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Disassociates an attribute group from an application to remove the extra attributes contained in the attribute group from the application's metadata. This operation reverts AssociateAttributeGroup
Example Syntax
Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.
import { ServiceCatalogAppRegistryClient, DisassociateAttributeGroupCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-service-catalog-appregistry"; // ES Modules import
// const { ServiceCatalogAppRegistryClient, DisassociateAttributeGroupCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-service-catalog-appregistry"); // CommonJS import
const client = new ServiceCatalogAppRegistryClient(config);
const input = { // DisassociateAttributeGroupRequest
application: "STRING_VALUE", // required
attributeGroup: "STRING_VALUE", // required
const command = new DisassociateAttributeGroupCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // DisassociateAttributeGroupResponse
// applicationArn: "STRING_VALUE",
// attributeGroupArn: "STRING_VALUE",
// };
DisassociateAttributeGroupCommand Input
See DisassociateAttributeGroupCommandInput for more details
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
application Required | string | undefined | The name, ID, or ARN of the application. |
attributeGroup Required | string | undefined | The name, ID, or ARN of the attribute group that holds the attributes to describe the application. |
DisassociateAttributeGroupCommand Output
See DisassociateAttributeGroupCommandOutput for details
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
$metadata Required | ResponseMetadata | Metadata pertaining to this request. |
applicationArn | string | undefined | The Amazon resource name (ARN) that specifies the application. |
attributeGroupArn | string | undefined | The Amazon resource name (ARN) that specifies the attribute group. |
Name | Fault | Details |
Name | Fault | Details |
InternalServerException | server | The service is experiencing internal problems. |
ResourceNotFoundException | client | The specified resource does not exist. |
ValidationException | client | The request has invalid or missing parameters. |
ServiceCatalogAppRegistryServiceException | Base exception class for all service exceptions from ServiceCatalogAppRegistry service. |