
Creates a new job definition.

Example Syntax

Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.

import { GlueClient, CreateJobCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-glue"; // ES Modules import
// const { GlueClient, CreateJobCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-glue"); // CommonJS import
const client = new GlueClient(config);
const input = { // CreateJobRequest
  Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
  JobMode: "SCRIPT" || "VISUAL" || "NOTEBOOK",
  JobRunQueuingEnabled: true || false,
  Description: "STRING_VALUE",
  Role: "STRING_VALUE", // required
  ExecutionProperty: { // ExecutionProperty
    MaxConcurrentRuns: Number("int"),
  Command: { // JobCommand
    Name: "STRING_VALUE",
    ScriptLocation: "STRING_VALUE",
    PythonVersion: "STRING_VALUE",
    Runtime: "STRING_VALUE",
  DefaultArguments: { // GenericMap
    "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
  NonOverridableArguments: {
    "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
  Connections: { // ConnectionsList
    Connections: [ // OrchestrationStringList
  MaxRetries: Number("int"),
  AllocatedCapacity: Number("int"),
  Timeout: Number("int"),
  MaxCapacity: Number("double"),
  SecurityConfiguration: "STRING_VALUE",
  Tags: { // TagsMap
    "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
  NotificationProperty: { // NotificationProperty
    NotifyDelayAfter: Number("int"),
  GlueVersion: "STRING_VALUE",
  NumberOfWorkers: Number("int"),
  WorkerType: "Standard" || "G.1X" || "G.2X" || "G.025X" || "G.4X" || "G.8X" || "Z.2X",
  CodeGenConfigurationNodes: { // CodeGenConfigurationNodes
    "<keys>": { // CodeGenConfigurationNode
      AthenaConnectorSource: { // AthenaConnectorSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ConnectionName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ConnectorName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ConnectionType: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ConnectionTable: "STRING_VALUE",
        SchemaName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        OutputSchemas: [ // GlueSchemas
          { // GlueSchema
            Columns: [ // GlueStudioSchemaColumnList
              { // GlueStudioSchemaColumn
                Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                Type: "STRING_VALUE",
      JDBCConnectorSource: { // JDBCConnectorSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ConnectionName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ConnectorName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ConnectionType: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        AdditionalOptions: { // JDBCConnectorOptions
          FilterPredicate: "STRING_VALUE",
          PartitionColumn: "STRING_VALUE",
          LowerBound: Number("long"),
          UpperBound: Number("long"),
          NumPartitions: Number("long"),
          JobBookmarkKeys: [ // EnclosedInStringProperties
          JobBookmarkKeysSortOrder: "STRING_VALUE",
          DataTypeMapping: { // JDBCDataTypeMapping
            "<keys>": "DATE" || "STRING" || "TIMESTAMP" || "INT" || "FLOAT" || "LONG" || "BIGDECIMAL" || "BYTE" || "SHORT" || "DOUBLE",
        ConnectionTable: "STRING_VALUE",
        Query: "STRING_VALUE",
        OutputSchemas: [
            Columns: [
                Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                Type: "STRING_VALUE",
      SparkConnectorSource: { // SparkConnectorSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ConnectionName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ConnectorName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ConnectionType: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        AdditionalOptions: { // AdditionalOptions
          "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
        OutputSchemas: [
            Columns: [
                Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                Type: "STRING_VALUE",
      CatalogSource: { // CatalogSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
      RedshiftSource: { // RedshiftSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        RedshiftTmpDir: "STRING_VALUE",
        TmpDirIAMRole: "STRING_VALUE",
      S3CatalogSource: { // S3CatalogSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        PartitionPredicate: "STRING_VALUE",
        AdditionalOptions: { // S3SourceAdditionalOptions
          BoundedSize: Number("long"),
          BoundedFiles: Number("long"),
      S3CsvSource: { // S3CsvSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Paths: [ // required
        CompressionType: "gzip" || "bzip2",
        Exclusions: [
        GroupSize: "STRING_VALUE",
        GroupFiles: "STRING_VALUE",
        Recurse: true || false,
        MaxBand: Number("int"),
        MaxFilesInBand: Number("int"),
        AdditionalOptions: { // S3DirectSourceAdditionalOptions
          BoundedSize: Number("long"),
          BoundedFiles: Number("long"),
          EnableSamplePath: true || false,
          SamplePath: "STRING_VALUE",
        Separator: "comma" || "ctrla" || "pipe" || "semicolon" || "tab", // required
        Escaper: "STRING_VALUE",
        QuoteChar: "quote" || "quillemet" || "single_quote" || "disabled", // required
        Multiline: true || false,
        WithHeader: true || false,
        WriteHeader: true || false,
        SkipFirst: true || false,
        OptimizePerformance: true || false,
        OutputSchemas: [
            Columns: [
                Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                Type: "STRING_VALUE",
      S3JsonSource: { // S3JsonSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Paths: [ // required
        CompressionType: "gzip" || "bzip2",
        Exclusions: [
        GroupSize: "STRING_VALUE",
        GroupFiles: "STRING_VALUE",
        Recurse: true || false,
        MaxBand: Number("int"),
        MaxFilesInBand: Number("int"),
        AdditionalOptions: {
          BoundedSize: Number("long"),
          BoundedFiles: Number("long"),
          EnableSamplePath: true || false,
          SamplePath: "STRING_VALUE",
        JsonPath: "STRING_VALUE",
        Multiline: true || false,
        OutputSchemas: [
            Columns: [
                Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                Type: "STRING_VALUE",
      S3ParquetSource: { // S3ParquetSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Paths: "<EnclosedInStringProperties>", // required
        CompressionType: "snappy" || "lzo" || "gzip" || "uncompressed" || "none",
        Exclusions: "<EnclosedInStringProperties>",
        GroupSize: "STRING_VALUE",
        GroupFiles: "STRING_VALUE",
        Recurse: true || false,
        MaxBand: Number("int"),
        MaxFilesInBand: Number("int"),
        AdditionalOptions: {
          BoundedSize: Number("long"),
          BoundedFiles: Number("long"),
          EnableSamplePath: true || false,
          SamplePath: "STRING_VALUE",
        OutputSchemas: "<GlueSchemas>",
      RelationalCatalogSource: { // RelationalCatalogSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
      DynamoDBCatalogSource: { // DynamoDBCatalogSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
      JDBCConnectorTarget: { // JDBCConnectorTarget
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: [ // OneInput // required
        ConnectionName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ConnectionTable: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ConnectorName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ConnectionType: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        AdditionalOptions: {
          "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
        OutputSchemas: "<GlueSchemas>",
      SparkConnectorTarget: { // SparkConnectorTarget
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: [ // required
        ConnectionName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ConnectorName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ConnectionType: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        AdditionalOptions: {
          "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
        OutputSchemas: "<GlueSchemas>",
      CatalogTarget: { // BasicCatalogTarget
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: [ // required
        PartitionKeys: [ // GlueStudioPathList
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
      RedshiftTarget: { // RedshiftTarget
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: [ // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        RedshiftTmpDir: "STRING_VALUE",
        TmpDirIAMRole: "STRING_VALUE",
        UpsertRedshiftOptions: { // UpsertRedshiftTargetOptions
          TableLocation: "STRING_VALUE",
          ConnectionName: "STRING_VALUE",
          UpsertKeys: [ // EnclosedInStringPropertiesMinOne
      S3CatalogTarget: { // S3CatalogTarget
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: [ // required
        PartitionKeys: [
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        SchemaChangePolicy: { // CatalogSchemaChangePolicy
          EnableUpdateCatalog: true || false,
          UpdateBehavior: "UPDATE_IN_DATABASE" || "LOG",
      S3GlueParquetTarget: { // S3GlueParquetTarget
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        PartitionKeys: [
        Path: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Compression: "snappy" || "lzo" || "gzip" || "uncompressed" || "none",
        SchemaChangePolicy: { // DirectSchemaChangePolicy
          EnableUpdateCatalog: true || false,
          UpdateBehavior: "UPDATE_IN_DATABASE" || "LOG",
          Table: "STRING_VALUE",
          Database: "STRING_VALUE",
      S3DirectTarget: { // S3DirectTarget
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        PartitionKeys: [
        Path: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Compression: "STRING_VALUE",
        Format: "json" || "csv" || "avro" || "orc" || "parquet" || "hudi" || "delta", // required
        SchemaChangePolicy: {
          EnableUpdateCatalog: true || false,
          UpdateBehavior: "UPDATE_IN_DATABASE" || "LOG",
          Table: "STRING_VALUE",
          Database: "STRING_VALUE",
      ApplyMapping: { // ApplyMapping
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        Mapping: [ // Mappings // required
          { // Mapping
            ToKey: "STRING_VALUE",
            FromPath: "<EnclosedInStringProperties>",
            FromType: "STRING_VALUE",
            ToType: "STRING_VALUE",
            Dropped: true || false,
            Children: [
                ToKey: "STRING_VALUE",
                FromPath: "<EnclosedInStringProperties>",
                FromType: "STRING_VALUE",
                ToType: "STRING_VALUE",
                Dropped: true || false,
                Children: "<Mappings>",
      SelectFields: { // SelectFields
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        Paths: [ // required
      DropFields: { // DropFields
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        Paths: "<GlueStudioPathList>", // required
      RenameField: { // RenameField
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        SourcePath: "<EnclosedInStringProperties>", // required
        TargetPath: "<EnclosedInStringProperties>", // required
      Spigot: { // Spigot
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        Path: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Topk: Number("int"),
        Prob: Number("double"),
      Join: { // Join
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: [ // TwoInputs // required
        JoinType: "equijoin" || "left" || "right" || "outer" || "leftsemi" || "leftanti", // required
        Columns: [ // JoinColumns // required
          { // JoinColumn
            From: "STRING_VALUE", // required
            Keys: "<GlueStudioPathList>", // required
      SplitFields: { // SplitFields
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        Paths: "<GlueStudioPathList>", // required
      SelectFromCollection: { // SelectFromCollection
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        Index: Number("int"), // required
      FillMissingValues: { // FillMissingValues
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        ImputedPath: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        FilledPath: "STRING_VALUE",
      Filter: { // Filter
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        LogicalOperator: "AND" || "OR", // required
        Filters: [ // FilterExpressions // required
          { // FilterExpression
            Operation: "EQ" || "LT" || "GT" || "LTE" || "GTE" || "REGEX" || "ISNULL", // required
            Negated: true || false,
            Values: [ // FilterValues // required
              { // FilterValue
                Type: "COLUMNEXTRACTED" || "CONSTANT", // required
                Value: "<EnclosedInStringProperties>", // required
      CustomCode: { // CustomCode
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: [ // ManyInputs // required
        Code: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ClassName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        OutputSchemas: "<GlueSchemas>",
      SparkSQL: { // SparkSQL
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: [ // required
        SqlQuery: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        SqlAliases: [ // SqlAliases // required
          { // SqlAlias
            From: "STRING_VALUE", // required
            Alias: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        OutputSchemas: "<GlueSchemas>",
      DirectKinesisSource: { // DirectKinesisSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        WindowSize: Number("int"),
        DetectSchema: true || false,
        StreamingOptions: { // KinesisStreamingSourceOptions
          EndpointUrl: "STRING_VALUE",
          StreamName: "STRING_VALUE",
          Classification: "STRING_VALUE",
          Delimiter: "STRING_VALUE",
          StartingPosition: "latest" || "trim_horizon" || "earliest" || "timestamp",
          MaxFetchTimeInMs: Number("long"),
          MaxFetchRecordsPerShard: Number("long"),
          MaxRecordPerRead: Number("long"),
          AddIdleTimeBetweenReads: true || false,
          IdleTimeBetweenReadsInMs: Number("long"),
          DescribeShardInterval: Number("long"),
          NumRetries: Number("int"),
          RetryIntervalMs: Number("long"),
          MaxRetryIntervalMs: Number("long"),
          AvoidEmptyBatches: true || false,
          StreamArn: "STRING_VALUE",
          RoleArn: "STRING_VALUE",
          RoleSessionName: "STRING_VALUE",
          AddRecordTimestamp: "STRING_VALUE",
          EmitConsumerLagMetrics: "STRING_VALUE",
          StartingTimestamp: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
        DataPreviewOptions: { // StreamingDataPreviewOptions
          PollingTime: Number("long"),
          RecordPollingLimit: Number("long"),
      DirectKafkaSource: { // DirectKafkaSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        StreamingOptions: { // KafkaStreamingSourceOptions
          BootstrapServers: "STRING_VALUE",
          SecurityProtocol: "STRING_VALUE",
          ConnectionName: "STRING_VALUE",
          TopicName: "STRING_VALUE",
          Assign: "STRING_VALUE",
          SubscribePattern: "STRING_VALUE",
          Classification: "STRING_VALUE",
          Delimiter: "STRING_VALUE",
          StartingOffsets: "STRING_VALUE",
          EndingOffsets: "STRING_VALUE",
          PollTimeoutMs: Number("long"),
          NumRetries: Number("int"),
          RetryIntervalMs: Number("long"),
          MaxOffsetsPerTrigger: Number("long"),
          MinPartitions: Number("int"),
          IncludeHeaders: true || false,
          AddRecordTimestamp: "STRING_VALUE",
          EmitConsumerLagMetrics: "STRING_VALUE",
          StartingTimestamp: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
        WindowSize: Number("int"),
        DetectSchema: true || false,
        DataPreviewOptions: {
          PollingTime: Number("long"),
          RecordPollingLimit: Number("long"),
      CatalogKinesisSource: { // CatalogKinesisSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        WindowSize: Number("int"),
        DetectSchema: true || false,
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        StreamingOptions: {
          EndpointUrl: "STRING_VALUE",
          StreamName: "STRING_VALUE",
          Classification: "STRING_VALUE",
          Delimiter: "STRING_VALUE",
          StartingPosition: "latest" || "trim_horizon" || "earliest" || "timestamp",
          MaxFetchTimeInMs: Number("long"),
          MaxFetchRecordsPerShard: Number("long"),
          MaxRecordPerRead: Number("long"),
          AddIdleTimeBetweenReads: true || false,
          IdleTimeBetweenReadsInMs: Number("long"),
          DescribeShardInterval: Number("long"),
          NumRetries: Number("int"),
          RetryIntervalMs: Number("long"),
          MaxRetryIntervalMs: Number("long"),
          AvoidEmptyBatches: true || false,
          StreamArn: "STRING_VALUE",
          RoleArn: "STRING_VALUE",
          RoleSessionName: "STRING_VALUE",
          AddRecordTimestamp: "STRING_VALUE",
          EmitConsumerLagMetrics: "STRING_VALUE",
          StartingTimestamp: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
        DataPreviewOptions: {
          PollingTime: Number("long"),
          RecordPollingLimit: Number("long"),
      CatalogKafkaSource: { // CatalogKafkaSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        WindowSize: Number("int"),
        DetectSchema: true || false,
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        StreamingOptions: {
          BootstrapServers: "STRING_VALUE",
          SecurityProtocol: "STRING_VALUE",
          ConnectionName: "STRING_VALUE",
          TopicName: "STRING_VALUE",
          Assign: "STRING_VALUE",
          SubscribePattern: "STRING_VALUE",
          Classification: "STRING_VALUE",
          Delimiter: "STRING_VALUE",
          StartingOffsets: "STRING_VALUE",
          EndingOffsets: "STRING_VALUE",
          PollTimeoutMs: Number("long"),
          NumRetries: Number("int"),
          RetryIntervalMs: Number("long"),
          MaxOffsetsPerTrigger: Number("long"),
          MinPartitions: Number("int"),
          IncludeHeaders: true || false,
          AddRecordTimestamp: "STRING_VALUE",
          EmitConsumerLagMetrics: "STRING_VALUE",
          StartingTimestamp: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
        DataPreviewOptions: {
          PollingTime: Number("long"),
          RecordPollingLimit: Number("long"),
      DropNullFields: { // DropNullFields
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        NullCheckBoxList: { // NullCheckBoxList
          IsEmpty: true || false,
          IsNullString: true || false,
          IsNegOne: true || false,
        NullTextList: [ // NullValueFields
          { // NullValueField
            Value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
            Datatype: { // Datatype
              Id: "STRING_VALUE", // required
              Label: "STRING_VALUE", // required
      Merge: { // Merge
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: [ // required
        Source: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        PrimaryKeys: "<GlueStudioPathList>", // required
      Union: { // Union
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: [ // required
        UnionType: "ALL" || "DISTINCT", // required
      PIIDetection: { // PIIDetection
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        PiiType: "RowAudit" || "RowMasking" || "ColumnAudit" || "ColumnMasking", // required
        EntityTypesToDetect: "<EnclosedInStringProperties>", // required
        OutputColumnName: "STRING_VALUE",
        SampleFraction: Number("double"),
        ThresholdFraction: Number("double"),
        MaskValue: "STRING_VALUE",
      Aggregate: { // Aggregate
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        Groups: "<GlueStudioPathList>", // required
        Aggs: [ // AggregateOperations // required
          { // AggregateOperation
            Column: "<EnclosedInStringProperties>", // required
            AggFunc: "avg" || "countDistinct" || "count" || "first" || "last" || "kurtosis" || "max" || "min" || "skewness" || "stddev_samp" || "stddev_pop" || "sum" || "sumDistinct" || "var_samp" || "var_pop", // required
      DropDuplicates: { // DropDuplicates
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        Columns: [ // LimitedPathList
          [ // LimitedStringList
      GovernedCatalogTarget: { // GovernedCatalogTarget
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        PartitionKeys: "<GlueStudioPathList>",
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        SchemaChangePolicy: {
          EnableUpdateCatalog: true || false,
          UpdateBehavior: "UPDATE_IN_DATABASE" || "LOG",
      GovernedCatalogSource: { // GovernedCatalogSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        PartitionPredicate: "STRING_VALUE",
        AdditionalOptions: {
          BoundedSize: Number("long"),
          BoundedFiles: Number("long"),
      MicrosoftSQLServerCatalogSource: { // MicrosoftSQLServerCatalogSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
      MySQLCatalogSource: { // MySQLCatalogSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
      OracleSQLCatalogSource: { // OracleSQLCatalogSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
      PostgreSQLCatalogSource: { // PostgreSQLCatalogSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
      MicrosoftSQLServerCatalogTarget: { // MicrosoftSQLServerCatalogTarget
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
      MySQLCatalogTarget: { // MySQLCatalogTarget
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
      OracleSQLCatalogTarget: { // OracleSQLCatalogTarget
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
      PostgreSQLCatalogTarget: { // PostgreSQLCatalogTarget
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
      DynamicTransform: { // DynamicTransform
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        TransformName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        Parameters: [ // TransformConfigParameterList
          { // TransformConfigParameter
            Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
            Type: "str" || "int" || "float" || "complex" || "bool" || "list" || "null", // required
            ValidationRule: "STRING_VALUE",
            ValidationMessage: "STRING_VALUE",
            Value: "<EnclosedInStringProperties>",
            ListType: "str" || "int" || "float" || "complex" || "bool" || "list" || "null",
            IsOptional: true || false,
        FunctionName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Path: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Version: "STRING_VALUE",
        OutputSchemas: "<GlueSchemas>",
      EvaluateDataQuality: { // EvaluateDataQuality
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        Ruleset: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Output: "PrimaryInput" || "EvaluationResults",
        PublishingOptions: { // DQResultsPublishingOptions
          EvaluationContext: "STRING_VALUE",
          ResultsS3Prefix: "STRING_VALUE",
          CloudWatchMetricsEnabled: true || false,
          ResultsPublishingEnabled: true || false,
        StopJobOnFailureOptions: { // DQStopJobOnFailureOptions
          StopJobOnFailureTiming: "Immediate" || "AfterDataLoad",
      S3CatalogHudiSource: { // S3CatalogHudiSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        AdditionalHudiOptions: {
          "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
        OutputSchemas: "<GlueSchemas>",
      CatalogHudiSource: { // CatalogHudiSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        AdditionalHudiOptions: {
          "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
        OutputSchemas: "<GlueSchemas>",
      S3HudiSource: { // S3HudiSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Paths: "<EnclosedInStringProperties>", // required
        AdditionalHudiOptions: "<AdditionalOptions>",
        AdditionalOptions: {
          BoundedSize: Number("long"),
          BoundedFiles: Number("long"),
          EnableSamplePath: true || false,
          SamplePath: "STRING_VALUE",
        OutputSchemas: "<GlueSchemas>",
      S3HudiCatalogTarget: { // S3HudiCatalogTarget
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        PartitionKeys: "<GlueStudioPathList>",
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        AdditionalOptions: "<AdditionalOptions>", // required
        SchemaChangePolicy: {
          EnableUpdateCatalog: true || false,
          UpdateBehavior: "UPDATE_IN_DATABASE" || "LOG",
      S3HudiDirectTarget: { // S3HudiDirectTarget
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        Path: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Compression: "gzip" || "lzo" || "uncompressed" || "snappy", // required
        PartitionKeys: "<GlueStudioPathList>",
        Format: "json" || "csv" || "avro" || "orc" || "parquet" || "hudi" || "delta", // required
        AdditionalOptions: "<AdditionalOptions>", // required
        SchemaChangePolicy: {
          EnableUpdateCatalog: true || false,
          UpdateBehavior: "UPDATE_IN_DATABASE" || "LOG",
          Table: "STRING_VALUE",
          Database: "STRING_VALUE",
      DirectJDBCSource: { // DirectJDBCSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ConnectionName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ConnectionType: "sqlserver" || "mysql" || "oracle" || "postgresql" || "redshift", // required
        RedshiftTmpDir: "STRING_VALUE",
      S3CatalogDeltaSource: { // S3CatalogDeltaSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        AdditionalDeltaOptions: "<AdditionalOptions>",
        OutputSchemas: "<GlueSchemas>",
      CatalogDeltaSource: { // CatalogDeltaSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        AdditionalDeltaOptions: "<AdditionalOptions>",
        OutputSchemas: "<GlueSchemas>",
      S3DeltaSource: { // S3DeltaSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Paths: "<EnclosedInStringProperties>", // required
        AdditionalDeltaOptions: "<AdditionalOptions>",
        AdditionalOptions: {
          BoundedSize: Number("long"),
          BoundedFiles: Number("long"),
          EnableSamplePath: true || false,
          SamplePath: "STRING_VALUE",
        OutputSchemas: "<GlueSchemas>",
      S3DeltaCatalogTarget: { // S3DeltaCatalogTarget
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        PartitionKeys: "<GlueStudioPathList>",
        Table: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Database: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        AdditionalOptions: "<AdditionalOptions>",
        SchemaChangePolicy: {
          EnableUpdateCatalog: true || false,
          UpdateBehavior: "UPDATE_IN_DATABASE" || "LOG",
      S3DeltaDirectTarget: { // S3DeltaDirectTarget
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        PartitionKeys: "<GlueStudioPathList>",
        Path: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Compression: "uncompressed" || "snappy", // required
        Format: "json" || "csv" || "avro" || "orc" || "parquet" || "hudi" || "delta", // required
        AdditionalOptions: "<AdditionalOptions>",
        SchemaChangePolicy: {
          EnableUpdateCatalog: true || false,
          UpdateBehavior: "UPDATE_IN_DATABASE" || "LOG",
          Table: "STRING_VALUE",
          Database: "STRING_VALUE",
      AmazonRedshiftSource: { // AmazonRedshiftSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE",
        Data: { // AmazonRedshiftNodeData
          AccessType: "STRING_VALUE",
          SourceType: "STRING_VALUE",
          Connection: { // Option
            Value: "STRING_VALUE",
            Label: "STRING_VALUE",
            Description: "STRING_VALUE",
          Schema: {
            Value: "STRING_VALUE",
            Label: "STRING_VALUE",
            Description: "STRING_VALUE",
          Table: {
            Value: "STRING_VALUE",
            Label: "STRING_VALUE",
            Description: "STRING_VALUE",
          CatalogDatabase: {
            Value: "STRING_VALUE",
            Label: "STRING_VALUE",
            Description: "STRING_VALUE",
          CatalogTable: {
            Value: "STRING_VALUE",
            Label: "STRING_VALUE",
            Description: "STRING_VALUE",
          CatalogRedshiftSchema: "STRING_VALUE",
          CatalogRedshiftTable: "STRING_VALUE",
          TempDir: "STRING_VALUE",
          IamRole: "<Option>",
          AdvancedOptions: [ // AmazonRedshiftAdvancedOptions
            { // AmazonRedshiftAdvancedOption
              Key: "STRING_VALUE",
              Value: "STRING_VALUE",
          SampleQuery: "STRING_VALUE",
          PreAction: "STRING_VALUE",
          PostAction: "STRING_VALUE",
          Action: "STRING_VALUE",
          TablePrefix: "STRING_VALUE",
          Upsert: true || false,
          MergeAction: "STRING_VALUE",
          MergeWhenMatched: "STRING_VALUE",
          MergeWhenNotMatched: "STRING_VALUE",
          MergeClause: "STRING_VALUE",
          CrawlerConnection: "STRING_VALUE",
          TableSchema: [ // OptionList
          StagingTable: "STRING_VALUE",
          SelectedColumns: [
      AmazonRedshiftTarget: { // AmazonRedshiftTarget
        Name: "STRING_VALUE",
        Data: {
          AccessType: "STRING_VALUE",
          SourceType: "STRING_VALUE",
          Connection: "<Option>",
          Schema: "<Option>",
          Table: "<Option>",
          CatalogDatabase: "<Option>",
          CatalogTable: "<Option>",
          CatalogRedshiftSchema: "STRING_VALUE",
          CatalogRedshiftTable: "STRING_VALUE",
          TempDir: "STRING_VALUE",
          IamRole: "<Option>",
          AdvancedOptions: [
              Key: "STRING_VALUE",
              Value: "STRING_VALUE",
          SampleQuery: "STRING_VALUE",
          PreAction: "STRING_VALUE",
          PostAction: "STRING_VALUE",
          Action: "STRING_VALUE",
          TablePrefix: "STRING_VALUE",
          Upsert: true || false,
          MergeAction: "STRING_VALUE",
          MergeWhenMatched: "STRING_VALUE",
          MergeWhenNotMatched: "STRING_VALUE",
          MergeClause: "STRING_VALUE",
          CrawlerConnection: "STRING_VALUE",
          TableSchema: [
          StagingTable: "STRING_VALUE",
          SelectedColumns: [
        Inputs: "<OneInput>",
      EvaluateDataQualityMultiFrame: { // EvaluateDataQualityMultiFrame
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: [ // required
        AdditionalDataSources: { // DQDLAliases
          "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
        Ruleset: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        PublishingOptions: {
          EvaluationContext: "STRING_VALUE",
          ResultsS3Prefix: "STRING_VALUE",
          CloudWatchMetricsEnabled: true || false,
          ResultsPublishingEnabled: true || false,
        AdditionalOptions: { // DQAdditionalOptions
          "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
        StopJobOnFailureOptions: {
          StopJobOnFailureTiming: "Immediate" || "AfterDataLoad",
      Recipe: { // Recipe
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Inputs: "<OneInput>", // required
        RecipeReference: { // RecipeReference
          RecipeArn: "STRING_VALUE", // required
          RecipeVersion: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        RecipeSteps: [ // RecipeSteps
          { // RecipeStep
            Action: { // RecipeAction
              Operation: "STRING_VALUE", // required
              Parameters: { // ParameterMap
                "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
            ConditionExpressions: [ // ConditionExpressionList
              { // ConditionExpression
                Condition: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                Value: "STRING_VALUE",
                TargetColumn: "STRING_VALUE", // required
      SnowflakeSource: { // SnowflakeSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Data: { // SnowflakeNodeData
          SourceType: "STRING_VALUE",
          Connection: "<Option>",
          Schema: "STRING_VALUE",
          Table: "STRING_VALUE",
          Database: "STRING_VALUE",
          TempDir: "STRING_VALUE",
          IamRole: "<Option>",
          AdditionalOptions: "<AdditionalOptions>",
          SampleQuery: "STRING_VALUE",
          PreAction: "STRING_VALUE",
          PostAction: "STRING_VALUE",
          Action: "STRING_VALUE",
          Upsert: true || false,
          MergeAction: "STRING_VALUE",
          MergeWhenMatched: "STRING_VALUE",
          MergeWhenNotMatched: "STRING_VALUE",
          MergeClause: "STRING_VALUE",
          StagingTable: "STRING_VALUE",
          SelectedColumns: [
          AutoPushdown: true || false,
          TableSchema: "<OptionList>",
        OutputSchemas: "<GlueSchemas>",
      SnowflakeTarget: { // SnowflakeTarget
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Data: {
          SourceType: "STRING_VALUE",
          Connection: "<Option>",
          Schema: "STRING_VALUE",
          Table: "STRING_VALUE",
          Database: "STRING_VALUE",
          TempDir: "STRING_VALUE",
          IamRole: "<Option>",
          AdditionalOptions: "<AdditionalOptions>",
          SampleQuery: "STRING_VALUE",
          PreAction: "STRING_VALUE",
          PostAction: "STRING_VALUE",
          Action: "STRING_VALUE",
          Upsert: true || false,
          MergeAction: "STRING_VALUE",
          MergeWhenMatched: "STRING_VALUE",
          MergeWhenNotMatched: "STRING_VALUE",
          MergeClause: "STRING_VALUE",
          StagingTable: "STRING_VALUE",
          SelectedColumns: "<OptionList>",
          AutoPushdown: true || false,
          TableSchema: "<OptionList>",
        Inputs: "<OneInput>",
      ConnectorDataSource: { // ConnectorDataSource
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ConnectionType: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Data: { // ConnectorOptions // required
          "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
        OutputSchemas: "<GlueSchemas>",
      ConnectorDataTarget: { // ConnectorDataTarget
        Name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        ConnectionType: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        Data: { // required
          "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
        Inputs: "<OneInput>",
  ExecutionClass: "FLEX" || "STANDARD",
  SourceControlDetails: { // SourceControlDetails
    Provider: "GITHUB" || "GITLAB" || "BITBUCKET" || "AWS_CODE_COMMIT",
    Repository: "STRING_VALUE",
    Owner: "STRING_VALUE",
    Branch: "STRING_VALUE",
    Folder: "STRING_VALUE",
    LastCommitId: "STRING_VALUE",
    AuthToken: "STRING_VALUE",
  MaintenanceWindow: "STRING_VALUE",
const command = new CreateJobCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // CreateJobResponse
//   Name: "STRING_VALUE",
// };

CreateJobCommand Input

See CreateJobCommandInput for more details

JobCommand | undefined

The JobCommand that runs this job.

string | undefined

The name you assign to this job definition. It must be unique in your account.

string | undefined

The name or Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role associated with this job.

number | undefined

This parameter is deprecated. Use MaxCapacity instead.

The number of Glue data processing units (DPUs) to allocate to this Job. You can allocate a minimum of 2 DPUs; the default is 10. A DPU is a relative measure of processing power that consists of 4 vCPUs of compute capacity and 16 GB of memory. For more information, see the Glue pricing page .

Record<string, CodeGenConfigurationNode> | undefined

The representation of a directed acyclic graph on which both the Glue Studio visual component and Glue Studio code generation is based.

ConnectionsList | undefined

The connections used for this job.

Record<string, string> | undefined

The default arguments for every run of this job, specified as name-value pairs.

You can specify arguments here that your own job-execution script consumes, as well as arguments that Glue itself consumes.

Job arguments may be logged. Do not pass plaintext secrets as arguments. Retrieve secrets from a Glue Connection, Secrets Manager or other secret management mechanism if you intend to keep them within the Job.

For information about how to specify and consume your own Job arguments, see the Calling Glue APIs in Python  topic in the developer guide.

For information about the arguments you can provide to this field when configuring Spark jobs, see the Special Parameters Used by Glue  topic in the developer guide.

For information about the arguments you can provide to this field when configuring Ray jobs, see Using job parameters in Ray jobs  in the developer guide.

string | undefined

Description of the job being defined.

ExecutionClass | undefined

Indicates whether the job is run with a standard or flexible execution class. The standard execution-class is ideal for time-sensitive workloads that require fast job startup and dedicated resources.

The flexible execution class is appropriate for time-insensitive jobs whose start and completion times may vary.

Only jobs with Glue version 3.0 and above and command type glueetl will be allowed to set ExecutionClass to FLEX. The flexible execution class is available for Spark jobs.

ExecutionProperty | undefined

An ExecutionProperty specifying the maximum number of concurrent runs allowed for this job.

string | undefined

In Spark jobs, GlueVersion determines the versions of Apache Spark and Python that Glue available in a job. The Python version indicates the version supported for jobs of type Spark.

Ray jobs should set GlueVersion to 4.0 or greater. However, the versions of Ray, Python and additional libraries available in your Ray job are determined by the Runtime parameter of the Job command.

For more information about the available Glue versions and corresponding Spark and Python versions, see Glue version  in the developer guide.

Jobs that are created without specifying a Glue version default to Glue 0.9.

JobMode | undefined

A mode that describes how a job was created. Valid values are:

  • SCRIPT - The job was created using the Glue Studio script editor.

  • VISUAL - The job was created using the Glue Studio visual editor.

  • NOTEBOOK - The job was created using an interactive sessions notebook.

When the JobMode field is missing or null, SCRIPT is assigned as the default value.

boolean | undefined

Specifies whether job run queuing is enabled for the job runs for this job.

A value of true means job run queuing is enabled for the job runs. If false or not populated, the job runs will not be considered for queueing.

If this field does not match the value set in the job run, then the value from the job run field will be used.

string | undefined

This field is reserved for future use.

string | undefined

This field specifies a day of the week and hour for a maintenance window for streaming jobs. Glue periodically performs maintenance activities. During these maintenance windows, Glue will need to restart your streaming jobs.

Glue will restart the job within 3 hours of the specified maintenance window. For instance, if you set up the maintenance window for Monday at 10:00AM GMT, your jobs will be restarted between 10:00AM GMT to 1:00PM GMT.

number | undefined

For Glue version 1.0 or earlier jobs, using the standard worker type, the number of Glue data processing units (DPUs) that can be allocated when this job runs. A DPU is a relative measure of processing power that consists of 4 vCPUs of compute capacity and 16 GB of memory. For more information, see the Glue pricing page .

For Glue version 2.0+ jobs, you cannot specify a Maximum capacity. Instead, you should specify a Worker type and the Number of workers.

Do not set MaxCapacity if using WorkerType and NumberOfWorkers.

The value that can be allocated for MaxCapacity depends on whether you are running a Python shell job, an Apache Spark ETL job, or an Apache Spark streaming ETL job:

  • When you specify a Python shell job (JobCommand.Name="pythonshell"), you can allocate either 0.0625 or 1 DPU. The default is 0.0625 DPU.

  • When you specify an Apache Spark ETL job (JobCommand.Name="glueetl") or Apache Spark streaming ETL job (JobCommand.Name="gluestreaming"), you can allocate from 2 to 100 DPUs. The default is 10 DPUs. This job type cannot have a fractional DPU allocation.

number | undefined

The maximum number of times to retry this job if it fails.

Record<string, string> | undefined

Arguments for this job that are not overridden when providing job arguments in a job run, specified as name-value pairs.

NotificationProperty | undefined

Specifies configuration properties of a job notification.

number | undefined

The number of workers of a defined workerType that are allocated when a job runs.

string | undefined

The name of the SecurityConfiguration structure to be used with this job.

SourceControlDetails | undefined

The details for a source control configuration for a job, allowing synchronization of job artifacts to or from a remote repository.

Record<string, string> | undefined

The tags to use with this job. You may use tags to limit access to the job. For more information about tags in Glue, see Amazon Web Services Tags in Glue  in the developer guide.

number | undefined

The job timeout in minutes. This is the maximum time that a job run can consume resources before it is terminated and enters TIMEOUT status.

Jobs must have timeout values less than 7 days or 10080 minutes. Otherwise, the jobs will throw an exception.

When the value is left blank, the timeout is defaulted to 2880 minutes.

Any existing Glue jobs that had a timeout value greater than 7 days will be defaulted to 7 days. For instance if you have specified a timeout of 20 days for a batch job, it will be stopped on the 7th day.

For streaming jobs, if you have set up a maintenance window, it will be restarted during the maintenance window after 7 days.

WorkerType | undefined

The type of predefined worker that is allocated when a job runs. Accepts a value of G.1X, G.2X, G.4X, G.8X or G.025X for Spark jobs. Accepts the value Z.2X for Ray jobs.

  • For the G.1X worker type, each worker maps to 1 DPU (4 vCPUs, 16 GB of memory) with 94GB disk, and provides 1 executor per worker. We recommend this worker type for workloads such as data transforms, joins, and queries, to offers a scalable and cost effective way to run most jobs.

  • For the G.2X worker type, each worker maps to 2 DPU (8 vCPUs, 32 GB of memory) with 138GB disk, and provides 1 executor per worker. We recommend this worker type for workloads such as data transforms, joins, and queries, to offers a scalable and cost effective way to run most jobs.

  • For the G.4X worker type, each worker maps to 4 DPU (16 vCPUs, 64 GB of memory) with 256GB disk, and provides 1 executor per worker. We recommend this worker type for jobs whose workloads contain your most demanding transforms, aggregations, joins, and queries. This worker type is available only for Glue version 3.0 or later Spark ETL jobs in the following Amazon Web Services Regions: US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), and Europe (Stockholm).

  • For the G.8X worker type, each worker maps to 8 DPU (32 vCPUs, 128 GB of memory) with 512GB disk, and provides 1 executor per worker. We recommend this worker type for jobs whose workloads contain your most demanding transforms, aggregations, joins, and queries. This worker type is available only for Glue version 3.0 or later Spark ETL jobs, in the same Amazon Web Services Regions as supported for the G.4X worker type.

  • For the G.025X worker type, each worker maps to 0.25 DPU (2 vCPUs, 4 GB of memory) with 84GB disk, and provides 1 executor per worker. We recommend this worker type for low volume streaming jobs. This worker type is only available for Glue version 3.0 or later streaming jobs.

  • For the Z.2X worker type, each worker maps to 2 M-DPU (8vCPUs, 64 GB of memory) with 128 GB disk, and provides up to 8 Ray workers based on the autoscaler.

CreateJobCommand Output

See CreateJobCommandOutput for details

Metadata pertaining to this request.
string | undefined

The unique name that was provided for this job definition.



A resource to be created or added already exists.


Two processes are trying to modify a resource simultaneously.


The same unique identifier was associated with two different records.


An internal service error occurred.


The input provided was not valid.


The operation timed out.


A resource numerical limit was exceeded.

Base exception class for all service exceptions from Glue service.