
Updates the settings for a slot.

Example Syntax

Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.

import { LexModelsV2Client, UpdateSlotCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-lex-models-v2"; // ES Modules import
// const { LexModelsV2Client, UpdateSlotCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-lex-models-v2"); // CommonJS import
const client = new LexModelsV2Client(config);
const input = { // UpdateSlotRequest
  slotId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
  slotName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
  description: "STRING_VALUE",
  slotTypeId: "STRING_VALUE",
  valueElicitationSetting: { // SlotValueElicitationSetting
    defaultValueSpecification: { // SlotDefaultValueSpecification
      defaultValueList: [ // SlotDefaultValueList // required
        { // SlotDefaultValue
          defaultValue: "STRING_VALUE", // required
    slotConstraint: "Required" || "Optional", // required
    promptSpecification: { // PromptSpecification
      messageGroups: [ // MessageGroupsList // required
        { // MessageGroup
          message: { // Message
            plainTextMessage: { // PlainTextMessage
              value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
            customPayload: { // CustomPayload
              value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
            ssmlMessage: { // SSMLMessage
              value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
            imageResponseCard: { // ImageResponseCard
              title: "STRING_VALUE", // required
              subtitle: "STRING_VALUE",
              imageUrl: "STRING_VALUE",
              buttons: [ // ButtonsList
                { // Button
                  text: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                  value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
          variations: [ // MessageVariationsList
              plainTextMessage: {
                value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
              customPayload: {
                value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
              ssmlMessage: {
                value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
              imageResponseCard: {
                title: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                subtitle: "STRING_VALUE",
                imageUrl: "STRING_VALUE",
                buttons: [
                    text: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                    value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
      maxRetries: Number("int"), // required
      allowInterrupt: true || false,
      messageSelectionStrategy: "Random" || "Ordered",
      promptAttemptsSpecification: { // PromptAttemptsSpecificationMap
        "<keys>": { // PromptAttemptSpecification
          allowInterrupt: true || false,
          allowedInputTypes: { // AllowedInputTypes
            allowAudioInput: true || false, // required
            allowDTMFInput: true || false, // required
          audioAndDTMFInputSpecification: { // AudioAndDTMFInputSpecification
            startTimeoutMs: Number("int"), // required
            audioSpecification: { // AudioSpecification
              maxLengthMs: Number("int"), // required
              endTimeoutMs: Number("int"), // required
            dtmfSpecification: { // DTMFSpecification
              maxLength: Number("int"), // required
              endTimeoutMs: Number("int"), // required
              deletionCharacter: "STRING_VALUE", // required
              endCharacter: "STRING_VALUE", // required
          textInputSpecification: { // TextInputSpecification
            startTimeoutMs: Number("int"), // required
    sampleUtterances: [ // SampleUtterancesList
      { // SampleUtterance
        utterance: "STRING_VALUE", // required
    waitAndContinueSpecification: { // WaitAndContinueSpecification
      waitingResponse: { // ResponseSpecification
        messageGroups: [ // required
            message: {
              plainTextMessage: {
                value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
              customPayload: {
                value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
              ssmlMessage: {
                value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
              imageResponseCard: {
                title: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                subtitle: "STRING_VALUE",
                imageUrl: "STRING_VALUE",
                buttons: [
                    text: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                    value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
            variations: [
        allowInterrupt: true || false,
      continueResponse: {
        messageGroups: [ // required
            message: "<Message>", // required
            variations: [
        allowInterrupt: true || false,
      stillWaitingResponse: { // StillWaitingResponseSpecification
        messageGroups: [ // required
            message: "<Message>", // required
            variations: [
        frequencyInSeconds: Number("int"), // required
        timeoutInSeconds: Number("int"), // required
        allowInterrupt: true || false,
      active: true || false,
    slotCaptureSetting: { // SlotCaptureSetting
      captureResponse: {
        messageGroups: [ // required
            message: "<Message>", // required
            variations: [
        allowInterrupt: true || false,
      captureNextStep: { // DialogState
        dialogAction: { // DialogAction
          type: "ElicitIntent" || "StartIntent" || "ElicitSlot" || "EvaluateConditional" || "InvokeDialogCodeHook" || "ConfirmIntent" || "FulfillIntent" || "CloseIntent" || "EndConversation", // required
          slotToElicit: "STRING_VALUE",
          suppressNextMessage: true || false,
        intent: { // IntentOverride
          name: "STRING_VALUE",
          slots: { // SlotValueOverrideMap
            "<keys>": { // SlotValueOverride
              shape: "Scalar" || "List",
              value: { // SlotValue
                interpretedValue: "STRING_VALUE",
              values: [ // SlotValues
                  shape: "Scalar" || "List",
                  value: {
                    interpretedValue: "STRING_VALUE",
                  values: [
        sessionAttributes: { // StringMap
          "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
      captureConditional: { // ConditionalSpecification
        active: true || false, // required
        conditionalBranches: [ // ConditionalBranches // required
          { // ConditionalBranch
            name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
            condition: { // Condition
              expressionString: "STRING_VALUE", // required
            nextStep: {
              dialogAction: {
                type: "ElicitIntent" || "StartIntent" || "ElicitSlot" || "EvaluateConditional" || "InvokeDialogCodeHook" || "ConfirmIntent" || "FulfillIntent" || "CloseIntent" || "EndConversation", // required
                slotToElicit: "STRING_VALUE",
                suppressNextMessage: true || false,
              intent: {
                name: "STRING_VALUE",
                slots: {
                  "<keys>": "<SlotValueOverride>",
              sessionAttributes: {
                "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
            response: {
              messageGroups: "<MessageGroupsList>", // required
              allowInterrupt: true || false,
        defaultBranch: { // DefaultConditionalBranch
          nextStep: "<DialogState>",
          response: "<ResponseSpecification>",
      failureResponse: "<ResponseSpecification>",
      failureNextStep: "<DialogState>",
      failureConditional: {
        active: true || false, // required
        conditionalBranches: [ // required
            name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
            condition: {
              expressionString: "STRING_VALUE", // required
            nextStep: "<DialogState>", // required
            response: "<ResponseSpecification>",
        defaultBranch: {
          nextStep: "<DialogState>",
          response: "<ResponseSpecification>",
      codeHook: { // DialogCodeHookInvocationSetting
        enableCodeHookInvocation: true || false, // required
        active: true || false, // required
        invocationLabel: "STRING_VALUE",
        postCodeHookSpecification: { // PostDialogCodeHookInvocationSpecification
          successResponse: "<ResponseSpecification>",
          successNextStep: "<DialogState>",
          successConditional: {
            active: true || false, // required
            conditionalBranches: [ // required
                name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                condition: {
                  expressionString: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                nextStep: "<DialogState>", // required
                response: "<ResponseSpecification>",
            defaultBranch: {
              nextStep: "<DialogState>",
              response: "<ResponseSpecification>",
          failureResponse: "<ResponseSpecification>",
          failureNextStep: "<DialogState>",
          failureConditional: {
            active: true || false, // required
            conditionalBranches: [ // required
                name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                condition: {
                  expressionString: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                nextStep: "<DialogState>", // required
                response: "<ResponseSpecification>",
            defaultBranch: {
              nextStep: "<DialogState>",
              response: "<ResponseSpecification>",
          timeoutResponse: "<ResponseSpecification>",
          timeoutNextStep: "<DialogState>",
          timeoutConditional: {
            active: true || false, // required
            conditionalBranches: [ // required
                name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                condition: {
                  expressionString: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                nextStep: "<DialogState>", // required
                response: "<ResponseSpecification>",
            defaultBranch: {
              nextStep: "<DialogState>",
              response: "<ResponseSpecification>",
      elicitationCodeHook: { // ElicitationCodeHookInvocationSetting
        enableCodeHookInvocation: true || false, // required
        invocationLabel: "STRING_VALUE",
    slotResolutionSetting: { // SlotResolutionSetting
      slotResolutionStrategy: "EnhancedFallback" || "Default", // required
  obfuscationSetting: { // ObfuscationSetting
    obfuscationSettingType: "None" || "DefaultObfuscation", // required
  botId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
  botVersion: "STRING_VALUE", // required
  localeId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
  intentId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
  multipleValuesSetting: { // MultipleValuesSetting
    allowMultipleValues: true || false,
  subSlotSetting: { // SubSlotSetting
    expression: "STRING_VALUE",
    slotSpecifications: { // SubSlotSpecificationMap
      "<keys>": { // Specifications
        slotTypeId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
        valueElicitationSetting: { // SubSlotValueElicitationSetting
          defaultValueSpecification: {
            defaultValueList: [ // required
                defaultValue: "STRING_VALUE", // required
          promptSpecification: {
            messageGroups: "<MessageGroupsList>", // required
            maxRetries: Number("int"), // required
            allowInterrupt: true || false,
            messageSelectionStrategy: "Random" || "Ordered",
            promptAttemptsSpecification: {
              "<keys>": {
                allowInterrupt: true || false,
                allowedInputTypes: {
                  allowAudioInput: true || false, // required
                  allowDTMFInput: true || false, // required
                audioAndDTMFInputSpecification: {
                  startTimeoutMs: Number("int"), // required
                  audioSpecification: {
                    maxLengthMs: Number("int"), // required
                    endTimeoutMs: Number("int"), // required
                  dtmfSpecification: {
                    maxLength: Number("int"), // required
                    endTimeoutMs: Number("int"), // required
                    deletionCharacter: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                    endCharacter: "STRING_VALUE", // required
                textInputSpecification: {
                  startTimeoutMs: Number("int"), // required
          sampleUtterances: [
              utterance: "STRING_VALUE", // required
          waitAndContinueSpecification: {
            waitingResponse: "<ResponseSpecification>", // required
            continueResponse: "<ResponseSpecification>", // required
            stillWaitingResponse: {
              messageGroups: "<MessageGroupsList>", // required
              frequencyInSeconds: Number("int"), // required
              timeoutInSeconds: Number("int"), // required
              allowInterrupt: true || false,
            active: true || false,
const command = new UpdateSlotCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // UpdateSlotResponse
//   slotId: "STRING_VALUE",
//   slotName: "STRING_VALUE",
//   description: "STRING_VALUE",
//   slotTypeId: "STRING_VALUE",
//   valueElicitationSetting: { // SlotValueElicitationSetting
//     defaultValueSpecification: { // SlotDefaultValueSpecification
//       defaultValueList: [ // SlotDefaultValueList // required
//         { // SlotDefaultValue
//           defaultValue: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//         },
//       ],
//     },
//     slotConstraint: "Required" || "Optional", // required
//     promptSpecification: { // PromptSpecification
//       messageGroups: [ // MessageGroupsList // required
//         { // MessageGroup
//           message: { // Message
//             plainTextMessage: { // PlainTextMessage
//               value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//             },
//             customPayload: { // CustomPayload
//               value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//             },
//             ssmlMessage: { // SSMLMessage
//               value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//             },
//             imageResponseCard: { // ImageResponseCard
//               title: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//               subtitle: "STRING_VALUE",
//               imageUrl: "STRING_VALUE",
//               buttons: [ // ButtonsList
//                 { // Button
//                   text: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//                   value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//                 },
//               ],
//             },
//           },
//           variations: [ // MessageVariationsList
//             {
//               plainTextMessage: {
//                 value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//               },
//               customPayload: {
//                 value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//               },
//               ssmlMessage: {
//                 value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//               },
//               imageResponseCard: {
//                 title: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//                 subtitle: "STRING_VALUE",
//                 imageUrl: "STRING_VALUE",
//                 buttons: [
//                   {
//                     text: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//                     value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//                   },
//                 ],
//               },
//             },
//           ],
//         },
//       ],
//       maxRetries: Number("int"), // required
//       allowInterrupt: true || false,
//       messageSelectionStrategy: "Random" || "Ordered",
//       promptAttemptsSpecification: { // PromptAttemptsSpecificationMap
//         "<keys>": { // PromptAttemptSpecification
//           allowInterrupt: true || false,
//           allowedInputTypes: { // AllowedInputTypes
//             allowAudioInput: true || false, // required
//             allowDTMFInput: true || false, // required
//           },
//           audioAndDTMFInputSpecification: { // AudioAndDTMFInputSpecification
//             startTimeoutMs: Number("int"), // required
//             audioSpecification: { // AudioSpecification
//               maxLengthMs: Number("int"), // required
//               endTimeoutMs: Number("int"), // required
//             },
//             dtmfSpecification: { // DTMFSpecification
//               maxLength: Number("int"), // required
//               endTimeoutMs: Number("int"), // required
//               deletionCharacter: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//               endCharacter: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//             },
//           },
//           textInputSpecification: { // TextInputSpecification
//             startTimeoutMs: Number("int"), // required
//           },
//         },
//       },
//     },
//     sampleUtterances: [ // SampleUtterancesList
//       { // SampleUtterance
//         utterance: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//       },
//     ],
//     waitAndContinueSpecification: { // WaitAndContinueSpecification
//       waitingResponse: { // ResponseSpecification
//         messageGroups: [ // required
//           {
//             message: {
//               plainTextMessage: {
//                 value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//               },
//               customPayload: {
//                 value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//               },
//               ssmlMessage: {
//                 value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//               },
//               imageResponseCard: {
//                 title: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//                 subtitle: "STRING_VALUE",
//                 imageUrl: "STRING_VALUE",
//                 buttons: [
//                   {
//                     text: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//                     value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//                   },
//                 ],
//               },
//             },
//             variations: [
//               "<Message>",
//             ],
//           },
//         ],
//         allowInterrupt: true || false,
//       },
//       continueResponse: {
//         messageGroups: [ // required
//           {
//             message: "<Message>", // required
//             variations: [
//               "<Message>",
//             ],
//           },
//         ],
//         allowInterrupt: true || false,
//       },
//       stillWaitingResponse: { // StillWaitingResponseSpecification
//         messageGroups: [ // required
//           {
//             message: "<Message>", // required
//             variations: [
//               "<Message>",
//             ],
//           },
//         ],
//         frequencyInSeconds: Number("int"), // required
//         timeoutInSeconds: Number("int"), // required
//         allowInterrupt: true || false,
//       },
//       active: true || false,
//     },
//     slotCaptureSetting: { // SlotCaptureSetting
//       captureResponse: {
//         messageGroups: [ // required
//           {
//             message: "<Message>", // required
//             variations: [
//               "<Message>",
//             ],
//           },
//         ],
//         allowInterrupt: true || false,
//       },
//       captureNextStep: { // DialogState
//         dialogAction: { // DialogAction
//           type: "ElicitIntent" || "StartIntent" || "ElicitSlot" || "EvaluateConditional" || "InvokeDialogCodeHook" || "ConfirmIntent" || "FulfillIntent" || "CloseIntent" || "EndConversation", // required
//           slotToElicit: "STRING_VALUE",
//           suppressNextMessage: true || false,
//         },
//         intent: { // IntentOverride
//           name: "STRING_VALUE",
//           slots: { // SlotValueOverrideMap
//             "<keys>": { // SlotValueOverride
//               shape: "Scalar" || "List",
//               value: { // SlotValue
//                 interpretedValue: "STRING_VALUE",
//               },
//               values: [ // SlotValues
//                 {
//                   shape: "Scalar" || "List",
//                   value: {
//                     interpretedValue: "STRING_VALUE",
//                   },
//                   values: [
//                     "<SlotValueOverride>",
//                   ],
//                 },
//               ],
//             },
//           },
//         },
//         sessionAttributes: { // StringMap
//           "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
//         },
//       },
//       captureConditional: { // ConditionalSpecification
//         active: true || false, // required
//         conditionalBranches: [ // ConditionalBranches // required
//           { // ConditionalBranch
//             name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//             condition: { // Condition
//               expressionString: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//             },
//             nextStep: {
//               dialogAction: {
//                 type: "ElicitIntent" || "StartIntent" || "ElicitSlot" || "EvaluateConditional" || "InvokeDialogCodeHook" || "ConfirmIntent" || "FulfillIntent" || "CloseIntent" || "EndConversation", // required
//                 slotToElicit: "STRING_VALUE",
//                 suppressNextMessage: true || false,
//               },
//               intent: {
//                 name: "STRING_VALUE",
//                 slots: {
//                   "<keys>": "<SlotValueOverride>",
//                 },
//               },
//               sessionAttributes: {
//                 "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
//               },
//             },
//             response: {
//               messageGroups: "<MessageGroupsList>", // required
//               allowInterrupt: true || false,
//             },
//           },
//         ],
//         defaultBranch: { // DefaultConditionalBranch
//           nextStep: "<DialogState>",
//           response: "<ResponseSpecification>",
//         },
//       },
//       failureResponse: "<ResponseSpecification>",
//       failureNextStep: "<DialogState>",
//       failureConditional: {
//         active: true || false, // required
//         conditionalBranches: [ // required
//           {
//             name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//             condition: {
//               expressionString: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//             },
//             nextStep: "<DialogState>", // required
//             response: "<ResponseSpecification>",
//           },
//         ],
//         defaultBranch: {
//           nextStep: "<DialogState>",
//           response: "<ResponseSpecification>",
//         },
//       },
//       codeHook: { // DialogCodeHookInvocationSetting
//         enableCodeHookInvocation: true || false, // required
//         active: true || false, // required
//         invocationLabel: "STRING_VALUE",
//         postCodeHookSpecification: { // PostDialogCodeHookInvocationSpecification
//           successResponse: "<ResponseSpecification>",
//           successNextStep: "<DialogState>",
//           successConditional: {
//             active: true || false, // required
//             conditionalBranches: [ // required
//               {
//                 name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//                 condition: {
//                   expressionString: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//                 },
//                 nextStep: "<DialogState>", // required
//                 response: "<ResponseSpecification>",
//               },
//             ],
//             defaultBranch: {
//               nextStep: "<DialogState>",
//               response: "<ResponseSpecification>",
//             },
//           },
//           failureResponse: "<ResponseSpecification>",
//           failureNextStep: "<DialogState>",
//           failureConditional: {
//             active: true || false, // required
//             conditionalBranches: [ // required
//               {
//                 name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//                 condition: {
//                   expressionString: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//                 },
//                 nextStep: "<DialogState>", // required
//                 response: "<ResponseSpecification>",
//               },
//             ],
//             defaultBranch: {
//               nextStep: "<DialogState>",
//               response: "<ResponseSpecification>",
//             },
//           },
//           timeoutResponse: "<ResponseSpecification>",
//           timeoutNextStep: "<DialogState>",
//           timeoutConditional: {
//             active: true || false, // required
//             conditionalBranches: [ // required
//               {
//                 name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//                 condition: {
//                   expressionString: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//                 },
//                 nextStep: "<DialogState>", // required
//                 response: "<ResponseSpecification>",
//               },
//             ],
//             defaultBranch: {
//               nextStep: "<DialogState>",
//               response: "<ResponseSpecification>",
//             },
//           },
//         },
//       },
//       elicitationCodeHook: { // ElicitationCodeHookInvocationSetting
//         enableCodeHookInvocation: true || false, // required
//         invocationLabel: "STRING_VALUE",
//       },
//     },
//     slotResolutionSetting: { // SlotResolutionSetting
//       slotResolutionStrategy: "EnhancedFallback" || "Default", // required
//     },
//   },
//   obfuscationSetting: { // ObfuscationSetting
//     obfuscationSettingType: "None" || "DefaultObfuscation", // required
//   },
//   botId: "STRING_VALUE",
//   botVersion: "STRING_VALUE",
//   localeId: "STRING_VALUE",
//   intentId: "STRING_VALUE",
//   creationDateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
//   lastUpdatedDateTime: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
//   multipleValuesSetting: { // MultipleValuesSetting
//     allowMultipleValues: true || false,
//   },
//   subSlotSetting: { // SubSlotSetting
//     expression: "STRING_VALUE",
//     slotSpecifications: { // SubSlotSpecificationMap
//       "<keys>": { // Specifications
//         slotTypeId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//         valueElicitationSetting: { // SubSlotValueElicitationSetting
//           defaultValueSpecification: {
//             defaultValueList: [ // required
//               {
//                 defaultValue: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//               },
//             ],
//           },
//           promptSpecification: {
//             messageGroups: "<MessageGroupsList>", // required
//             maxRetries: Number("int"), // required
//             allowInterrupt: true || false,
//             messageSelectionStrategy: "Random" || "Ordered",
//             promptAttemptsSpecification: {
//               "<keys>": {
//                 allowInterrupt: true || false,
//                 allowedInputTypes: {
//                   allowAudioInput: true || false, // required
//                   allowDTMFInput: true || false, // required
//                 },
//                 audioAndDTMFInputSpecification: {
//                   startTimeoutMs: Number("int"), // required
//                   audioSpecification: {
//                     maxLengthMs: Number("int"), // required
//                     endTimeoutMs: Number("int"), // required
//                   },
//                   dtmfSpecification: {
//                     maxLength: Number("int"), // required
//                     endTimeoutMs: Number("int"), // required
//                     deletionCharacter: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//                     endCharacter: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//                   },
//                 },
//                 textInputSpecification: {
//                   startTimeoutMs: Number("int"), // required
//                 },
//               },
//             },
//           },
//           sampleUtterances: [
//             {
//               utterance: "STRING_VALUE", // required
//             },
//           ],
//           waitAndContinueSpecification: {
//             waitingResponse: "<ResponseSpecification>", // required
//             continueResponse: "<ResponseSpecification>", // required
//             stillWaitingResponse: {
//               messageGroups: "<MessageGroupsList>", // required
//               frequencyInSeconds: Number("int"), // required
//               timeoutInSeconds: Number("int"), // required
//               allowInterrupt: true || false,
//             },
//             active: true || false,
//           },
//         },
//       },
//     },
//   },
// };

UpdateSlotCommand Input

See UpdateSlotCommandInput for more details

string | undefined

The unique identifier of the bot that contains the slot.

string | undefined

The version of the bot that contains the slot. Must always be DRAFT.

string | undefined

The identifier of the intent that contains the slot.

string | undefined

The identifier of the language and locale that contains the slot. The string must match one of the supported locales. For more information, see Supported languages .

string | undefined

The unique identifier for the slot to update.

string | undefined

The new name for the slot.

SlotValueElicitationSetting | undefined

A new set of prompts that Amazon Lex sends to the user to elicit a response the provides a value for the slot.

string | undefined

The new description for the slot.

MultipleValuesSetting | undefined

Determines whether the slot accepts multiple values in one response. Multiple value slots are only available in the en-US locale. If you set this value to true in any other locale, Amazon Lex throws a ValidationException.

If the multipleValuesSetting is not set, the default value is false.

ObfuscationSetting | undefined

New settings that determine how slot values are formatted in Amazon CloudWatch logs.

string | undefined

The unique identifier of the new slot type to associate with this slot.

SubSlotSetting | undefined

Specifications for the constituent sub slots and the expression for the composite slot.

UpdateSlotCommand Output

See UpdateSlotCommandOutput for details

Metadata pertaining to this request.
string | undefined

The identifier of the bot that contains the slot.

string | undefined

The version of the bot that contains the slot. Will always be DRAFT.

Date | undefined

The timestamp of the date and time that the slot was created.

string | undefined

The updated description of the bot.

string | undefined

The intent that contains the slot.

Date | undefined

The timestamp of the date and time that the slot was last updated.

string | undefined

The locale that contains the slot.

MultipleValuesSetting | undefined

Indicates whether the slot accepts multiple values in one response.

ObfuscationSetting | undefined

The updated setting that determines whether the slot value is obfuscated in the Amazon CloudWatch logs.

string | undefined

The unique identifier of the slot that was updated.

string | undefined

The updated name of the slot.

string | undefined

The updated identifier of the slot type that provides values for the slot.

SubSlotSetting | undefined

Specifications for the constituent sub slots and the expression for the composite slot.

SlotValueElicitationSetting | undefined

The updated prompts that Amazon Lex sends to the user to elicit a response that provides a value for the slot.



The action that you tried to perform couldn't be completed because the resource is in a conflicting state. For example, deleting a bot that is in the CREATING state. Try your request again.


The service encountered an unexpected condition. Try your request again.


Your request couldn't be completed because one or more request fields aren't valid. Check the fields in your request and try again.


You have reached a quota for your bot.


Your request rate is too high. Reduce the frequency of requests.


One of the input parameters in your request isn't valid. Check the parameters and try your request again.

Base exception class for all service exceptions from LexModelsV2 service.