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Creates a new development endpoint.
Example Syntax
Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.
import { GlueClient, CreateDevEndpointCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-glue"; // ES Modules import
// const { GlueClient, CreateDevEndpointCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-glue"); // CommonJS import
const client = new GlueClient(config);
const input = { // CreateDevEndpointRequest
EndpointName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
RoleArn: "STRING_VALUE", // required
SecurityGroupIds: [ // StringList
PublicKey: "STRING_VALUE",
PublicKeys: [ // PublicKeysList
NumberOfNodes: Number("int"),
WorkerType: "Standard" || "G.1X" || "G.2X" || "G.025X" || "G.4X" || "G.8X" || "Z.2X",
GlueVersion: "STRING_VALUE",
NumberOfWorkers: Number("int"),
ExtraPythonLibsS3Path: "STRING_VALUE",
ExtraJarsS3Path: "STRING_VALUE",
SecurityConfiguration: "STRING_VALUE",
Tags: { // TagsMap
"<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
Arguments: { // MapValue
"<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
const command = new CreateDevEndpointCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // CreateDevEndpointResponse
// EndpointName: "STRING_VALUE",
// Status: "STRING_VALUE",
// SecurityGroupIds: [ // StringList
// ],
// SubnetId: "STRING_VALUE",
// RoleArn: "STRING_VALUE",
// YarnEndpointAddress: "STRING_VALUE",
// ZeppelinRemoteSparkInterpreterPort: Number("int"),
// NumberOfNodes: Number("int"),
// WorkerType: "Standard" || "G.1X" || "G.2X" || "G.025X" || "G.4X" || "G.8X" || "Z.2X",
// GlueVersion: "STRING_VALUE",
// NumberOfWorkers: Number("int"),
// AvailabilityZone: "STRING_VALUE",
// ExtraPythonLibsS3Path: "STRING_VALUE",
// ExtraJarsS3Path: "STRING_VALUE",
// FailureReason: "STRING_VALUE",
// SecurityConfiguration: "STRING_VALUE",
// CreatedTimestamp: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// Arguments: { // MapValue
// "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
// },
// };
CreateDevEndpointCommand Input
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
EndpointName Required | string | undefined | The name to be assigned to the new |
RoleArn Required | string | undefined | The IAM role for the |
Arguments | Record<string, string> | undefined | A map of arguments used to configure the |
ExtraJarsS3Path | string | undefined | The path to one or more Java |
ExtraPythonLibsS3Path | string | undefined | The paths to one or more Python libraries in an Amazon S3 bucket that should be loaded in your You can only use pure Python libraries with a |
GlueVersion | string | undefined | Glue version determines the versions of Apache Spark and Python that Glue supports. The Python version indicates the version supported for running your ETL scripts on development endpoints. For more information about the available Glue versions and corresponding Spark and Python versions, see Glue version in the developer guide. Development endpoints that are created without specifying a Glue version default to Glue 0.9. You can specify a version of Python support for development endpoints by using the |
NumberOfNodes | number | undefined | The number of Glue Data Processing Units (DPUs) to allocate to this |
NumberOfWorkers | number | undefined | The number of workers of a defined The maximum number of workers you can define are 299 for |
PublicKey | string | undefined | The public key to be used by this |
PublicKeys | string[] | undefined | A list of public keys to be used by the development endpoints for authentication. The use of this attribute is preferred over a single public key because the public keys allow you to have a different private key per client. If you previously created an endpoint with a public key, you must remove that key to be able to set a list of public keys. Call the |
SecurityConfiguration | string | undefined | The name of the |
SecurityGroupIds | string[] | undefined | Security group IDs for the security groups to be used by the new |
SubnetId | string | undefined | The subnet ID for the new |
Tags | Record<string, string> | undefined | The tags to use with this DevEndpoint. You may use tags to limit access to the DevEndpoint. For more information about tags in Glue, see Amazon Web Services Tags in Glue in the developer guide. |
WorkerType | WorkerType | undefined | The type of predefined worker that is allocated to the development endpoint. Accepts a value of Standard, G.1X, or G.2X.
Known issue: when a development endpoint is created with the |
CreateDevEndpointCommand Output
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
$metadata Required | ResponseMetadata | Metadata pertaining to this request. |
Arguments | Record<string, string> | undefined | The map of arguments used to configure this Valid arguments are:
You can specify a version of Python support for development endpoints by using the |
AvailabilityZone | string | undefined | The Amazon Web Services Availability Zone where this |
CreatedTimestamp | Date | undefined | The point in time at which this |
EndpointName | string | undefined | The name assigned to the new |
ExtraJarsS3Path | string | undefined | Path to one or more Java |
ExtraPythonLibsS3Path | string | undefined | The paths to one or more Python libraries in an S3 bucket that will be loaded in your |
FailureReason | string | undefined | The reason for a current failure in this |
GlueVersion | string | undefined | Glue version determines the versions of Apache Spark and Python that Glue supports. The Python version indicates the version supported for running your ETL scripts on development endpoints. For more information about the available Glue versions and corresponding Spark and Python versions, see Glue version in the developer guide. |
NumberOfNodes | number | undefined | The number of Glue Data Processing Units (DPUs) allocated to this DevEndpoint. |
NumberOfWorkers | number | undefined | The number of workers of a defined |
RoleArn | string | undefined | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role assigned to the new |
SecurityConfiguration | string | undefined | The name of the |
SecurityGroupIds | string[] | undefined | The security groups assigned to the new |
Status | string | undefined | The current status of the new |
SubnetId | string | undefined | The subnet ID assigned to the new |
VpcId | string | undefined | The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC) used by this |
WorkerType | WorkerType | undefined | The type of predefined worker that is allocated to the development endpoint. May be a value of Standard, G.1X, or G.2X. |
YarnEndpointAddress | string | undefined | The address of the YARN endpoint used by this |
ZeppelinRemoteSparkInterpreterPort | number | undefined | The Apache Zeppelin port for the remote Apache Spark interpreter. |
Name | Fault | Details |
Name | Fault | Details |
AccessDeniedException | client | Access to a resource was denied. |
AlreadyExistsException | client | A resource to be created or added already exists. |
IdempotentParameterMismatchException | client | The same unique identifier was associated with two different records. |
InternalServiceException | server | An internal service error occurred. |
InvalidInputException | client | The input provided was not valid. |
OperationTimeoutException | client | The operation timed out. |
ResourceNumberLimitExceededException | client | A resource numerical limit was exceeded. |
ValidationException | client | A value could not be validated. |
GlueServiceException | Base exception class for all service exceptions from Glue service. |