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Uploading files

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Uploading files - Amazon Q Business
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To upload documents directly to an Amazon Q Business application environment, you can use the AWS Management Console or the BatchPutDocument API operation.

If you use an Amazon Kendra index to retrieve your documents, you can't directly upload documents.


This procedure is available if you chose to create a new Amazon Q Business index for your application environment. Files can only be uploaded after the Amazon Q Business index and retriever creation process has completed.

The following tabs provide a procedure for the AWS Management Console and code examples for the AWS CLI.


To upload files

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Q Business console.

  2. Complete the steps to create your Amazon Q Business application.

  3. Complete the steps for creating an Amazon Q Business index.

  4. Then, from the left navigation menu, choose Data sources.

  5. From the Data sources page, choose Add data source.

  6. Then, on the Add data sources page, from Data sources choose Upload files.

  7. Then, in Upload files, select one of the following methods to add your files:

    • Drag and drop the document files that you want to upload.

    • Add your documents to the application environment, and then select Choose files.

  8. After choosing your files, choose Upload.

    You are returned to the Amazon Q Business console while your documents are uploaded. The console displays a confirmation message when your documents are successfully uploaded.


To upload documents directly

aws qbusiness batch-put-document \ --application-id application-id \ --index-id index-id \ --documents documents-to-add \ --data-source-sync-id data-source-sync-id \ --role-arn roleArn

To upload files

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Q Business console.

  2. Complete the steps to create your Amazon Q Business application.

  3. Complete the steps for creating an Amazon Q Business index.

  4. Then, from the left navigation menu, choose Data sources.

  5. From the Data sources page, choose Add data source.

  6. Then, on the Add data sources page, from Data sources choose Upload files.

  7. Then, in Upload files, select one of the following methods to add your files:

    • Drag and drop the document files that you want to upload.

    • Add your documents to the application environment, and then select Choose files.

  8. After choosing your files, choose Upload.

    You are returned to the Amazon Q Business console while your documents are uploaded. The console displays a confirmation message when your documents are successfully uploaded.

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