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Searches for relevant content in a Amazon Q Business application based on a query. This operation takes a search query text, the Amazon Q Business application identifier, and optional filters (such as content source and maximum results) as input. It returns a list of relevant content items, where each item includes the content text, the unique document identifier, the document title, the document URI, any relevant document attributes, and score attributes indicating the confidence level of the relevance.
Example Syntax
Use a bare-bones client and the command you need to make an API call.
import { QBusinessClient, SearchRelevantContentCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-qbusiness"; // ES Modules import
// const { QBusinessClient, SearchRelevantContentCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-qbusiness"); // CommonJS import
const client = new QBusinessClient(config);
const input = { // SearchRelevantContentRequest
applicationId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
queryText: "STRING_VALUE", // required
contentSource: { // ContentSource Union: only one key present
retriever: { // RetrieverContentSource
retrieverId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
attributeFilter: { // AttributeFilter
andAllFilters: [ // AttributeFilters
andAllFilters: [
orAllFilters: [
notFilter: "<AttributeFilter>",
equalsTo: { // DocumentAttribute
name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
value: { // DocumentAttributeValue Union: only one key present
stringValue: "STRING_VALUE",
stringListValue: [ // DocumentAttributeStringListValue
longValue: Number("long"),
dateValue: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
containsAll: {
name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
value: {// Union: only one key present
stringValue: "STRING_VALUE",
stringListValue: [
longValue: Number("long"),
dateValue: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
containsAny: {
name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
value: {// Union: only one key present
stringValue: "STRING_VALUE",
stringListValue: [
longValue: Number("long"),
dateValue: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
greaterThan: {
name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
value: {// Union: only one key present
stringValue: "STRING_VALUE",
stringListValue: [
longValue: Number("long"),
dateValue: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
greaterThanOrEquals: {
name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
value: {// Union: only one key present
stringValue: "STRING_VALUE",
stringListValue: [
longValue: Number("long"),
dateValue: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
lessThan: "<DocumentAttribute>",
lessThanOrEquals: "<DocumentAttribute>",
orAllFilters: [
notFilter: "<AttributeFilter>",
equalsTo: "<DocumentAttribute>",
containsAll: "<DocumentAttribute>",
containsAny: "<DocumentAttribute>",
greaterThan: "<DocumentAttribute>",
greaterThanOrEquals: "<DocumentAttribute>",
lessThan: "<DocumentAttribute>",
lessThanOrEquals: "<DocumentAttribute>",
maxResults: Number("int"),
nextToken: "STRING_VALUE",
const command = new SearchRelevantContentCommand(input);
const response = await client.send(command);
// { // SearchRelevantContentResponse
// relevantContent: [ // RelevantContentList
// { // RelevantContent
// content: "STRING_VALUE",
// documentId: "STRING_VALUE",
// documentTitle: "STRING_VALUE",
// documentUri: "STRING_VALUE",
// documentAttributes: [ // DocumentAttributes
// { // DocumentAttribute
// name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
// value: { // DocumentAttributeValue Union: only one key present
// stringValue: "STRING_VALUE",
// stringListValue: [ // DocumentAttributeStringListValue
// ],
// longValue: Number("long"),
// dateValue: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
// },
// },
// ],
// scoreAttributes: { // ScoreAttributes
// scoreConfidence: "VERY_HIGH" || "HIGH" || "MEDIUM" || "LOW" || "NOT_AVAILABLE",
// },
// },
// ],
// nextToken: "STRING_VALUE",
// };
SearchRelevantContentCommand Input
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
applicationId Required | string | undefined | The unique identifier of the Amazon Q Business application to search. |
contentSource Required | ContentSource | undefined | The source of content to search in. |
queryText Required | string | undefined | The text to search for. |
attributeFilter | AttributeFilter | undefined | Enables filtering of responses based on document attributes or metadata fields. |
maxResults | number | undefined | The maximum number of results to return. |
nextToken | string | undefined | The token for the next set of results. (You received this token from a previous call.) |
SearchRelevantContentCommand Output
Parameter | Type | Description |
Parameter | Type | Description |
$metadata Required | ResponseMetadata | Metadata pertaining to this request. |
nextToken | string | undefined | The token to use to retrieve the next set of results, if there are any. |
relevantContent | RelevantContent[] | undefined | The list of relevant content items found. |
Name | Fault | Details |
Name | Fault | Details |
AccessDeniedException | client | You don't have access to perform this action. Make sure you have the required permission policies and user accounts and try again. |
InternalServerException | server | An issue occurred with the internal server used for your Amazon Q Business service. Wait some minutes and try again, or contact Support for help. |
LicenseNotFoundException | client | You don't have permissions to perform the action because your license is inactive. Ask your admin to activate your license and try again after your licence is active. |
ResourceNotFoundException | client | The application or plugin resource you want to use doesn’t exist. Make sure you have provided the correct resource and try again. |
ThrottlingException | client | The request was denied due to throttling. Reduce the number of requests and try again. |
ValidationException | client | The input doesn't meet the constraints set by the Amazon Q Business service. Provide the correct input and try again. |
QBusinessServiceException | Base exception class for all service exceptions from QBusiness service. |