Configure record transformation and format conversion - Amazon Data Firehose

Amazon Data Firehose was previously known as Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose

Configure record transformation and format conversion

Configure Amazon Data Firehose to transform and convert your record data.

  • If you choose Amazon MSK as the source for your Firehose stream.

    1. In the Transform source records with AWS Lambda section, provide values for the following field:

      Data transformation

      To create a Firehose stream that doesn't transform incoming data, do not check the Enable data transformation checkbox.

      To specify a Lambda function for Firehose to invoke and use to transform incoming data before delivering it, check the Enable data transformation checkbox. You can configure a new Lambda function using one of the Lambda blueprints or choose an existing Lambda function. Your Lambda function must contain the status model that is required by Firehose. For more information, see Amazon Data Firehose Data Transformation.

    2. In the Convert record format section, provide values for the following field:

      Record format conversion

      To create a Firehose stream that doesn't convert the format of the incoming data records, choose Disabled.

      To convert the format of the incoming records, choose Enabled, then specify the output format you want. You need to specify an AWS Glue table that holds the schema that you want Firehose to use to convert your record format. For more information, see Converting Your Input Record Format in Firehose.

      For an example of how to set up record format conversion with AWS CloudFormation, see AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.

  • If you choose Managed Service for Apache Flink or Direct PUT as the source for your Firehose stream, in the Source settings section:

    1. Under Transform records, choose one of the following:

      1. If your destination is Amazon S3 or Splunk, in the Decompress source records Amazon CloudWatch Logs section, choose Turn on decompression.

      2. In the Transform source records with AWS Lambda section, provide values for the following field:

        Data transformation

        To create a Firehose stream that doesn't transform incoming data, do not check the Enable data transformation checkbox.

        To specify a Lambda function for Amazon Data Firehose to invoke and use to transform incoming data before delivering it, check the Enable data transformation checkbox. You can configure a new Lambda function using one of the Lambda blueprints or choose an existing Lambda function. Your Lambda function must contain the status model that is required by Amazon Data Firehose. For more information, see Amazon Data Firehose Data Transformation.

    2. In the Convert record format section, provide values for the following field:

      Record format conversion

      To create a Firehose stream that doesn't convert the format of the incoming data records, choose Disabled.

      To convert the format of the incoming records, choose Enabled, then specify the output format you want. You need to specify an AWS Glue table that holds the schema that you want Amazon Data Firehose to use to convert your record format. For more information, see Converting Your Input Record Format in Firehose.

      For an example of how to set up record format conversion with AWS CloudFormation, see AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream.