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Prerequisites for connecting Amazon Q Business to Slack

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Prerequisites for connecting Amazon Q Business to Slack - Amazon Q Business
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Before you begin, make sure that you have completed the following prerequisites.

In Slack, make sure you have:

  • Created a Slack Bot User OAuth token or Slack User OAuth token. You can choose either token to connect Amazon Q to your Slack data source. See Slack documentation on access tokens for more information.


    If you use the bot token as part of your Slack credentials, you cannot index direct messages and group messages. You must add the bot token to the channel you want to index.

  • Noted your Slack workspace team ID from your Slack workspace main page URL. For example, https://app.slack.com/client/T0123456789/... where T0123456789 is the team ID.

  • Added the required OAuth scopes/ read permissions. See Setting up Slack for more details.

In your AWS account, make sure you have:

  • Created a Amazon Q Business application.

  • Created a Amazon Q Business retriever and added an index.

  • Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the Amazon Q API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.

  • Stored your Slack authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using the Amazon Q API, noted the ARN of the secret.


    If you’re a console user, you can create the IAM role and Secrets Manager secret as part of configuring your Amazon Q application on the console.

For a list of things to consider while configuring your data source, see Data source connector configuration best practices.


For more information on connecting Slack to Amazon Q Business, see Unlock the knowledge in your Slack workspace with Slack connector for Amazon Q Business in the AWS Machine Learning Blog.

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