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AWS::WAF::Rule Predicate

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AWS::WAF::Rule Predicate - AWS CloudFormation
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Specifies the ByteMatchSet, IPSet, SqlInjectionMatchSet, XssMatchSet, RegexMatchSet, GeoMatchSet, and SizeConstraintSet objects that you want to add to a Rule and, for each object, indicates whether you want to negate the settings, for example, requests that do NOT originate from the IP address


To declare this entity in your AWS CloudFormation template, use the following syntax:


{ "DataId" : String, "Negated" : Boolean, "Type" : String }


DataId: String Negated: Boolean Type: String



A unique identifier for a predicate in a Rule, such as ByteMatchSetId or IPSetId. The ID is returned by the corresponding Create or List command.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Pattern: .*\S.*

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 128

Update requires: No interruption


Set Negated to False if you want AWS WAF to allow, block, or count requests based on the settings in the specified ByteMatchSet, IPSet, SqlInjectionMatchSet, XssMatchSet, RegexMatchSet, GeoMatchSet, or SizeConstraintSet. For example, if an IPSet includes the IP address, AWS WAF will allow or block requests based on that IP address.

Set Negated to True if you want AWS WAF to allow or block a request based on the negation of the settings in the ByteMatchSet, IPSet, SqlInjectionMatchSet, XssMatchSet, RegexMatchSet, GeoMatchSet, or SizeConstraintSet. For example, if an IPSet includes the IP address, AWS WAF will allow, block, or count requests based on all IP addresses except

Required: Yes

Type: Boolean

Update requires: No interruption


The type of predicate in a Rule, such as ByteMatch or IPSet.

Required: Yes

Type: String

Allowed values: IPMatch | ByteMatch | SqlInjectionMatch | GeoMatch | SizeConstraint | XssMatch | RegexMatch

Update requires: No interruption

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