defines the type of service or database associated with the secret. This value instructs Secrets Manager how to update the secret with the details of the service or database. This value must be one of the following:

  • AWS::RDS::DBInstance

  • AWS::RDS::DBCluster

  • AWS::Redshift::Cluster

  • AWS::RedshiftServerless::Namespace

  • AWS::DocDB::DBInstance

  • AWS::DocDB::DBCluster

  • AWS::DocDBElastic::Cluster

Required: Yes

Type: String

Update requires: No interruption

Return values


When you pass the logical ID of an AWS::SecretsManager::SecretTargetAttachment resource to the intrinsic Ref function, the function returns the ARN of the secret, such as:


You can use the ARN to reference a secret you created in one part of the stack template from within the definition of another resource from a different part of the same template.

For more information about using the Ref function, see Ref.


See also

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