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Creates a backup plan using a backup plan name and backup rules. A backup plan is a document that contains information that Backup uses to schedule tasks that create recovery points for resources.
If you call CreateBackupPlan
with a plan that already exists, you receive an AlreadyExistsException
Example Syntax
Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.
import { BackupClient, CreateBackupPlanCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-backup"; // ES Modules import
// const { BackupClient, CreateBackupPlanCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-backup"); // CommonJS import
const client = new BackupClient(config);
const input = { // CreateBackupPlanInput
BackupPlan: { // BackupPlanInput
BackupPlanName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
Rules: [ // BackupRulesInput // required
{ // BackupRuleInput
RuleName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
TargetBackupVaultName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
ScheduleExpression: "STRING_VALUE",
StartWindowMinutes: Number("long"),
CompletionWindowMinutes: Number("long"),
Lifecycle: { // Lifecycle
MoveToColdStorageAfterDays: Number("long"),
DeleteAfterDays: Number("long"),
OptInToArchiveForSupportedResources: true || false,
RecoveryPointTags: { // Tags
"<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
CopyActions: [ // CopyActions
{ // CopyAction
Lifecycle: {
MoveToColdStorageAfterDays: Number("long"),
DeleteAfterDays: Number("long"),
OptInToArchiveForSupportedResources: true || false,
DestinationBackupVaultArn: "STRING_VALUE", // required
EnableContinuousBackup: true || false,
ScheduleExpressionTimezone: "STRING_VALUE",
IndexActions: [ // IndexActions
{ // IndexAction
ResourceTypes: [ // ResourceTypes
AdvancedBackupSettings: [ // AdvancedBackupSettings
{ // AdvancedBackupSetting
ResourceType: "STRING_VALUE",
BackupOptions: { // BackupOptions
"<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
BackupPlanTags: {
"<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
CreatorRequestId: "STRING_VALUE",
const command = new CreateBackupPlanCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // CreateBackupPlanOutput
// BackupPlanId: "STRING_VALUE",
// BackupPlanArn: "STRING_VALUE",
// CreationDate: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// VersionId: "STRING_VALUE",
// AdvancedBackupSettings: [ // AdvancedBackupSettings
// { // AdvancedBackupSetting
// ResourceType: "STRING_VALUE",
// BackupOptions: { // BackupOptions
// "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// },
// ],
// };
CreateBackupPlanCommand Input
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
BackupPlan Required | BackupPlanInput | undefined | The body of a backup plan. Includes a |
BackupPlanTags | Record<string, string> | undefined | The tags to assign to the backup plan. |
CreatorRequestId | string | undefined | Identifies the request and allows failed requests to be retried without the risk of running the operation twice. If the request includes a If used, this parameter must contain 1 to 50 alphanumeric or '-_.' characters. |
CreateBackupPlanCommand Output
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
$metadata Required | ResponseMetadata | Metadata pertaining to this request. |
AdvancedBackupSettings | AdvancedBackupSetting[] | undefined | The settings for a resource type. This option is only available for Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) backup jobs. |
BackupPlanArn | string | undefined | An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies a backup plan; for example, |
BackupPlanId | string | undefined | The ID of the backup plan. |
CreationDate | Date | undefined | The date and time that a backup plan is created, in Unix format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The value of |
VersionId | string | undefined | Unique, randomly generated, Unicode, UTF-8 encoded strings that are at most 1,024 bytes long. They cannot be edited. |
Name | Fault | Details |
Name | Fault | Details |
AlreadyExistsException | client | The required resource already exists. |
InvalidParameterValueException | client | Indicates that something is wrong with a parameter's value. For example, the value is out of range. |
LimitExceededException | client | A limit in the request has been exceeded; for example, a maximum number of items allowed in a request. |
MissingParameterValueException | client | Indicates that a required parameter is missing. |
ServiceUnavailableException | server | The request failed due to a temporary failure of the server. |
BackupServiceException | Base exception class for all service exceptions from Backup service. |