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Key management operations

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Key management operations - Amazon QuickSight
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Use Amazon QuickSight key management APIs to list and update customer managed keys (CMKs) that are registered to a QuickSight account. For more information about key management in Amazon QuickSight, see Key management in the QuickSight User Guide.


Before you begin, create or update an IAM role that contains a user permission to access and use all CMKs that are registered to your QuickSight account. At minimum, the IAM policy must contain the kms:CreateGrant, quicksight:UpdateKeyRegistration, and quicksight:DescribeKeyRegistration permissions. To see a list of IAM policy examples that can be used to grant different degrees of access to the CMKs in a account, see IAM identity-based policies for Amazon QuickSight: using the admin key management console.

CMK API Examples

The example below lists all customer managed keys that are registered to a QuickSight account.

aws quicksight describe-key-registration \ --aws-account-id AWSACCOUNTID \ --region REGION

The example below updates a CMK registration and designates a default key.

aws quicksight update-key-registration \ --aws-account-id AWSACCOUNTID \ --key-registration '[{"KeyArn": "KEYARN", "DefaultKey": true}]' --region REGION

The example below updates the registration of two CMKs in a QuickSight account and designates one of the two updated keys as the new default key.

aws quicksight update-key-registration \ --aws-account-id AWSACCOUNTID \ --key-registration '[{"KeyArn": "KEYARN", "DefaultKey": true}, {"KeyArn": "KEYARN", "DefaultKey": false}]' --region REGION

The example below clears all CMK registrations from a QuickSight account. Instead, QuickSight uses AWS owned keys to encrypt your resources.

aws quicksight update-key-registration \ --aws-account-id AWSACCOUNTID \ --key-registration '[]' --region REGION

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