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AWS CloudFormation modelli per piani di backup
Forniamo due AWS CloudFormation modelli di esempio come riferimento. Il primo modello crea un semplice piano di backup. Il secondo modello abilita VSS i backup in un piano di backup.
Se utilizzi il ruolo di servizio predefinito, sostituisci service-role
Description: backup plan template to back up all resources daily at 5am UTC, and tag all recovery points with backup:daily. Resources: KMSKey: Type: AWS::KMS::Key Properties: Description: "Encryption key for daily" EnableKeyRotation: True Enabled: True KeyPolicy: Version: "2012-10-17" Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: "AWS": { "Fn::Sub": "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:root" } Action: - kms:* Resource: "*" BackupVaultWithDailyBackups: Type: "AWS::Backup::BackupVault" Properties: BackupVaultName: "BackupVaultWithDailyBackups" EncryptionKeyArn: !GetAtt KMSKey.Arn BackupPlanWithDailyBackups: Type: "AWS::Backup::BackupPlan" Properties: BackupPlan: BackupPlanName: "BackupPlanWithDailyBackups" BackupPlanRule: - RuleName: "RuleForDailyBackups" TargetBackupVault: !Ref BackupVaultWithDailyBackups ScheduleExpression: "cron(0 5 ? * * *)" DependsOn: BackupVaultWithDailyBackups DDBTableWithDailyBackupTag: Type: "AWS::DynamoDB::Table" Properties: TableName: "TestTable" AttributeDefinitions: - AttributeName: "Album" AttributeType: "S" KeySchema: - AttributeName: "Album" KeyType: "HASH" ProvisionedThroughput: ReadCapacityUnits: "5" WriteCapacityUnits: "5" Tags: - Key: "backup" Value: "daily" BackupRole: Type: "AWS::IAM::Role" Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: "2012-10-17" Statement: - Effect: "Allow" Principal: Service: - "backup.amazonaws.com" Action: - "sts:AssumeRole" ManagedPolicyArns: - "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/
" TagBasedBackupSelection: Type: "AWS::Backup::BackupSelection" Properties: BackupSelection: SelectionName: "TagBasedBackupSelection" IamRoleArn: !GetAtt BackupRole.Arn ListOfTags: - ConditionType: "STRINGEQUALS" ConditionKey: "backup" ConditionValue: "daily" BackupPlanId: !Ref BackupPlanWithDailyBackups DependsOn: BackupPlanWithDailyBackups
Description: backup plan template to enable Windows VSS and add backup rule to take backup of assigned resources daily at 5am UTC. Resources: KMSKey: Type: AWS::KMS::Key Properties: Description: "Encryption key for daily" EnableKeyRotation: True Enabled: True KeyPolicy: Version: "2012-10-17" Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: "AWS": { "Fn::Sub": "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:root" } Action: - kms:* Resource: "*" BackupVaultWithDailyBackups: Type: "AWS::Backup::BackupVault" Properties: BackupVaultName: "BackupVaultWithDailyBackups" EncryptionKeyArn: !GetAtt KMSKey.Arn BackupPlanWithDailyBackups: Type: "AWS::Backup::BackupPlan" Properties: BackupPlan: BackupPlanName: "BackupPlanWithDailyBackups" AdvancedBackupSettings: - ResourceType: EC2 BackupOptions: WindowsVSS: enabled BackupPlanRule: - RuleName: "RuleForDailyBackups" TargetBackupVault: !Ref BackupVaultWithDailyBackups ScheduleExpression: "cron(0 5 ? * * *)" DependsOn: BackupVaultWithDailyBackups