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Plugins for Amazon Q Business

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Plugins for Amazon Q Business - Amazon Q Business
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Amazon Q Business offers plugins to enhance your application's functionality. Plugins help streamline tasks and boost productivity by integrating external services into the Amazon Q Business chat interface.

Amazon Q Business supports two types of plugins: built-in plugins and custom plugins.

  • Fully integrated plugins – The QuickSight plugin is fully integrated with Amazon Q Business, and won't appear in the list of plugins in the web experience. This plugin gives an Amazon Q Business application access to insights and external databases through Amazon QuickSight. For more information, see Using the QuickSight plugin to get insights from structured data.

  • Built-in plugins – These plugins are pre-made for popular services like Jira, Salesforce, ServiceNow, and Zendesk. They allow users to perform tasks in these services directly from their Amazon Q Business chat. For example, an IT representative can create a ServiceNow incident without leaving the chat.

  • Custom plugins – These plugins let you connect Amazon Q Business with any third-party application. Users can then use natural language to access real-time data or perform actions in these applications.


You can have up to 25 plugins for each application environment. Each plugin should serve a different purpose. You can activate, deactivate, edit, or delete plugins as needed.

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