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Update a practice run configuration to change one or more of the following: add, change, or remove the blocking alarm; change the outcome alarm; or add, change, or remove blocking dates or time windows.
Example Syntax
Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.
import { ARCZonalShiftClient, UpdatePracticeRunConfigurationCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-arc-zonal-shift"; // ES Modules import
// const { ARCZonalShiftClient, UpdatePracticeRunConfigurationCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-arc-zonal-shift"); // CommonJS import
const client = new ARCZonalShiftClient(config);
const input = { // UpdatePracticeRunConfigurationRequest
resourceIdentifier: "STRING_VALUE", // required
blockedWindows: [ // BlockedWindows
blockedDates: [ // BlockedDates
blockingAlarms: [ // ControlConditions
{ // ControlCondition
type: "CLOUDWATCH", // required
alarmIdentifier: "STRING_VALUE", // required
outcomeAlarms: [
type: "CLOUDWATCH", // required
alarmIdentifier: "STRING_VALUE", // required
const command = new UpdatePracticeRunConfigurationCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // UpdatePracticeRunConfigurationResponse
// arn: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// zonalAutoshiftStatus: "ENABLED" || "DISABLED", // required
// practiceRunConfiguration: { // PracticeRunConfiguration
// blockingAlarms: [ // ControlConditions
// { // ControlCondition
// type: "CLOUDWATCH", // required
// alarmIdentifier: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// ],
// outcomeAlarms: [ // required
// {
// type: "CLOUDWATCH", // required
// alarmIdentifier: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// },
// ],
// blockedWindows: [ // BlockedWindows
// ],
// blockedDates: [ // BlockedDates
// ],
// },
// };
UpdatePracticeRunConfigurationCommand Input
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
resourceIdentifier Required | string | undefined | The identifier for the resource that you want to update the practice run configuration for. The identifier is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the resource. |
blockedDates | string[] | undefined | Add, change, or remove blocked dates for a practice run in zonal autoshift. Optionally, you can block practice runs for specific calendar dates. The format for blocked dates is: YYYY-MM-DD. Keep in mind, when you specify dates, that dates and times for practice runs are in UTC. Separate multiple blocked dates with spaces. For example, if you have an application update scheduled to launch on May 1, 2024, and you don't want practice runs to shift traffic away at that time, you could set a blocked date for |
blockedWindows | string[] | undefined | Add, change, or remove windows of days and times for when you can, optionally, block Route 53 ARC from starting a practice run for a resource. The format for blocked windows is: DAY:HH:SS-DAY:HH:SS. Keep in mind, when you specify dates, that dates and times for practice runs are in UTC. Also, be aware of potential time adjustments that might be required for daylight saving time differences. Separate multiple blocked windows with spaces. For example, say you run business report summaries three days a week. For this scenario, you might set the following recurring days and times as blocked windows, for example: |
blockingAlarms | ControlCondition[] | undefined | Add, change, or remove the Amazon CloudWatch alarm that you optionally specify as the blocking alarm for practice runs. |
outcomeAlarms | ControlCondition[] | undefined | Specify a new the Amazon CloudWatch alarm as the outcome alarm for practice runs. |
UpdatePracticeRunConfigurationCommand Output
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
$metadata Required | ResponseMetadata | Metadata pertaining to this request. |
arn Required | string | undefined | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource that you updated the practice run for. |
name Required | string | undefined | The name of the resource that you updated the practice run for. |
practiceRunConfiguration Required | PracticeRunConfiguration | undefined | The practice run configuration that was updated. |
zonalAutoshiftStatus Required | ZonalAutoshiftStatus | undefined | The zonal autoshift status for the resource that you updated the practice run for. |
Name | Fault | Details |
Name | Fault | Details |
AccessDeniedException | client | You do not have sufficient access to perform this action. |
ConflictException | client | The request could not be processed because of conflict in the current state of the resource. |
InternalServerException | server | There was an internal server error. |
ResourceNotFoundException | client | The input requested a resource that was not found. |
ThrottlingException | client | The request was denied due to request throttling. |
ValidationException | client | The input fails to satisfy the constraints specified by an Amazon Web Services service. |
ARCZonalShiftServiceException | Base exception class for all service exceptions from ARCZonalShift service. |